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In the new concept, the flow of the arterial pulsations into the cranium is considered to be sequential, beginning from the large subarachnoid arteries at the skull base to the small arterioles in the parenchyma pregnancy after 40 100 mg serophene buy overnight delivery. The bulk flow of blood that remains after the pulsations have been filtered out continues through the capillary pathways and represents a windkessel mechanism. The ventricular pulsations exceed those in the subarachnoid space, and it is theorized that a transmantle pulse pressure gradient and subsequent ventricular expansion result. This theory is now being explored by mathematical models and experimental studies in the laboratory and in the clinical setting. Brain edema contributes extra volume to the intracranial contents in the form of water. Trauma may induce intracerebral collections of blood in extradural, subdural, subarachnoid, or intraparenchymal locations, which each contribute extra volume. In several of these conditions, a direct addition of intracranial volume is not the primary cause. Brain edema is a specific pathologic process arising in response to a wide range of cerebral pathologic changes. At the turn of the 20th century, Reichardt38 reported differences between a dry swollen brain and a wet edematous brain. Klatzo39 subsequently paved the way for all future discussions of edema by introducing the terms cytotoxic and vasogenic to indicate intracellular and extracellular water accumulation, respectively. The latter of these is traditionally associated with an open blood-brain barrier and fluid leakage. First, for brain tissue water to rise, even under cytotoxic conditions, water has to enter the tissue from an external source, the most likely of which is blood vessels. It is the pathologic cause and the final site of edema accumulation that must distinguish these phenomena. Furthermore, studies in traumatic brain injury have suggested that the vasogenic component of injury may have been overemphasized40,41 and that the importance of a disrupted blood-brain barrier lies in the provision of a low-resistance pathway for movement of water to cells that are swelling cytotoxically. Pressurevariedover a wide range, calling normal-pressure hydrocephalus into question. Current guidelines for diagnosis and management of idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus are now available. This range was arrived by consensus in a meeting of experts on the basis of their experience and what was reported in the available literature. Later, in a study of 151 patients diagnosed with idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus, it was confirmed that the lumbar pressure measured in these patients varied over a wide range47. Thus, the term normal-pressure hydrocephalus has been questioned as pressures varied considerably from the so-called normal pressure defined by Ekstedt.

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The superior soleus nerve is situated in the midline, just posterior to the tibial nerve 2 menstrual periods one month cheap serophene 25 mg buy. An effective soleus neurotomy is marked by the immediate intraoperative disappearance of ankle clonus. By retracting the tibial nerve trunk medially with a traction adhesive tape, the other branches can then be identified by electrical stimulation as they emerge from the lateral edge of the tibial nerve trunk. The most lateral branch is the popliteal nerve, followed by the tibialis posterior nerve and finally by the inferior soleus nerve and flexor digitorum longus nerves. Some fascicles, often larger, can give a toe flexion response via the intrinsic toe flexors. However, neurotomy of these branches is not recommended if they cannot be clearly individualized because they may be mixed with sensory fascicles. Anterior Tibial Neurotomy for the Extensor Hallucis this procedure is indicated for the treatment of permanent extension of the hallux (permanent Babinski sign), which makes wearing shoes difficult. It may sometimes be indicated after unjustified sectioning of the flexor hallucis tendon in which a disequilibrium is created that favors the extensor. A vertical incision is centered on the junction between the tibialis anterior and the extensor hallucis, at the middle third of the leg. The tibial nerve is situated deeply between these two muscles, and the neurotomy is performed on the motor branch to the extensor hallucis. Femoral Neurotomy for the Quadriceps Femoral neurotomy is indicated to treat excessive spasticity of the quadriceps muscle. This muscle is often spastic, which can interfere with gait by limiting knee flexion during the swing phase. Given its "strategic" importance in maintaining upright posture, a motor block is an essential part of the preoperative evaluation. The neurotomy involves the motor branch to the rectus femoris and vastus intermedius muscles. The distal trunk of the tibial nerve (7) contains five to eightfasciclesaveraging1mmindiametereach;twothirdsofthem are motor fascicles with a third being sensory fascicles. Electrical stimulation is essential given the large number of sensory fascicles of this nerve that must be spared. Opening the epineurium allows the fascicles of the nerve to be dissected; the motor fascicles are distinguished from the sensory ones with a nerve stimulator. Median Neurotomy for the Wrist and Fingers Surgery on the Upper Limb Pectoralis Major and Teres Major Neurotomy for the Shoulder Neurotomy of collateral branches of the brachial plexus innervating the pectoralis major or the teres major is indicated for spasticity of the shoulder with internal rotation and adduction. The clavipectoralis fascia is then opened and the upper border of the pectoralis major muscle reflected downward. Close to the thoracoacromialis artery, the ansa of the pectoralis muscle is identified with the aid of a nerve stimulator. For the teres major, the skin incision follows the inner border of the teres major from the lower border of the posterior head of the deltoid muscle to the lower portion of the scapula. The lower border of the long portion of the brachii triceps constitutes the upper limit of the approach.

