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Correct: Structure 8 (E) Filtration slits are bridged by diaphragms that are composed of a single layer of transmembrane protein man health month order rogaine 5 cheap, nephrin. Mutation of the gene encoding nephrin would affect the filtration slits (gaps between pedicels). Tubular fluid will be most hypotonic at the junction of the distal straight tubule (also known as pars recta of distal convoluted tubule or thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle) and the distal convoluted tubule. This segment displays macula densa cells and produces dilute fluid by remaining impermeable to water while allowing transport of solutes. Tubular fluid is hypertonic in the thin segments of the loop of Henle (D, lined by simple squamous cells) due to the high osmolarity of medullary interstitium (countercurrent mechanism). Water is reabsorbed, thereby increasing the tonicity of the tubular fluid compared with that in the proximal distal convoluted tubule. Spontaneous fractures of bones (A) are seen in mutations of type I collagen (as in osteogenesis imperfecta). Correct: Instrumental in initial filtration of blood (C) Podocytes are initial parts of the nephron involved in filtration. Gaps between pedicels are filtration slits that form important components of the filtration barrier. Juxtaglomerular cells, which are differentiated smooth muscle cells in the walls of the afferent arte- 124 14. Correct: 4 (D) Cells being examined are principal (light) cells of the collecting ducts. Aldosterone (B) and the antidiuretic hormone (D) act primarily on principal cells of collecting ducts. The site of the parathyroid hormone (C) regulation of Ca2+ reabsorption is the distal tubules. Correct: Renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate (C) the boy is suffering from nephrotic syndrome. It classically presents with heavy proteinuria, minimal hematuria, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia, edema, and hypertension. Patients with nephrotic syndrome have hypoalbuminemia and profoundly decreased plasma oncotic pressures because of the loss of serum proteins in the urine. Also, constriction of afferent arterioles will decrease glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure. The site of parathyroid hormone (C) regulation of Ca2+ reabsorption is the distal tubules. Aldosterone (D) and antidiuretic hormone (E) act primarily on principal cells of collecting ducts.


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It is an uncommon cause of either prostate kegel exercises order 60 ml rogaine 5 fast delivery, but is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Patients often present with headache alone, but can also have seizures, focal neurological deficits, or cranial nerve palsies. Conclusions: New oral treatment options, including direct thrombin inhibitors and factor Xa inhibitors represent reasonable and safe alternatives for acute. There was no significant change in mortality rate, but a small significant increase in the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. There was no significant difference in rate of major bleeds between factor Xa inhibitors and warfarin treatment. Furthermore, factor Xa inhibitors resulted in significantly fewer intracranial bleeds and lower all-cause mortality. Conclusions: Use of factor Xa inhibitor for anti-coagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation offered better protection against embolic events than warfarin. Study: Systematic review and meta-analysis of 10 randomized-contro led trials of 2,925 patients testing the efficacy and safety of adjunctive endovascular intervention in patients suffering acute, ischaemic stroke in the anterior circulation versus medical therapy, including thrombolysis, alone. The majority of patients (86%) received stent retrievers and experienced higher than expected rates of recanalization (>58%). Conclu ions Endovascular therapy is safe and improves unc ional outcomes when added to medical care with thrombolysis when administered w thin 6-8 hours of large vessel, anterior circulation ischaemic stroke. A trend towards improved mortality exists with complete follow-up results of several key trials pending. Outcome: Primary composite outcome was stroke, myocardial infarction, or death during periprocedural period or subsequent ipsilateral stroke. Asymptomatic and symptomatic patients showed no significant between-group differences in either endpoint. Conclusions: the rate of periprocedural stroke, myocardial infarction, death, and sub equent ipsliateral stroke did not differ between carotid-artery stenosis patients treated with stenting or endarterectomy at 10 years of follow-up. Conclusions: In adults at high risk for cardiovascular events, ramipril reduced the risk of stroke, as well as other vascular events and overall mortality. Study: Meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials (n=5,152 patients) of the benefits and harms of fingolimod and other disease modifying drugs in treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Fingolimod use was associated with a higher incidence of adverse events and discontinuation within 6 months. Conclusions: Fingolimod significantly reduces disease activity in relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis compared to placebo but does not prevent disability. Its use is associated with adverse events and requires close patient monitoring, particularly within the first 6 months.

