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Seborrheic keratoses are seen in older adults and are raised blood pressure medication and lemon juice purchase toprol xl 25 mg otc, pigmented lesions of thickened epidermis. A lentigo is a focus of melanocyte hyperplasia that produces a brown macule; in older individuals, lentigines are known as senile lentigines or age spots and are commonly found on the hands. Melasma is most often a masklike area of facial hyperpigmentation associated with pregnancy. A xanthoma is a localized dermal collection of lipid-laden macrophages associated with hyperlipidemia. A quickly developing change in a pigmented lesion suggests the possibility of melanoma. Some melanomas are familial, arising from conditions such as dysplastic nevus syndrome. Most melanomas occur sporadically, however, and are related to sun exposure, as may occur in a lifeguard. Basal cell carcinomas are nodular, slowly enlarging lesions most common on the head and trunk and are related to sun exposure. An intradermal nevus can produce a pigmented nodule, but microscopically it is composed of nests of small nevus cells, and the lesions increase minimally in size over time. Melanomas have very atypical spindle to epithelioid cells that invade the dermis; they tend to change in appearance over weeks to months, not years. A verruca vulgaris, or wart, also has a rough surface, but such lesions are more common on the hands and feet, and they may regress after several years. It is lined by squamous epithelium that desquamates keratinaceous debris into the center of the expanding cyst. Acne produces comedones, most typically on the face and upper trunk of adolescents and young adults. A fibroepithelial polyp is a skin tag that projects from the surface of the skin on a narrow pedicle. A trichoepithelioma is a form of a benign adnexal tumor, which is uncommon; it is a subcutaneous nodule usually seen on the head, neck, and upper trunk. Xanthomas are soft, yellow nodules that may form in the dermis from collections of lipid-laden macrophages in individuals with hyperlipidemia. They are believed to arise from the action of epidermal growth-promoting factors produced by neoplasms. Involvement of the skin in Langerhans cell histiocytoses typically occurs in children; they produce reddish papules or nodules or erythematous scaling plaques because the Langerhans cell infiltrates in the dermis. The erythematous rashes that develop in systemic lupus erythematosus are the result of antigen-antibody complex deposition and often exhibit photosensitivity.

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A leiomyosarcoma is an uncommon lesion in women and usually produces a large uterine mass arteria musculophrenica best purchase toprol xl. Despite abundant stored iron stores, such anemias are caused by impaired transfer of iron from macrophages to developing erythroid cells. Hepcidin is synthesized in the liver and normally released in response to increased intrahepatic iron levels. Hepcidin inhibits ferroportin function in macrophages and thus prevents transfer of iron. Even if one could transduce the fibrillin-1 gene into T cells, the protein cannot be delivered to the extracellular matrix. Marfan syndrome does not have abnormal lysosomes, and the vascular disorders are not the result of atherosclerosis accelerated by dietary factors. The left figure panel shows a costochondral junction in which the palisade of cartilage is lost, with widened irregular trabeculae with uncalcified osteoid. Compare with a normal costochondral junction in the right panel with orderly transition from cartilage to new bone. Exposure to sunlight is essential for synthesis of vitamin D from endogenous sources. Sufficient vitamin D reduces the risk for cancer, inflammatory conditions, and atherosclerosis. Lack of dietary fresh fruits and vegetables can lead to scurvy from vitamin C deficiency, with poor osteoid formation, but other connective tissues would also be affected. Hypopituitarism could lead to reduced growth hormone with reduced stature but no deformities. Mutations affecting collagen genes could lead to osteogenesis imperfecta with risk for fractures. Trauma leads to fractures, and the callus of healing fractures has an orderly process of ossification. Polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor affect can be involved in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Squamous metaplasia (shown) in the respiratory tract increases the risk of infection; desquamation of keratin debris forms the nidus of urinary tract calculi. Cystic fibrosis leads to an increased risk of respiratory tract infections, particularly infections caused by Pseudomonas, from widespread bronchiectasis; the skin and eye are not affected. Kartagener syndrome can lead to bronchiectasis from an altered respiratory tract epithelium in which the ciliary dynein arms are absent; situs inversus is present, but not eye and skin changes. Grasping the arms of the infant strongly and pressing or hitting the head against a hard surface increases the risk of internal injuries, including fractures.