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Several studies have questioned the safety of their use129 and demonstrated ways in which pathologic changes can be worsened women's health clinic norman serophene 100 mg lowest price. Efforts to decrease the formation of vasogenic edema include prevention of cerebrovascular hypertension and appropriate choice of fluid resuscitation. Control of systemic and cerebrovascular hypertension is especially important when intracranial hypertension exists or when cerebral autoregulation is impaired. Sodium nitroprusside is commonly used now for rapid control of blood pressure in adult critical care; however, despite its highly efficacious action, prolonged use is not considered safe because of a risk of cyanide ion toxicity. In a laboratory study using inflated balloons to produce intracranial hypertension, sodium nitroprusside, nitroglycerin, and trimetaphan were used to reduce mean arterial pressure by 20%. Propranolol has been shown to be superior to hydralazine for control of hypertension in head-injured patients because propranolol decreases both cardiac demands and serum levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine. Approximately 10% to 15% of head-injured patients are hypotensive because of either the injury itself or associated injuries. Some authors have found no difference, whereas Tranmer138 showed a definite advantage with use of the colloid hetastarch. The incidence of seizures is 4% to 25% after injury and 50% after penetrating injuries. Both osmotic and loop diuretics are widely used and can treat both vasogenic and cytotoxic edema. This effect draws free water from the brain into the intravascular compartment along the osmotic gradient. The drugs used most commonly for increasing intravascular osmolality are mannitol, urea, and glycerol. Complications with osmotic therapy are dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and, with extreme hyperosmolarity, renal failure. Fluid replacement is aimed at preserving isovolemia while increasing serum osmolality. Osmolality should not exceed 320 mOsm/kg because the renal tubule can be easily injured, especially if other nephrotoxic drugs are used concomitantly. Maintenance of high serum mannitol levels can lead to penetration of mannitol into injured brain,178 especially in areas of blood-brain barrier deficiency. In this case, the osmolality of brain tissue will tend to draw water into the tissue and worsen edema. Glycerol can also cause hemolysis and renal failure when it is administered parenterally. The addition of furosemide increases the likelihood of dehydration and loss of potassium. Hypothermia was first reported for treatment of brain injury in the mid-20th century. It is useful to consider a few rare cases in which the skull limits expansion of the brain.

