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The only exception to this rule is nodular amyloidosis impotence natural home remedies safe 140 mg malegra fxt, in which perivascular amyloid deposition may also be encountered and in which the histology may bear a strong resemblance to systemic amyloidosis with cutaneous involvement. Typically, amyloid purpura occur above the nipple line, mostly on the head and neck, especially on the eyelids [47,113]. As purpura may be among the first signs of systemic amyloidoses, it is important to keep this sign in mind. The suspected diagnosis of amyloidosis may be the starting point for a multidisciplinary treatment approach as different organs may be involved [116]. Confluent white to yellowish, waxy, partially haemorrhagic papules or nodules can be found that predominantly occur on the face, eyelids and scalp. If the dermis is extensively infiltrated by amyloid, sclerodermalike skin changes (especially of the fingers) may occur, known as scleroderma amyloidosum Gottron. Among the hereditary subtypes, the most common is familial amyloid polyneuropathy due to the deposition of altered transthyretin (a protein of the prealbumin fraction) [117,118]. In contrast to apolipoprotein A1 amyloidosis, cystatin C amyloidosis is clinically asymptomatic with no skin signs, but histology may show typical amyloid deposition. Massive deforming cutis laxa, extensive petechiae and haemorrhages, as well as hypotrichosis or alopecia, can be seen in gelsolin amyloidosis, also known as Meretoja syndrome [121,122]. Therefore, antipruritic treatment should be one component of the treatment regimen. Due to the low number of affected patients, few treatment strategies have been studied and most of the treatment options are therefore recommended based on studies with small sample sizes or even on case reports. These options may be followed or combined with laser or surgical approaches in cases of localized lesions. Topical treatment Topical administration of steroids (occlusive dressings) or intralesional corticosteroid injections are the classic treatments [2]. Depending on clinical presentation, surgical treatment strategies may be helpful when conservative treatments are of limited efficacy. Efficient surgical treatment strategies involve excision and split thickness skin grafting [131], dermabrasion [132] and shave excision [70] as well as curettage and cautery [85]. Other modalities such as pulsed dye laser Management of cutaneous amyloidoses the treatment of the different forms of cutaneous amyloidosis remains a challenge for all medical disciplines involved. A multidisciplinary approach should be undertaken, and in cases of systemic amyloidosis the treatment of any underlying disease has the highest priority. Oncostatin M receptorbeta mutations underlie familial primary localized cutaneous amyloidosis. Suggestive linkage of familial primary cutaneous amyloidosis to a locus on chromosome 1q23. Systemic management There is one review of case reports discussing the effect of oral retinoids, such as acitretin, in the treatment of lichen amyloidosus [135]. Relief of pruritus, an improvement of the papules and discrete clearance of hyperpigmentation were observed after 4 months treatment with 0.


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Lesions are usually found on the upper central chest impotence penile rings purchase malegra fxt 140 mg fast delivery, over the back and accumulated as coagulated debris in the groins. Elderly patients may be paranoid, have mood disorders or have temporofrontal dementia. Younger patients may present with lesions on the scalp, face or arms and are invariably accompanied by parents or family. Significant psychopathology is common with schizoid thought disorder and social withdrawal. Specialist psychological therapy is usually necessary, either as day care or community psychiatric support. Malingering may be comorbid with conversion disorders [2], personality disorders [3] and other factitial behaviour. However, it usually differs from most factitial disease in being short term and opportunistic. Fear, desire and escape are the three main motives for producing false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological symptoms. Soldiers feigning disease and disability hope to avoid duty, suspend transfer or be discharged from the service [5]. Workers can prolong sick leave, delay corporate change of job or seek to obtain early retirement with an apparently extended illness. Some patients may seek compensation for a contrived illness, for example alleged burns, or aggravate and continue an existing disease, for example industrial dermatitis, out of a sense of grievance or retribution. Prolonged legal cases of supposed medical negligence are common in those with manufactured illness whose dissatisfaction with their doctors, or the care they have been given, may lead to a financial settlement as a reward [6]. Chronic, nonhealing, postoperative scars are manipulated with instruments, or even faecal injection, to maintain sepsis. Hand dermatitis, both irritant and allergic contact, may be perpetuated to seek higher compensation awards. Treatment depends on the underlying psychiatric illness, if significant psychopathology can be found, but the opportunist response in patients with an underlying personality disorder is poor [7]. Cases have been reported showing the facility with which they can attract attention, mobilize sympathy and control others. The guidelines for identifying cases mirror many of those discussed for dermatitis artefacta. The victims have a persistent or recurrent illness that cannot be readily explained. The reported symptoms are inconsistent with the presenting health and the symptoms fail to appear in the absence of a certain parent (usually the mother) [5]. The perpetrator is reluctant to leave the child even for a few minutes, but remains oddly impassive even in an emergency.