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The inflammatory infiltrate too extends beyond the portal tracts into surrounding hepatic parenchyma hypertension headaches toprol xl 50 mg order on-line. Cholangitis, sterile or pyogenic, with accumulation of polymorphs around the bile ducts. The fibrous septa contain prominent lymphoid infiltrate and proliferated bile ducts. Clinical features of the three types of biliary cirrhosis are variable: Primary biliary cirrhosis may remain asymptomatic for months to years. The patients present with persistent pruritus, dark urine, pale stools, steatorrhoea, jaundice and skin pigmentation. The earliest laboratory finding is a markedly elevated serum alkaline phosphatase level. Death usually results from hepatic failure, variceal bleeding, intercurrent infections and concomitant development of cancers of liver and breast. The patients of primary sclerosing cholangitis may remain asymptomatic or may show features of cholestatic jaundice (raised alkaline phosphatase, pruritus, fatigue). Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Possibly autoimmune; association with other autoimmune diseases Middle-aged women Male: Female = 1:9 Alkaline phosphatase Conjugated bilirubin Autoantibodies present Chronic destructive; cholangitis of intrahepatic bile ducts Secondary Biliary Cirrhosis Extrahepatic biliary obstruction; biliary atresia Any age and either sex Alkaline phosphatase Conjugated bilirubin Bile stasis in bile ducts, and sterile or pyogenic cholangitis Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Possibly autoimmune; association with inflammatory bowel disease Middle age Male: Female = 2:1 Alkaline phosphatase Conjugated bilirubin Hypergammaglobulinaemia Fibrosing cholangitis with periductal fibrosis 627 Feature 1. Pathologic changes the contrasting features of three main types of intrahepatic disorders leading to biliary cirrhosis are summarised in Table 21. The condition is characterised by a triad of features- micronodular pigment cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus and skin pigmentation. Males predominate and manifest earlier since women have physiologic iron loss delaying the effects of excessive accumulation of iron. A general discussion of iron metabolism and iron excess states is given on page 41. Normally, the body iron content is 3-4 gm which is maintained in such a way that intestinal mucosal absorption of iron is equal to its loss. In haemochromatosis, however, this amount goes up to 4 mg/day or more, as evidenced by elevated serum iron (normal about 125 g/dl) and increased serum transferrin saturation (normal 30%). In idiopathic or hereditary haemochromatosis, the primary mechanism of disease appears to be the genetic basis in which the defect may either lie at the intestinal mucosal level causing excessive iron absorption, or at the post- absorption excretion level leading to excessive accumulation of iron. The excess iron in primary haemochromatosis is deposited mainly in the cytoplasm of parenchymal cells of organs such as the liver, pancreas, spleen, heart and endocrine glands. The last-named phenomenon is observed in Bantu siderosis affecting South African Bantu tribals who consume large quantities of home-brew prepared in iron vessels. Cases of secondary haemochromatosis have increased iron storage within the reticuloendothelial system and liver. Excessive deposition of iron in organs and tissues is ferritin and haemosiderin, both of which appear as golden-yellow pigment granules in the cytoplasm of affected parenchymal cells and haemosiderin stains positively with Prussian blue reaction. The organs most frequently affected are the liver and pancreas, and to a lesser extent, the heart, endocrine glands, skin, synovium and testis.