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This will eventually allow the stabilization of the head in proper position and should allow the head to remain in this fixed position throughout the procedure premier women's health yakima discount serophene 25 mg with mastercard. The pins are placed behind the ears to reduce potential obstruction of fluoroscopic images that are later obtained. The head is then flexed until the bridge of the nose is approximately 45 degrees from the horizontal axis. This final position should allow the surgeon to comfortably operate under the microscope while giving sufficient room for the C-arm if needed. Knowing how to correctly position a patient is perhaps as critical as knowing which procedure one should perform, for even the most well thought out surgical plan can be undone by positioning the patient improperly. By obtaining a firm grasp on potential options, the operating neurosurgeon is able to choose the procedure that best suits each particular patient, rather than operating on a variety of intracranial pathologic processes through a limited number of approaches. McCormick To obtain optimal outcomes from spinal surgery, any operation must be performed effectively and safely. Achieving the surgical objectives depends, in part, on the surgical field being positioned in a way that facilitates the procedure. The surgeon must select the appropriate surgical approach and then position the patient properly to ensure a safe surgical corridor. Appropriate positioning and attention to detail will minimize the probability of complications and facilitate the surgical procedure. An improvement over this system is the combination of a foam head holder and a rigid support. A mirrored base holds the support and allows the anesthesiologist to ensure that there is no pressure on the eyes. This offers the greatest degree of control of the position of the head and cervical spine, but intraoperative repositioning is cumbersome. Craniocervical traction may also be used for spinal surgery in the prone position. Gardner-Wells tongs are the standard equipment for this; several weights totaling at least 15 lb should also be available. Operations in the supine position, such as anterior cervical procedures and anterior lumbar fusions in the distal lumbar spine (L3-S1), are easily performed with such a table. Reversing the table may improve clearance under the table for the fluoroscopic unit. A lateral approach for thoracic, thoracolumbar, and lumbar procedures may also be performed on an electric table. For thoracoabdominal and retroperitoneal flank approaches, it is often helpful to place the level of pathology at the table break and flex the patient laterally. A posterior approach for thoracic and lumbar procedures may also be performed on a standard operating table with either a Wilson frame or padded bolsters.

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It must be recognized that shortening of a drain decreases overall shunt resistance, thus making it potentially more susceptible to overdrainage menstruation quizlet purchase serophene 50 mg otc. The hydrodynamic resistance of the drain is inversely proportional to the fourth power of its diameter. Contrary to popular opinion, a shunt constitutes a complex hydrodynamic system of highly nonlinear flow characteristics. A wide variety of shunt products (more than a hundred generic types, with numerous subtypes and performance levels-not including some homemade devices in use in developing countries) are manufactured. There is little systematic knowledge available with which their comparative cost-effectiveness can be judged by the practicing surgeon. This type is in contrast to silicone membrane valves, in which the operating pressure may vary within a range of 4 to 6 mm Hg in low, medium, or high ranges. Randomized trials have failed to demonstrate the superiority of different types of valve construction. Generally, a shunt consists of three parts: inlet tubing (ventricular or lumbar drain), which is a thin short tube with an inner diameter of 0. Moreover, the low internal diameter may result in susceptibility to blockage from small particles. They can be as large as erythrocytes or even larger protein particles, choroidal debris, or other particulate matter. In addition, membrane and ball-on-spring valves can be permanently opened by particles the size of erythrocytes (as illustrated by experiments with graded-diameter microspheres or blood). A flow-regulating (Siphon Guard) device such as that used in the Hakim programmable valve limits excessive flow but may permanently increase the hydrodynamic resistance of the shunt system to very high values and cause intracranial hypertension. A gravitational device (Shunt Assistant) is potentially free of major problems but is still unable to limit overdrainage caused by nocturnal vasocycling. Open-end distal catheters perform very differently from slitopening catheters (or distal slit shunts). Hydrodynamic resistance depends dramatically on whether the end is wet or dry and on positioning. This illustrates the historically established belief that the distal slit valve may become partially or completely obstructed, depending on its environment in the abdominal space. In some cases, the very high hydrodynamic resistance is an attribute of the valve itself, as in the Orbis-Sigma valve, and this may prevent posture-related overdrainage. However, contrary to lowresistance valves, this valve stabilizes flow, not differential pressure. Therefore, patients suffering from high vasogenic pressure waves but with a normal baseline pressure level may not improve because the shunt cannot suppress the magnitude of the pressure oscillations.