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As this condition has an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern prostate bph 60 ml rogaine 5 with amex, one of the parents is likely to have the disease (although sporadic cases can occur). Therefore, the parental kidneys should be evaluated if the diagnosis is suspected in the fetus. Oligohydramnios is the condition of decreased amniotic fluid volume relative to gestational age. Amniotic fluid is necessary for normal lung development; therefore, fetuses with prolonged oligohydramnios will suffer from pulmonary hypoplasia at birth Top 3 Differential Diagnoses y Bilateral renal failure or outlet obstruction. In the second and third trimesters, fetal urination is an important contributor to amniotic fluid volume. Therefore, lack of urine production or inability to excrete urine produces fetal oligohydramnios. Specific causes of oligohydramnios include renal failure involving both kidneys (renal agenesis, renal dysplasia, muticystic dysplastic kidneys, and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease) and severe urinary outflow tract obstruction (especially posterior urethral valves). It is important to remember that renal causes of oligohydramnios may not become evident until after 16 weeks of gestation when fetal urination becomes a significant contributor to amniotic fluid volume. In preterm cases, there may be a long latency period during which the fetus has decreased amniotic fluid (increasing the risk of pulmonary hypoplasia), as well as loss of the normal barrier to ascending infection (increasing the risk for chorioamnionitis). Decreased placental perfusion, which can result from various causes, will produce a hypoxic state within the fetus. When the fetus becomes hypoxic, there is redistribution of cardiac output, preserving blood flow to the brain. The kidneys respond to this decreased vascular flow by decreasing urine output (prerenal renal failure), resulting in oligohydramnios. Intrauterine demise of the fetus will result in decreased size of the gestational sac, as amniotic fluid is no longer produced and begins to resorb. Other signs of fetal demise are routinely visible, including absence of fetal cardiac activity, absence of fetal movement, overlapping cranial sutures, and maceration and edema of the fetal soft tissues. Diagnosis Premature rupture of membranes P Pearls y Prolonged oligohydramnios, regardless of cause, will result in pulmonary hypoplasia. Reevaluation of the relationship between amniotic fluid volume and perinatal outcome. The balance of fluid flow into the amniotic sac (fetal urination and lung fluid production) and out of the amniotic sac (swallowing and intramembranous absorption) determines the volume of amniotic fluid.

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During pregnancy prostate xts buy rogaine 5 60 ml without prescription, fibroadenoma may grow to a very large size because of hormonal influences and undergo infarction because it has outgrown its blood supply. These changes may result in varying sonographic appearances, including a complex cystic appearance. As it evolves, it may become hyperechoic and heterogeneous as the clotting process proceeds. Lactating adenoma is a benign solid and cystic breast mass that occurs in response to the physiologic changes that characterize pregnancy and lactation. Hyperechoic areas represent the fat content of milk due to lactational hyperplasia. Lactating adenoma occasionally displays suspicious features for malignancy, some of which may be attributed to infarction. Fibrocystic change is a physiologic finding consisting of varying degrees of cystic dilatation and cystic enlargement. The ultrasound features of fibrocystic change will vary depending on the predominating tissue component: cystic and/or solid proliferative. Diagnosis Lactating adenoma P Pearls y Galactocele is the most common benign cystic mass in a lactating female; the fluid resembles milk. The term phyllodes comes from a Greek word meaning "leaf-like," as its tumor microscopy exhibits papillary protuberances of epithelial lined stroma. The spectrum of phyllodes tumor ranges from low to high grade, with high-grade tumors tending to have intramural cystic spaces. Like fibroadenoma, phyllodes tumor is a fibroepithelial lesion, and cellular fibroadenoma is difficult to distinguish from phyllodes tumor on pathologic analysis. Phyllodes tumor appears as a dense circumscribed mass on mammography and as a hypoechoic mass on sonography. Imaging is not reliable in differentiating fibroadenoma from phyllodes tumor, and phyllodes tumor should be expected with a history of a rapidly enlarging circumscribed mass. At mammography, this mass appears as a circumscribed or lobulated round or oval mass possibly associated with dystrophic calcifications. At sonography, it appears as a circumscribed hypoechoic mass with homogeneous internal echoes. Because of aggressive growth of cancers across tissue planes and because cancers may elicit desmoplastic reaction, cancers are generally irregular in shape with spiculated margins. Other circumscribed breast carcinomas can include mucinous, medullary, and papillary carcinomas.