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No single device shows a consistently lower rate of dysphagia arteria jugularis externa purchase toprol xl 50 mg free shipping, though all appear to be better than tracheal intubation in this regard (7). Direct Laryngoscope Blades Two blades, each with a unique manner of application, are in common use. The Macintosh (curved) blade is used to displace the epiglottis out of the line of sight by placement in the vallecula and tensing of the glossoepiglottic ligament. The Miller (straight) blade reveals the glottis by compressing the epiglottis against the base of the tongue. Both blades include a flange along the left side of their length, which is used to sweep the tongue to the left. The Miller blade is considered superior in the patient who has a small mandibular space, large incisors, or a large epiglottis. With either blade, the laryngoscopist must strive to avoid rotating the wrist and laryngoscope handle in a cephalad direction, bringing the blade against the upper incisors. Extending either blade style too deeply can bring the tip of the blade to rest under the larynx itself, so that forward pressure lifts the airway from view. In this maneuver, the larynx is displaced (B) backward, (U) upward, and (R) to the right, using pressure (P) over the cricoid cartilage (8). A variety of methods can be used to verify that the tracheal tube has been successfully placed into the larynx and trachea. These methods include seeing humidity in the tracheal tube, chest rise and fall, full return of the tidal volume during expiration, auscultation of breath sounds, and detection of sustained end-tidal carbon dioxide. Airway Bougies Airway bougies are low-cost adjuncts that can aid with intubation when a poor laryngeal view (Cormack-Lehane grade 3 or 4) is obtained. These semiflexible stylets can be blindly manipulated under the epiglottis and into the trachea. Optical Stylets Optical stylets incorporate both optical and light source elements into a single stylet-like stainless steel shaft. The first widely available videolaryngoscope was the Glidescope, which has a 60-degree angulated blade. These scopes have an anatomic shape with a near right angle between the handle-oral segment and the pharyngeal-hypopharyngeal segment. The channels are aligned with the laryngoscopic view so that, once the glottis is visualized, a preloaded, lubricated tube is advanced through the channel. Control of Gastric Contents Risk of Aspiration Preventing pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents is a primary concern during airway management. Clear liquids can be administered to children and adults up to 2 and 3 hours, respectively, prior to anesthesia without increased risk for regurgitation and aspiration (10). Reduction of gastric acidity can be achieved with the aid of H2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors, which also reduce gastric volume. Sodium citrate oral solution increases gastric pH (more alkaline) and is best administered within 1 hour preoperatively. Did You Know As many as 96% of failed attempts at intubation with direct laryngoscopy can be rescued with a videolaryngoscope.

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An 80-year-old female received midazolam 2 mg for premedication for an uneventful 30-minute gynecologic procedure (propofol infusion and fentanyl) useless eaters hypertension zip purchase toprol xl cheap. On a postoperative visit, 8 hours after operation on the upper arm under interscalene block, the patient complains of diplopia and hoarseness. A 45-year-old female underwent open abdominal hysterectomy 24 hours previously under spinal anesthesia. On the postoperative visit, she complains of throbbing headache, and diplopia in the sitting or standing position, which is relieved when she lies flat. The difference between a somatic efferent nerve and the typical autonomic nerve efferent pathway is: A. Somatic efferent nerve cell bodies traverse the posterior root of the spinal cord D. In the preoperative assessment clinic you suspect a patient has autonomic dysfunction. Anatomy the kidneys are paired retroperitoneal organs that lie obliquely in the upper part of the paravertebral gutters. The kidneys are supplied by the renal arteries, and the right renal artery passes posterior to the inferior vena cava. The renal artery enters the hilum and usually divides to form the anterior and posterior branches. The renal veins drain the kidneys and also receive venous drainage from the suprarenal gland, gonads, diaphragm, and body wall. The sympathetic innervation arises from the celiac and intermesenteric plexuses and travels with the renal arteries. The parasympathetic innervation is derived from the splanchnic nerves which include pain fibers. The renal parenchyma is enclosed by a tough but thin fibrous membrane (except for the hilus) and is divided into two distinct regions: the cortex and the medulla. The cortex is the outer portion of the kidney and contains alternating bands of cortical labyrinth (glomeruli and convoluted tubules) and parallel arrays of straight tubules (medullary rays). The medulla is the deeper part of the parenchyma and is divided into an outer region, which contains the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, and the inner region, which is marked by the absence of loops of Henle. The outer region of the medulla is itself divided into an outer and inner stripe, which are defined by the presence (outer) or absence (inner) of proximal tubules. Tubules in the medulla are arranged into pyramids, which are oriented with the base toward the cortex and the tip (papilla) toward a minor calyx to where urine drains.