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Notably erectile dysfunction protocol does it work purchase genuine malegra fxt online, loss of cell adhesion within the epidermis led to severe dermatitis, multiple allergies and metabolic wasting. An upregulation of allergyrelated cytokines secondary to the loss of cell adhesion was also observed. These adhesion complexes insert into the dermal side of the lamina densa and are traversed by dermal collagen fibres to provide adhesion between the epidermis and dermis. Poor wound healing results in chronic wounds, mutilating scar formation and an increased incidence of early, aggressive cutaneous malignancy. Clinically, loss of corneodesmosin expression results in profound skin barrier disruption with marked inflammation and a predisposition to atopy as well as symptoms of pruritus. It contributes to cell adhesion, motility and intracellular vesicular transport of integrins. Both showed multiple recurrent infected skin blisters of the lower limbs followed by atrophy, nail dystrophy, bilateral lacrimal duct stenosis, sensorineural deafness, proteinuria and anaemia. A scalp skin biopsy from an affected individual was reported to show mild hair follicle plugging. In most individuals, blistering starts in childhood, but onset may be delayed until early adult life, only manifesting after strenuous physical activity. Hyperhidrosis of the feet is common; this increases friction, which also exacerbates blistering. The blisters usually heal without clinically significant scarring or milia formation, although both may infrequently be seen. The level of blistering occurs above the granular layer but because of the thicker stratum corneum in acral skin, the clinical consequences may be almost identical to blistering through the basal keratinocyte layer. Healing of blisters may leave mild hyperpigmentation; localized atrophic scarring affects approximately 40% of patients. Irregular hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles, eventually developing into a confluent keratoderma, first appears in childhood. Although usually mild, approximately 60% of patients have localized scarring and approximately 15% have milia. The nails rarely may be affected by acral blisters, but are only temporarily shed. Although blistering occurs throughout life, some patients are alleged to improve after puberty. Inheritance is autosomal dominant although approximately 30% of cases are sporadic (new mutations). In infancy, blistering may be severe and extensive with involvement of the mucous membranes, shedding of nails and formation of milia, the latter often occurring during the first week of life [1].

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Other antiepileptic drugs have been used off licence for treatment and for prophylaxis impotence young males generic malegra fxt 140 mg without prescription. The use of lamotrigine has become widespread, and topiramate and gabapentin have also been used. Lithium is the oldest of the mood stabilizers, but is still widely used and is effective in acute mania, prophylaxis of bipolar disorder and augmentation of treatment in refractory depression. It has a narrow therapeutic index and a wide array of side effects, especially on the kidneys and thyroid, and requires careful monitoring through blood tests. Lithium and anticonvulsants are known teratogens and should be avoided in women of childbearing age. They should only be used in this group with appropriate consideration of the risks and counselling about potential hazards if the patient becomes pregnant. Haloperidol has a wide range of uses, not only in psychoses, but also in tic disorders, hiccup and nausea. Some dermatologists have used it in the early part of their medical career to treat delirium in elderly inpatients. In elderly patients with dementia there is an association beween antipsychotic use and increased risk of stroke and transient ischaemia attack. There is a suggestion that quetiapine and aripiprazole have a lower risk of cerebrovascular accident. These risks should be considered before prescribing in the elderly, and appropriate monitoring should be undertaken. Psychological therapies the use of psychotherapies in disorders that combine somatic and psychological factors is widespread, but there is often confusion about how these conditions are defined, and the evidence base is Psychological therapies 86. An example of the difficulties in this area is given by a recent Cochrane review of conversion disorder [18] in which all but three of only 43 identified references were excluded on grounds of quality. The effect of an empathic approach can be very powerful in those cases presenting with emotional distress related to dermatological problems. Although efforts are constantly made to reduce stigma, some patients may feel stigmatized by both their skin and psychiatric symptoms. The opportunity to express their anxieties and fears may provide significant relief. It may be necessary for the clinician to question gently any defensive explanations that a patient uses for their symptoms. The effect of touch during examination has been described as relieving the anxiety of patients who feel stigmatized by their skin lesions.