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Clinical success was higher with immediate ampicillin or amoxicillin versus placebo (73% vs prostate health vitamins discount rogaine 5 60 ml buy. Some evidence suggested greater success with immediate versus delayed antibiotics. No significant differences were seen in terms of comparative effectiveness of antibiotics. Antibiotics are somewhat more e fective than no treatment despite a higher ncidence of adverse effects, and generally are comparatively equal in effectiveness. With observation ensure follow-up and begin antibiotic therapy if the child worsens or fails to improve within 48-72 h of onset of symptoms. Common Infectious Pediatric Exanthems co P50 Pediatrics Infectious Pediatric Exanthems Disease. Caution to pregnant women with expsoure Significant pruritis Enanthem: vesicular lesions which may become pustular or ulcerate. A Multicentre, Randomized Controlled, Noninferiority Trial Pediatrics 2008;122:1064 1071 Study: Randomized contro led, open-label, 2 armed, noninferiority trial. Results: No significant difference in recurrence rate or in the rate of renal scarring between the prophylaxis and no prophylaxis group. Apgar Score Sign 0 Absent Absent No response Limp 1 <100/min Slow, irregular Grimace Some flexion of extremities Body pink, extremities blue (acrocyanosis) 2 >100/min Good, crying Cough/cry Active motion Completely pink Heart Rate Respiratory Effort Irritability Tone Colour Apgar Score Appearance (colour) Pulse (heart rate) Grimace (irritability) Activity (tone) Respiration (respiratory effort) Or: "How Ready Is this Child Interventions Used in Neonatal Resuscitation Intervention Epinephrine (adrenaline) Schedule 0. Part 13: neonatal resuscitation: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Gold standard in deciding when to initiate phototherapy for unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.

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Presentation depends upon the location of the mass; pain prostate cancer incidence cheap rogaine 5 60 ml buy on line, headache, and cranial neuropathies are common. Extradural meningiomas are relatively rare, accounting for fewer than 2% of cases. Intraosseous meningiomas are a subset of extradural meningiomas, most often involve the calvarium, skull base, or facial bones, and are centered in the diploic space. Diagnosis Chordoma P Pearls y Chordomas arise from notochord remnants; they are midline and characteristically bright on T2 sequences. They most commonly involve the cervical internal carotid and vertebral arteries; vertebral injury is most common in the V3 segment near the skull base where the vessel is most mobile. Early dissection can often present with complete occlusion of the vessel lumen preceded by a segment of tapered narrowing. Classic angiographic findings include the presence of an intimal flap or irregular segmental luminal narrowing. Dissections can be complicated by pseudoaneurysm, thromboembolic, or occlusive phenomena. First-line treatment involves anticoagulation with refractory cases necessitating endovascular or surgical intervention. Pseudoaneurysms are typically due to penetrating or blunt trauma and are frequently associated with arterial dissection. Pseudoaneurysms are commonly ovoid in appearance and located at the distal aspect of a stenotic segment. Doppler ultrasound of a pseudoaneurysm may demonstrate the classic "to-and-fro" appearance. Patients are at risk for expansion of the lesion with compression of adjacent structures and possible rupture. Treatment options include surgical resection/ reconstruction or endovascular stent placement with or without coil embolization of the pseudoaneurysm. Complete or partial vascular occlusion commonly occurs in association with blunt or penetrating neck injuries. Patients often present with a neck bruit or ischemic symptoms; however, up to 30% of cases may be asymptomatic. Endovascular treatment aims to close the fistula while preserving flow in the parent artery. Diagnosis Pseudoaneurysm of the right vertebral artery P Pearls y Dissections result from intimal injury; common findings include an intramural hematoma and intimal flap. The lesions are hypointense on axial T2 sequences (b) and demonstrate enhancement (c). The increased T2 signal intensity within the subcortical temporal lobe white matter represents normal myelination pattern (unmyelinated) for age.