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The resistance to blood flow through the hepatic capillary bed increases pulse pressure widening 50 mg toprol xl with visa, causing portal hypertension. Systemic manifestations of cirrhosis and portal hypertension are listed in Table 28-3. Hemostasis Laboratory tests in cirrhotic patients often show alterations in the procoagulant system. Thrombocytopenia develops as a result of decreased production and increased splenic sequestration. Fibrinolysis may occur in cirrhotic patients because of decreased clearance of tissue plasminogen activator. Cardiac Cirrhosis and portal hypertension cause an increased production of vasodilators, usually causing a hyperdynamic circulation with high cardiac output and low systemic vascular resistance. A large amount of blood is sequestered in the splanchnic bed, causing a decreased effective circulating volume. Produced in the liver, heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, brain, and red blood cells. Also increased with hemolysis, rhabdomyolysis, tumor necrosis, myocardial infarction. Protein loss through the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys and increased catabolism can also cause hypoalbuminemia. Markedly elevated in patients with hepatic encephalopathy, when hepatic urea synthesis is disrupted. Elevated in hepatobiliary disease, closely tracks alkaline phosphatase in timeline. Indirect (unconjugated) hyperbilirubinemia happens in prehepatic disease, while direct (conjugated) hyperbilirubinemia is present in intra- or extrahepatic bile duct obstruction. Hepatorenal syndrome is an extreme manifestation of the systemic circulatory derangement in cirrhosis. Portal hypertension also causes hepatopulmonary syndrome (liver dysfunction, unexplained hypoxemia, and intrapulmonary vascular dilatation causing right-to-left shunting) and portopulmonary hypertension (pulmonary hypertension with no other known cause in patients with portal hypertension). Gastrointestinal bleeding, increased oral protein intake, dehydration, infections, and worsening liver function can precipitate this condition.

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Nodular and diffuse glomerulosclerosis are typical changes in diabetic nephropathy that can occur following loss of pancreatic islet beta cells hypertension prevention generic toprol xl 50 mg buy online. Toxic injuries are most likely to damage tubular cells, leading to acute tubular necrosis. Nephrotic syndrome is not present, and mesangial IgA deposition is characteristic. IgA nephropathy occurs with increased frequency in patients with celiac disease and liver disease. With progressive glomerular injury and sclerosis, both kidneys become smaller, and their surfaces become granular. Regardless of the initiating cause, these "end-stage" kidneys appear morphologically identical. They have sclerotic glomeruli, thickened arteries, and chronic inflammation of interstitium. Polycystic kidney disease and amyloidosis would cause the kidney size to increase, not decrease. The normal hemoglobin A1c concentration indicates that the patient does not have diabetes mellitus. Nodular glomerulosclerosis is typical of diabetes mellitus with an elevated hemoglobin A1c. A renal biopsy specimen will show diffuse mesangial proliferation and electron-dense deposits in the mesangium. In these patients, some defect in immune regulation causes excessive mucosal IgA synthesis in response to viral or other environmental antigens. The parietal epithelium may react with proliferation to form crescents when fibrinogen leaks into the Bowman space with severe glomerulonephritis. Podocytes may by affected by many forms of glomerular disease, but singularly malfunction in minimal change disease. The characteristics of progressive renal damage include glomerulosclerosis (starting with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis) and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. With advanced renal destruction, hypertension almost always supervenes, even if it was absent at the onset of renal disease. Lens dislocation is a feature of Alport syndrome, from thinning of the anterior lens capsule. Hematuria is the most common presenting feature, but proteinuria is often present and may be in the nephrotic range. An X-linked pattern of inheritance is present in 85% of cases, but autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive pedigrees also exist. The foamy change in the tubular epithelial cells and ultrastructural alterations of the basement membrane are characteristic features.