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Both systolic and diastolic murmurs may be found depending upon the site of the lesion erectile dysfunction drugs in philippines malegra fxt 140 mg buy free shipping, and bacterial endocarditis can occur on the damaged heart valves. Treatment with corticosteroids increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease by contributing to hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and weight gain, such that patients on 30 mg of prednisolone have a 60% greater 2year risk of cardiovascular events compared with disease activitymatched patients no taking corticosteroids [218]. The myocardium may also be affected, resulting in cardiac failure, but this is rare [219]. Transient pleurisy is the most common feature, and in approximately twothirds of these cases some fluid develops, occasionally haemorrhagic. Diffuse pulmonary haemorrhage [223] and pulmonary infections must be considered within the differential diagnosis [220]. Pulmonary hypertension occurs rarely compared with systemic sclerosis and is likely multifactorial, with factors including vasospasm, vasculitis and thrombotic occlusion. The need for regular screening by urinalysis, blood pressure monitoring, assessment of renal function and early renal biopsy is critical [227]. The course is variable, and albuminuria and casts may persist for years without marked deterioration in renal function. Kidney damage, if this is going to develop, usually appears early (within the first 3 years) and is more frequent and severe in younger patients [227]. Thus, a renal biopsy in every patient with haematuria, proteinuria or elevation of serum creatinine is advised [226]. Gastrointestinal symptoms occur in about 50% of patients but are usually mild with anorexia, nausea and vomiting being the most frequent. Causes can include heart failure, proteinlosing enteropathy, constrictive pericarditis or lupus serositis. Liver disease is present in approximately onethird of patients, but it is usually mild and often asymptomatic. Histology usually shows steatosis (possibly related to glucocorticoid use) or mild hepatitis. Autoimmune hepatitis is diagnosed by the presence of interface hepatitis, hypergammaglobulinaemia and the presence of autoantibodies [237]. Using these case definitions, the prevalence of neuropsychiatric disease still varies from 37% to 95%. There is no direct correlation between neurological and psychiatric disease and clinical or laboratory indices of disease activity. Primary proposed mechanisms include vascular occlusion or haemorrhage, autoantibodymediated effects and cytokine effects [243]. Peripheral sensorimotor and autonomic neuropathy occurs, brought about by vasculitis in the vasa nervorum.

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There is great intra and interfamilial variability in the number impotence law chennai order discount malegra fxt on-line, size and location of lesions, confirming that the germline mutation is not sufficient to explain the disease. They are dark bluish to purple in colour, often hyperkeratotic, and Glomuvenous malformation 73. They can cause gastrointestinal haemorrhage with chronic iron deficiency and severe anaemia, intussusception, volvulus and infarction [104]. There is great variability in the number, size and location of lesions between affected individuals [89]. Chronic anaemia due to gastrointestinal bleeding necessitates iron supplementation and even blood transfusions. Aggressive surgical excision of all gastro intestinal lesions should be done in patients who require blood transfusions or who have frequent intermittent abdominal pain due to intussusception [104]. The signs and symptoms progress with time, causing grotesque deformities especially on the hands and feet. The most common secondhit is acquired uniparental isodisomy, which leads to cellular homozygosity for the inherited mutation [110]. There is great variability in the number, size and location of lesions between affected individuals. Some have a few inconspicuous, tiny, blue spots (often grouped), whereas others have extensive lesions [91]. They are cutaneous and subcutaneous, and rarely involve mucosa, deep muscles, joints or bones. Management When there is functional impairment, surgical excision of spindle cell haemangiomas and enchondromas is necessary. Pathophysiology Spindle cell haemangiomas are composed of thinwalled, venous like channels separated by spindled fibroblastic cells. Maffucci syndrome is a sporadic, noninherited disease and germline karyotypes are usually normal. Additional genes implicated in the pathogenesis of the syndrome may reside on 2p22. More than a dozen forms with the underlying gene identified are currently known and these explain about 40% of familial cases and 10% of sporadic cases [130,131]. Enchondromas are hamartomatous proliferations of chondrocytes leading to an abnormal endochondral ossification of the diaphysis or metaphysis of the bones. Patients with Maffucci syndrome have a significant risk for the appearance of skeletal and nonskeletal malignant lesions [125].