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Surgical Margins for Squamous Cell Carcinoma Type of Lesion Low Risk High Risk* Surgical Margins 4 mm 5-10 mm *High risk features include: depth >2 mm prostate cancer uspstf purchase 60 ml rogaine 5, facial lesions, poorly defined borders, recurrent lesion, perineural invasion, po r differentiation, and type of lesion. Placing incisions parallel to relaxed skin tension lines minimizes widening/hypertrophy and helps to camouflage scars. Factors Influencing Wound Healing Local (reversible/controllable) General (often irreversible) Mechanical (local trauma, significant crush, avulsion, tension) Age (affects healing rate) Nutrition (protein, vitamin C, O2) Tobacco smoking Alcohol abuse Immunosuppression (steroids, chemo) Genetic predisposition to abnormal healing. Risk factors include: wound >8 h, severely contaminated, human/animal bites, immunocompromised, involvement of deeper structures. Risks for Tetanus Infection Tetanus-Prone >6 h >1 cm Crush, burn, gunshot, frostbite, puncture through clothing, farming injury Present Yes Yes Not Tetanus-Prone <6 h <1 cm Sharp cut. Reconstructive ladder - in order of increasing complexity s sf Classification of Skin Grafts 1. Various Tissue Grafts Graft Type Bone Cartilage Tendon Nerve Vessel Dermis Use Repair rigid defects Restore contour of ear and nose Preferred Donor Site Cranial, rib, iliac, fibula, scapula Ear, nasal septum, costal cartilage Palmaris longus plantaris (present in 85% population) oo ks. Ulcers or compromised tissues left to heal via secondary intention with dressings may need reconstruction with local or distant flap in select cases, vascular status of limb must be assessed clinically and via vascular studies. The mainstay of treatment is early and complete surgical debridement, combined with antimicrobial therapy, close monitoring, and physiologic support.

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Hemangioblastoma is classically an expansile intramedullary mass with serpentine flow voids mens health xbox 360 buy discount rogaine 5, often associated with a syrinx or cystic component and an enhancing mural nodule. Ependymomas, paragangliomas, and schwannomas can also be seen with flow voids related to increased vascular flow. They have ill-defined margins, which easily differentiate them from the well-defined vascular flow voids seen with spinal arteriovenous shunt lesions. Upward extension of a pituitary macroadenoma (>10 mm) from the sella is the most common cause of a suprasellar mass in adults. The best diagnostic clue is a sellar mass without separate identifiable pituitary gland. The classic appearance is a "snowman" configuration due to impression on the mass by the diaphragma sella. With cavernous sinus invasion, there can be carotid artery encasement (>two-thirds typically considered a sign of invasion). Malignant transformation is exceedingly rare, but macroadenomas can appear aggressive with skull base invasion. The classic pediatric case will present as a suprasellar mass with calcification and cystic change with rim or nodular enhancement. In adults older than 50 years, craniopharyngiomas are of the papillary subtype and present as a solid suprasellar mass without calcification. Aneurysm of the parasellar internal carotid artery should always be considered when a suprasellar mass is identified. Meningiomas arising from the diaphragma sellae can appear similar to a pituitary neoplasm; however, the pituitary gland will be identified separate from the mass. Dural thickening due to meningioma is more extensive than with a pituitary macroadenoma. Meningiomas more commonly cause internal carotid artery narrowing with encasement than is seen with pituitary macroadenomas. Diagnosis Aneurysm P Pearls y Macroadenomas are the most common suprasellar masses in adults; a "snowman" configuration is classic. Notice the early venous opacification just below the mass due to arteriovenous shunting within the lesion. Complete characterization is obtained with digital subtraction angiogram, which will define the arterial supply, size of the nidus, and location of venous drainage.