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The basic mechanism of this intervention is transport of extracellular water to the intravascular space menstruation stopped cheap serophene 25 mg buy line. This osmotic gradient remains the overriding mechanism, but other mechanisms of action are increased cerebral blood flow from transient hypervolemia and hemodilution resulting in a decrease in blood viscosity. Mannitol is typically used in a 20% solution, and the agent is excreted through the kidneys. The effect is apparent within 15 minutes, and failure to respond to mannitol is a sign of poor compliance and failing compensatory mechanisms. Not infrequently, it is a reason for decompressive surgery to allow more volume expansion within the skull. The adverse reactions of mannitol, including congestive heart failure and profound pulmonary edema, are a result of rapid intravascular expansion. Brief hypotension, caused by a sudden reduction in peripheral vascular resistance in reaction to a sudden osmotic load, is the most common side effect of administration of hypertonic saline and can be avoided by slow administration lasting 10 to 15 minutes. No cases of central pontine myelinolysis were documented after treatment with a 23. This treatment is far from benign, however, and is associated with multiple complications, including myocardial depression, infections, hypotension, and skin breakdown. Vasopressors are commonly needed to maintain blood pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure. Therapy is usually maintained for several days until stabilization of the clinical situation. Barbiturate therapy can be withdrawn slowly by reducing the infusion rate by 50% each day, but because of a very prolonged halflife, improvement in consciousness may not occur for 7 to 10 days. Their assessment will lead to further evaluation and often initial measures to prevent further worsening. Deterioration in a patient with an acute brain injury is disease specific but predictable. In many instances, neurological deterioration is due to further displacement of brain tissue and, eventually, brainstem displacement. A unilateral fixed dilated (varying from a difference of 2 to 5 mm) pupil is seen early and can be followed by bilateral fixed pupils. This course, however, can be mimicked by acute lesions in the thalamus that suddenly extend asymmetrically to the mesencephalon. Lesions in the cerebellum may produce compression of the brainstem, but more often at the pontine level.

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The fields generated are very weak, and hence very sensitive devices are required to detect them menstrual app purchase serophene on line amex. For these reasons, the device remains expensive and available only in research centers. The intracarotid sodium amobarbital procedure, also known as the Wada test, is used to determine which side of the brain is responsible for certain essential cognitive functions, namely, speech and memory. One other important application of intracranial electrodes is that they can be used for cortical mapping or stimulation to identify the central sulcus and eloquent cortex, respectively, and their relationship to the proposed area of resection. The disadvantages are that implantation involves surgical risk and that the sampling area is relatively small, restricted to the tissue in immediate proximity to the recording electrodes. EpiduralElectrodes Epidural electrodes are used infrequently and generally only for lateralization and approximate localization of the seizure onset. These electrodes record only from the lateral convexity of the cerebral hemispheres and are limited in their spatial resolution. The information also determines whether resection of the candidate region is possible without significant risk for additional cognitive or neurological deficits. Common problems that may lead to the need for intracranial electrode recordings are the following: (1) the seizure onsets are lateralized. The strips are single columns of electrodes that can be placed mainly over the lateral convexity or over the frontal or temporal lobes,31 but also in other less accessible regions such as the interhemispheric fissure. As with the other subdural electrodes, the strip is placed on the surface of the brain and records directly from the cortical surface. Although strip electrodes can be used for lateralization of seizure onset by being inserted through bur holes over, for example, the temporal lobes in each hemisphere, they are more commonly used for localization purposes in conjunction with grid electrodes, which offer additional coverage of adjacent areas of the cortical surface that abut the craniotomy site. Usually, rectangular grid arrays of 32 to 64 electrode contacts are used to maximize coverage over the craniotomy site. The grids are used to record from extratemporal regions and cannot be used to record from deeper cerebral structures such as the mesial temporal structures, which are often involved in medically refractory partial epilepsies. The main advantage of grid and strip electrodes is that they do not penetrate cerebral tissue and can record from a relatively wide area of the cortical surface. They can also be used for extraoperative cortical stimulation for mapping of specific areas of cortical function. Their disadvantages are that they have a small but significant rate of complications such as epidural and subdural bleeding, edema, or infection, often with an associated decrease in the level of consciousness and focal neurological signs. They are most useful in cases of suspected mesial temporal lobe epilepsy in which the phase I investigation failed to show unilateral seizure onsets. Common methods for placement include the orthogonal, occipital, and parasagittal approaches.