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Cutting and scratching are frequent erectile dysfunction most effective treatment 140 mg malegra fxt order mastercard, but other methods, such as grazing, burning with fire or chemicals, or the insertion of foreign bodies under the skin are also seen [1]. Cases of selfharm may present to accident and emergency departments with acute damage in need of treatment, or to the clinic with chronic lesions or scarring [2]. The relationship between such selfharming behaviours and suicide is complex and varies widely amongst cases. Authors have made a distinction between repetitive cases of selfmutilation that occur in the context of suicidal ideation, or ambivalence towards suicide, and those cases that clearly occur outside the context of suicidal ideation [3]. Deliberate selfharm has been associated with numerous other psychiatric conditions. Personality disorders, especially borderline type [8], are found in many studies and reviews. Another major group of patients who selfmutilate is found in those with learning disability. Psychological symptoms described by repetitive selfmutilators include dysphoria, anxiety, depersonalization and aggression. The act of selfmutilation may provide relief from the unpleasant emotions or compulsion to selfmutilate, and may also induce feelings of selfcontrol, power or euphoria. In addition, a marked reduction in pain sensation, or increase in pain tolerance, is described in selfmutilators, although this is not uniform. Reviews of biological correlates of selfinjurious behaviour have suggested changes in opiate, dopaminergic and serotonin systems [9]. One study found reduced imipraminebinding sites in platelets, a marker for serotinergic dysfunction, associated with self harm. Other proposed biological mechanisms are reinforcement of selfmutilating behaviour due to dysregulation of the dopamine system. The patient describes suicidal ideation, or ambivalence about continuing to live, at the mental state examination. The act may be in response to the symptoms of an underlying psychiatric illness, such as depression, substance misuse or schizophrenia. Vulnerable individuals may respond with parasuicidal behaviour to social or interpersonal stressors. Often a combination of psychiatric and social factors is elicited from the history. Patients often present to accident and emergency departments with acute lesions; in many areas, psychiatric screening of such cases by specialist services is standard. Some patients, however, commit these acts and do not present for emergency medical treatment.

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Acute bleeding is treated with fresh frozen plasma in order to correct deficient coagulation factors erectile dysfunction zenerx malegra fxt 140 mg buy on-line. Differential diagnosis Glossitis may be observed in other vitamin B deficiencies, including riboflavin deficiency, niacin deficiency, pyridoxine deficiency, folate deficiency and cobalamin deficiency. Epidemiology Incidence and prevalence Thiamine deficiency is rare in developed countries. Complications and comorbidities Latestage thiamine deficiency can result in Korsakoff syndrome, characterized by anterograde and retrograde amnesia. Disease course and prognosis Beriberi can be fatal, but prognosis is generally good if disease is caught early. Ethnicity Part 5: Metabolic & NutritioNal There is no ethnic predilection for thiamine deficiency. This is calculated by measuring erythrocyte thiamine transketolase before and after thiamine pyrophosphate stimulation [68]. Pathophysiology Predisposing factors Thiamine deficiency is observed in the context of malnutrition and poor dietary intake, inadequately supplemented parenteral nutrition, gastrointestinal malabsorption and increased metabolic requirements. Breastfed infants of thiaminedeficient mothers are also at risk for thiamine deficiency. Individuals who ingest a lowcalorie diet should maintain a minimum of 1 mg daily [69]. Clinical features History Fatigue, irritability, apathy, restlessness, nausea and vomiting are among the early signs of thiamine deficiency. Vitamin B2 Deficiency Definition and nomenclature Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a watersoluble Bcomplex vitamin. It is an essential cofactor for cellular oxidationreduction reactions and vitamin B6 metabolism. Dry beriberi has prominent neurological manifestations, including peripheral neuropathy and Wernicke encephalopathy. Aphonia, secondary to laryngeal nerve paralysis, is a characteristic feature of infantile beriberi. In 2003, a series of infants in Israel were diagnosed with thiamine deficiency as a result of being fed thiaminedeficient formula. Early symptoms included irritability, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhoea and developmental delay. Neurological disease was also noted, including upbeat nystagmus and ophthalmoplegia [67]. These coenzymes, along with a small percentage of free riboflavin, are found in milk, dairy products, meats, fatty fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and enriched breads. Epidemiology Incidence and prevalence Riboflavin deficiency is endemic in populations whose diets rely heavily on unenriched cereals, or lack dairy products and meats.