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A biopsy specimen of the mass is obtained and microscopically shows effacement by lymphoid cells with lobulated nuclei having delicate arrhythmia access toprol xl 100 mg buy with amex, finely stippled, nuclear chromatin. The oncologist tells the parents that chemotherapy can be curative in vast majority of such cases. A Burkitt lymphoma B Follicular lymphoma 16 A 69-year-old man notices the presence of lumps in the right side of his neck that have been enlarging for the past year. Physical examination shows firm, nontender posterior cervical lymph nodes 1 to 2 cm in diameter. Which of the following features provides the best evidence for malignant lymphoma in this node In the past 2 days, large ecchymoses have appeared on the right thigh and left shoulder. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Acute myelogenous leukemia Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Chronic myelogenous leukemia Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 18 A 7-year-old boy has complained of a severe headache for the past week. On physical examination, there is tenderness on palpation of long bones, hepatosplenomegaly, and generalized lymphadenopathy. A bone marrow biopsy specimen shows 100% cellularity, with almost complete replacement by a population of large cells with scant cytoplasm lacking granules, delicate nuclear chromatin, and rare nucleoli. Which of the following combinations of phenotypic and karyotypic markers is most likely to be present in marrow cells from this boy On physical examination, she had palpable nontender axillary and inguinal lymph nodes, and the spleen tip was palpable. From the peripheral blood smear shown in the figure, which of the following is the most likely diagnosis Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Infectious mononucleosis Iron deficiency anemia Leukemoid reaction 19 A 66-year-old man has noted an increasing number and size of lumps over his body in the past 5 months. On examination, there is firm, nontender inguinal, axillary, and cervical lymphadenopathy. A biopsy specimen of a cervical node shows a histologic pattern of nodular aggregates of small, cleaved lymphoid cells and larger cells with open nuclear chromatin, several nucleoli, and moderate amounts of cytoplasm. Gross examination of the specimen shows a firm, white mass, 10 cm long and 3 cm at its greatest depth. Molecular analysis is most likely to show which of the following viral genomes in the lymphoid cells Physical examination of his abdomen shows lower abdominal tenderness with tympany and reduced bowel sounds. Surgery is performed and the resected mass microscopically shows sheets of intermediate-sized lymphoid cells, with nuclei having coarse chromatin, several nucleoli, and many mitotic figures. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma Burkitt lymphoma Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Follicular lymphoma Plasmacytoma Hematopathology of White Blood Cells 187 his face. A biopsy of the mass is performed and microscopic examination shows intermediate-sized lymphocytes with a high mitotic rate. Infection with which of the following viruses is most likely to be causally related to the development of these findings On physical examination, there is an enlarged, nontender, supraclavicular lymph node and enlargement of the Waldeyer ring of oropharyngeal lymphoid tissue. A lymph node biopsy specimen shows replacement by a monomorphous population of lymphoid cells that are twice the size of normal lymphocytes, with enlarged nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Acute lymphoblastic lymphoma Chronic lymphadenitis Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Hodgkin lymphoma Small lymphocytic lymphoma 26 A 61-year-old man reports back pain for 5 months. On physical examination, he is febrile, and diffuse rales are heard on auscultation of the lungs. A bone marrow biopsy specimen from this man is most likely to show increased numbers of which of the following Myeloblasts Small mature lymphocytes Plasma cells Reed-Sternberg cells Non-necrotizing granulomas 24 A 62-year-old man has experienced vague abdominal discomfort accompanied by bloating and diarrhea for the past 6 months.

Barrack, 43 years: Histoplasma capsulatum organisms are 2 to 4 microns and are often found within phagocytic cells. However, it is important to note that some dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel antagonists may inadvertently increase myocardial oxygen demand as a result of baroreceptor reflex­induced tachycardia, and as a result, may not consistently produce anti-ischemic effects in patients with coronary artery disease.

Mufassa, 47 years: Syphilitic aortitis may produce aortic root dilation and possible rupture, but this is much less common than aortic dissection resulting from hypertension and atherosclerosis. Which of the following parasitic infestations is the most likely cause for these findings Ancylostoma duodenale Ascaris lumbricoides Cryptosporidium parvum Enterobius vermicularis Schistosoma mansoni 52 A 31-year-old woman had increasingly severe diarrhea 1 week after returning from a trip to Central America.