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The exact posterior extent of resection of the hippocampus to improve outcomes is unknown, but at least one prospective trial correlated improved outcome with more aggressive resection of the hippocampus menstrual jelly like blood order serophene. On the dominant side, the surgeon limits resection of the superior temporal gyrus to avoid a possible postoperative language deficit. One must be careful with resections extending posteriorly beyond these measurements because there is increased risk for injuring the geniculocalcarine tract with resultant homonymous hemianopsia. A general anesthetic is administered, and bladder and arterial cannulations are performed. Before incision, hyperventilation therapy and intravenous mannitol can be used to relax the brain and minimize retraction during surgery. The patient is positioned supine on the operating table with the head rigidly fixated by a head clamp attached directly to the operating table. The position of the head is important because optimal positioning allows the surgeon to access the mesial structures with less retraction on the temporal lobe. Optimal positioning includes placing an ipsilateral shoulder roll to minimize torsion on the neck and then turning the head 30 degrees from the midline so that the operative side is up. The head is slightly extended to bring the sylvian fissure to a perpendicular plane to the operating approach. Finally, dropping the vertex down toward the floor allows the surgeon easier access to the mesial structures and allows less retraction on the temporal lobe. Once positioned, the hair in the frontotemporal region is clipped, and a "reverse question mark" incision is made from just above the zygoma, extending back in the temporal region to the posterior part of the pinna and then curving anteriorly just above the insertion of the temporalis muscle. A larger skin flap is not necessary and may lead to increased risk for cosmetic deformity. The skin incision is carried out staying in the plane above the temporalis fascia. Care should be exercised as one dissects along the anteriorsuperior temporal gyrus and temporal pole to avoid injury to the outflow of the sylvian vein where it enters the sphenoparietal sinus. If significant variations in the venous pattern exist, modifications of the lateral resection should be attempted to minimize disruption to these veins. In the worst-case scenario, the operation can be converted to a selective transcortical or transsulcal amygdalohippocampectomy (when removal of the mesial temporal structures is the goal of the operation). After the posterior line of resection is marked, dissection begins along the superior temporal gyrus a few millimeters inferior to the sylvian fissure.

Bram, 50 years: Because a previous attack of mumps confers lifelong immunity, a past history of the disease excludes this cause. A standard does not exist for the duration of time required after bone flap infection before cranioplasty may be performed. A,Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery T2-weighted image showing a nonspecific area of high signal, possibly edema, near the vertex (arrow).

Grompel, 62 years: If mental status and the neurological examination have not normalized within minutes after the event appears to end, however, two questions must be answered as rapidly as possible. Kaufmann and associates described more variable results with transections deviating from the perpendicular and at varying depths. Recordings of cortical field potentials are a common experimental paradigm, and both synaptically evoked and spontaneous signals can be detected.

Rhobar, 36 years: Attempts at seizure control with transcranial magnetic stimulation have used repetitive stimuli. Such a process includes a number of fundamental steps: (1) neurological examination, (2) neurosurgical evaluation, (3) neuropsychological testing and eventual psychiatric examination, (4) neuroimaging, and (5) medical clearance. Although the magnitude of contamination and the virulence of the contaminating organism certainly contribute to the rate of infection, all surgical wounds become inoculated with bacteria to some extent at the time of surgery, but in only a small percentage of patients does this contamination lead to clinical infection.

Silas, 48 years: In untreated cases, cultures should be expected to be positive in 20% to 90% of patients. After the dura is exposed and the surface vessels controlled with diathermy, the dura is opened and reflected inferiorly. There are some valves and valve settings, however, that are poorly suited for adult hydrocephalus and will likely result in a higher complication rate.

Knut, 60 years: This study used two leads, each containing four electrode contacts (either lead can be a subdural strip electrode or a depth electrode), placed in or near the seizure focus as determined by clinical evaluation. The Haemophilus vaccine is recommended for highrisk individuals with complement deficiency, which predisposes them to such meningitis. This will eventually allow the stabilization of the head in proper position and should allow the head to remain in this fixed position throughout the procedure.

Kurt, 49 years: Some of the surviving layer V pyramidal neurons stain positive for iron, with loss of dendritic spines and decreased dendritic branching. These patients often have reduced plasma volume, thus making them more susceptible to the systemic vasodilatory effects of anesthetic agents, which can result in cardiovascular instability and labile blood pressure intraoperatively. If the latter is true, it offers the possibility of tailoring treatment to an individual patient.

Ateras, 37 years: Consequently, it is likely that we will Full references can be found on Expert Consult @ The principle is simple: the host has a finite number of entry points for pathogenic organisms, some naturally present and some introduced iatrogenically. Nonantibiotic ototoxic agents include nitrogen mustard, which produces cochlear damage and injures the vestibular organ to a lesser extent. Other cerebellopontine angle tumors are also seen, including meningiomas, epidermoid cysts, cholesterol granulomas, and neurofibromas.