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Division at this early stage creates two chorions and two amnions (C man health care purchase cheapest rogaine 5 and rogaine 5, dichorionic, diamnionic). Division between 4 and 8 days (blastocyst stage) leads to formation of a blastocyst with two separate embryoblasts. Each embryoblast will form its own amnion within a shared chorion (A, monochorionic, diamnionic). Between 8 and 12 days, the amnion and amniotic cavity form above the germinal disk. Embryonic division leads to two embryos with a shared amnion and shared chorion (B, monochorionic, monoamnionic). Correct: Anembryonic pregnancy (E) Anembryonic pregnancy (blighted ovum) is an ultrasound diagnosis. It is a pregnancy in which the embryo fails to develop or is resorbed after loss of viability. Mild pain or bleeding may be present; however, the cervix is closed, and the nonviable pregnancy is retained in the uterus. In threatened abortion (A), the cervix remains closed, and slight vaginal bleeding with or without cramping may be noted. Incomplete abortion (B) is defined as the passage of some, but not all, of the products of conception from the uterine cavity. Bleeding and cramping usually continue until all products of conception have been expelled, and the cervical os is dilated. Ultrasound findings of presence of prominent vascular supply and feeding vessel associated with normal uterine gestation help make the diagnosis. In complete abortion (C), all of the products of conception have passed from the uterine cavity and 230 Decidua directly beneath blastocyst implantation is modified by trophoblast invasion and becomes the decidua basalis. The decidua capsularis (C) overlies the enlarging blastocyst and initially separates the conceptus from the rest of the uterine cavity. During early pregnancy, there is a space between the decidua capsularis and parietalis because the gestational sac does not fill the entire uterine cavity. The resulting apposition of the decidua capsularis and parietalis creates the decidua vera, and the uterine cavity is functionally obliterated. The syncytiotrophoblast (large, multinucleated, and fused cells referred to in the question) is responsible for invading the uterine endometrium during implantation. Skin (A, surface ectoderm), brain (B, neuroectoderm), lining of stomach (C, endoderm), and skeletal muscle (D, mesoderm) are formed from the inner cell mass. Correct: this is likely to be the secondborn child, and the neonate is suffering from a condition that is due to transplacental transport of maternal IgG antibodies. It classically results from D (Rh 0) antigen incompatibility, which may develop when a D- woman is impregnated by a D+ man and conceives a D+ fetus.

Vasco, 35 years: Tracheomalacia (A), bronchiolitis (C), asthma (D), and cystic fibrosis (E) patients present with wheezing (noisy expiration), but not stridor. In the infant (younger than age 1 year), there is direct vascular communication with the epiphysis across the growth plate. Both Alexander and Canavan diseases often result in macrocephaly in addition to the white matter manifestations. Asthma (D) is characterized by airflow obstruction consequent to a special type of inflammation in the airways that makes individuals more responsive to a wide range of triggers.

Volkar, 65 years: Nucleus ambiguus (A) supplies striated muscles that derive from pharyngeal arches 3, 4, and 6 (innervated by the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves). Failure of septation of truncus arteriosus (A, persistent truncus arteriosus), atresia of the tricuspid valve with accompanying atrial septal defect (C), severe pulmonary stenosis with accompanying ventricular septal defect (D, as seen in tetralogy of Fallot), an aorta that arises from the right ventricle and a pulmonary artery that arises from the left ventricle (E, transposition of great vessels)-all present with right-to-left shunts and consequent cyanosis. If a popliteal lesion has solid components or calcification, a Baker cyst is unlikely and additional cross-sectional imaging should be considered. Colonic pseudo-obstruction refers to large bowel dilatation without a mechanical cause or abrupt transition.

Topork, 38 years: They are most commonly found in the upper inner breast in a regional distribution, but may also be diffuse. Hypothalamic hamartomas are benign lesions that occur in children with gelastic seizures or precocious puberty. Although less common in infants, several cases have been reported in relevant literature. Unlike the rapid onset of pain seen with hemorrhagic cysts, chronic pelvic pain is a frequent complaint with endometriosis.