Lester, 36 years: With inspiration, the basal alveoli are exposed to greater ventilation, while the apical alveoli see minimal ventilation, as illustrated by the change in distention between the alveoli from rest to inspiration. Hypergammaglobulinemia with a monoclonal protein (M protein) may be present in multiple myeloma, but not in breast cancer.

Grompel, 56 years: Adenocarcinoma Carcinoid tumor Hamartoma Kaposi sarcoma Large cell carcinoma 75 A 24-year-old man has had increasing dyspnea for the past 10 weeks. Which of the following additional complications is the patient most likely to develop as a result of this disease process Adenocarcinoma Enterocutaneous fistula Intussusception Liver abscess Mesenteric artery thrombosis 55 A 49-year-old woman has had abdominal cramps and diarrhea with six stools per day for the past month.

Tufail, 50 years: The relative percentage of each form is determined by the dissociation constant (pKa) and surrounding tissue pH. The cyst wall contains variable amount of collagenised fibrous tissue which may occasionally have deposits of haemosiderin or calcium salts.

Silas, 52 years: Subcutaneous emphysema can extend into the thorax or mediastinum, as capnothorax and capnomediastinum, and in the upper torso or neck as Treatment should include deflation of the abdomen and reinflation at lower pressures with confirmation of correct cannula positioning. If the operating room is unusually cold or high fresh gas flow is being used, which requires vaporization of a large volume of anesthetic, the temperature in the vaporizing chamber may drop.

Karlen, 53 years: A 16-year-old male with a family history of malignant hyperthermia is undergoing an inguinal hernia repair. Video 5-1 Renal Regulation of Water 87 88 Clinical Anesthesia Fundamentals Urine drains from a pyramid tip (papilla) into a minor calyx.

Masil, 21 years: Notably, the negative isomer of dobutamine begins to stimulate the 1 adrenoceptor at infusion rates >5 g/kg/ min, an action that limits the magnitude of 2 adrenoceptor-mediated vasodilation. Prior radiation therapy results in fibrosis, but it is not likely to be localized to the right ventricle; improving techniques that focus the beam and synchronize it with breathing motion reduce cardiac damage when treating chest cancers.

Eusebio, 42 years: The most commonly used resuscitation fluids are isotonic salt solutions and colloids, whose compositions are listed in Table 23-7. During childhood, intellectual disability is exhibited, but the child is able to perform activities of daily living.

Ramon, 34 years: Convulsions that persist despite adequate oxygenation and ventilation should be promptly treated with titrated doses of the most readily available sedative hypnotic agent (such as midazolam [0. Patches of leathery-appearing (shagreen patches) and hypopigmented (ash-leaf patches) skin were scattered over her body.

Innostian, 59 years: Meningiomas are circumscribed, solid mass lesions adjacent to the dura; they may be multiple in patients with neurofibromatosis. Laboratory testing for glucose and insulin levels and autoantibody formation is performed on a periodic basis.

Lars, 30 years: When evaluating a patient preoperatively for noncardiac surgery, which of the following is considered a major risk factor for cardiovascular complications in the perioperative period Which of the following would place the patient at greatest risk for malfunction of the pacemaker It is recommended that the perioperative blood glucose level of diabetic patients be maintained in what range Repeat administration during surgery at intervals approximating 2 half-lives of the drug D. Human papillomavirus infection is associated with condylomata acuminata and with squamous epithelial dysplasias that show keratinocyte vacuolization and minimal inflammation.

Kaelin, 38 years: Myelinated nerve fibers have a sheath composed of a continuous series of neurolemma (derived from Schwann cells) that surround the axon and form a series of myelin segments. Raynaud phenomenon occurs in exposed, colder areas of the body, such as the fingers and toes.

Inog, 31 years: Intraoperatively, supine or head-down positioning and abdominal retractors can impair diaphragmatic movement and induce atelectasis and hypoxia. Histologically, there is clustering of small blue cuboidal or short columnar cells around a central lumen.

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