Tom, 39 years: An infarct of the optic nerve head occurs as a result of occlusion of one or more of the posterior ciliary arteries. The choice of targets for lesioning or stimulation procedures is now strongly influenced by our knowledge of the anatomy of the basal ganglia­ thalamocortical circuits. Weak preoperative performance on measures of nonverbal memory and dominant-side operations were associated with improvement, whereas advanced performance preoperatively and older age were associated with deterioration.

Kippler, 65 years: As discussed earlier, extratemporal lobe epilepsy has a better prognosis for postoperative seizure control if a structural lesion can be identified on imaging as the seizure focus. It is also important to flex the knees and to ensure that the feet are in a relaxed, neutral position and not in forced plantar flexion. Low-threshold Ca2+ channels (or low voltage activated) are also characterized by relatively rapid opening and closing and are also referred to as "T-type" (transient) currents.

Will, 23 years: Finally, tumor histology cannot reliably be inferred from perfusion data because some of the lower grade cerebral tumors such as oligodendrogliomas can have markedly increased perfusion that would otherwise be more suggestive of higher grade tumors. This limits the effect of fluxes of systemic metabolism, such as occur with exercise, a meal, or starvation. The passage from closed to open (and visa versa) is referred to as activation (deactivation), whereas the passage from open to inactivated is called inactivation.

Jensgar, 52 years: The stylet is then removed and the electrode is immediately secured to the dural edge, if possible. Asymmetric postoperative visual loss after spine surgery in the lateral decubitus position. In any case, most investigators agree that the severity of the disorder and failure of nonsurgical treatment should be well established in any individual contemplating this procedure.

Gancka, 61 years: Measurements made under these circumstances are unlikely to suffer from systematic error. Lissencephaly ("smooth brain") refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by loss of the normal gyral pattern and significant disorganization of cortical laminar cytoarchitecture. An important subclass or variant of the cohort study, the natural history study, is discussed more fully later.

Alima, 45 years: In the four incisions for the portals, adapting sutures are applied to the musculature, and the skin is closed by suturing. Alcohol, which was used initially by Guttman for the treatment of disabling spastic paraplegia in 1953, was replaced by phenol (hyperbaric solution) in 1959 by Nathan. Although highly specific, indium 111­labeled white blood cells demonstrate poor sensitivity for the diagnosis of vertebral osteomyelitis.

Curtis, 46 years: Moreover, there is the potential for antibiotic resistance with careless administration. In the 1970s, legislation was passed in the United States that reiterated the importance of ethics boards in the selection of functional neurosurgery patients. Bruce and Bruce reported salvage of the bone flap in 11 of 13 patients simply by mechanical débridement of the bone flap to remove any necrotic or purulent debris and soaking the bone in antibiotic-containing solution and povidine.

Inog, 25 years: The other b-value is typically 0 sec/mm2, which reflects an image that does not have any motion-probing gradient applied (yielding so-called B0 images). The importance of the frontal lobes to human behavior became increasingly apparent from observing patients with diseases or injuries in that region. Mechanisms have been elucidated by studies involving hippocampal slices by Durand and colleagues83-91 and by Schiff and associates.

Faesul, 55 years: Recorded data can be stored on digital recording media such as hard disk drives or optical recording media. Experimental studies suggest that perivascular absorption may occur in the opposite direction of cerebral blood flow with absorption thereafter into the cervical lymphatics via the olfactory mucosa. The concomitant hydrocephalus, with resulting disruption of ependymal integrity, probably promotes subependymal proliferation of microglia and astrocytes.

Ugo, 54 years: Complete opening of the entire lateral ventricle through a transcortical incision from the insular cistern along the circular sulcus into the ventricle from the temporal horn to the tip of the anterior horn. The single-tailed electrode cables that some manufacturers provide can reduce the number of cables by combining multiple lead cables (up to 64 channels) into a single bundle, thus reducing the number of penetrations through the scalp. Passage of cefotaxime and ceftriaxone into cerebrospinal fluid of patients with uninflamed meninges.

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