Sinikar, 56 years: Garlic gel was rubbed on the alopecia patches under dressing and left for 1 hour, twice daily for 3 months, in the garlic group. Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare biliary malignancy commonly seen in older men with painless jaundice and may be intrahepatic, hilar, or distal (common duct). Diagnosis Ductal carcinoma in situ, high grade P Pearls y Spot compression magnification views are used to evaluate the morphology and distribution of calcifications. Stratum corneum contains keratinocytes that are devoid of nuclei (B), while stratum lucidum is absent in thin skin (C).

Rocko, 55 years: Often associated with abdominal pain ± fever and chills Non-Inflammatory Diarrhea: No damage to the mucosal lining. Multiple lesions are associated with Ollier (typically unilateral) and Maffucci syndromes (also has soft-tissue venous malformations/hemangiomas). This is highly unlikely to present with multiple pathological fractures in the newborn, and it should not have an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. Recurrence of angular cheilitis may be prevented by eliminating offending organisms from their reservoirs.

Copper, 61 years: The pain started off in the periumbilical area 3 days before and was accompanied by severe nausea. Metastatic lesions may be solitary (~45%) or multiple, involving the gray­white matter junction, deep gray­white matter, and posterior fossa. After a livestock vaccination campaign in the 1950s, anthrax became a very rare disease in the United States, with only 409 cases (of which 18 were inhalational and the remainder cutaneous) described from 1951 to 2000. Although many recent trials have shown a benefit of endovascular carotid stent placement with distal embolic protection devices in many patient populations, current guidelines recommend this treatment only for high-risk surgical patients with symptomatic lesions of 70% stenosis.

Elber, 29 years: Extensions of the hip and knee are severely compromised with progression of the disease. The gallbladder may or may not fill depending upon the location and duration of obstruction. Oncocytoma is a benign renal tumor that accounts for only about 7% of renal neoplasms. Bishop Score Cervical Characteristic Position Consistency Effacement (%) Dilatation (cm) Station of Fetal Head 0 Posterior Firm 0-30 0 -3 1 Mid Medium 40-50 1-2 -2 2 Anterior Soft 60-70 3-4 -1, 0 3 ­ ­ 80 5 +1, +2, +3 Induction vs.

Akascha, 52 years: Correct: Omphalocele (E) the fetus is affected by omphalocele, in which abdominal viscera (covered by amnion) herniate through the umbilicus. Agenesis of the liver (A) is incompatible with life, and if anything, will produce unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Important imaging findings to consider for all posterior mediastinal masses include vascular encasement, intraspinal extension, rib splaying, and bony erosion. Both thalidomide dosages led to a significant suppression of oral ulcers at 4 weeks, and genital ulcers and follicular lesions at 8 weeks.

Bufford, 59 years: Sections from the I-band (B) or the Z disk (D) would contain only actin, while that from the M line (C) or the H-band (E) will contain only myosin filaments. Malignant tumors of the urethra are uncommon, and usually occur in individuals older than 50 years. Correct: 3, 1, 2, 5, 4 (D) the figure illustrates the excitation-contraction coupling within skeletal muscles. Conclusions: Multiple interventions have been found to significantly decrease falls in patients living in the community.

Angar, 51 years: Specific Investigations · the diagnosis of Becker nevus can be made on clinical examination. Panel E contains a monocyte, identified by the large size, kidney-shaped nucleus, and fine granules (azurophilic) within the cytoplasm. Causes include mucinous cystadenoma or cystadenocarcinoma, mucosal hyperplasia, and mucous retention cyst. Distinguishing Benign from Malignant Bone Lesions on X-Ray No periosteal reaction X-ray Findings · lytic, lucent, sclerotic bone · involvement of cortex, medulla, soft tissue · radiolucent, radiopaque, or calcified matrix · periosteal reaction · permeative margins · pathological fracture · soft tissue swelling bo f re.

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