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Significant changes in the burden of disease over short periods of time erectile dysfunction pills free trials malegra fxt 140 mg buy free shipping, such as observed before and after German reunification, offer opportunities to detect environmental risk factors. However, the precise lifestyle and other environmental ingredients that are responsible remain to be determined. The psychological morbidity associated with a lifetime of scratching, sleep loss and the stigma of a visible skin disease can also affect families to a considerable degree, and there are emerging associations with attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome [35,36]. Genetics the importance of genetic factors in determining the expression of the atopic phenotype is reflected in data from twin studies. Therefore, although an undoubted central genetic effect is clear, almost one third of cases have strong environmental factors important in causality. Genomewide linkage studies screen the entire genome of family members to associate chromosomal regions associated with disease. Six genome screens have been reported from German/ Scandinavian (n = 839) [46], British (n = 383) [47], Swedish (n = 470) [48], Danish (n = 424) [49], Japanese (n = 287) [50] and French (n = 1317) [51] populations. Exploration of these other associations is underway, but has not yet been fully completed. Profilaggrin, made up of numerous repeats of filaggrin monomers, is expressed in keratinocytes, where it makes up the dominant component part of keratohyalin granules in the stratum granulosum. Keratinocytes undergo terminal differentiation to form the stratum corneum, during which dephosphorylation of profilaggrin is followed by cleavage with matriptase and other proteases [66]. Furthermore, most of the studies are underpowered or are not easily comparable due to phenotypically heterogeneous populations studied [58]. Most of these candidates have also been identified in association with other diseases especially asthma, allergic rhinitis and other inflammatory diseases. Tight junctions are important cellular adhesion molecules in the stratum granulosum which make up a paracellular barrier between keratinocytes which regulates movement of water and solutes through the epidermis [79]. However, it seems that these changes could be effected at least in part by increased activity of serine proteases enzymatic activity in the epidermis analogous to that seen in Netherton syndrome (see Chapter 65) [82]. Variables that were examined included latitude, altitude, average outdoor temperature and relative outdoor humidity. Urban versus rural living Other important areas for epidemiological investigations are those where people of a similar ethnic makeup and genetic background show significant prevalence differences within close geographical proximity [92]. A systematic review of 26 studies suggested that there was good evidence of higher eczema burden in cities compared to the countryside, and this was particularly the case in less affluent settings [93]. Where an attempt has been made to identify responsible environmental risk factors linked to urbanization, differences in hygienerelated exposures (parasitic, bacterial and viral infections, vaccination, antibiotics and farm environment), environmental pollution, including smoking, allergen exposure and sensitization, diet and infant feeding practices have received particular attention. Obesity and physical exercise Increasing numbers of children in affluent settings are overweight.

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In patients without associated connective tissue disease erectile dysfunction condom discount malegra fxt online amex, mild articular symptoms such as mild synovitis occur in 83%. Cervical or generalized lymphadenopathy and enlargement of the liver and spleen, which is sometimes considerable, may be found. The main renal abnormalities appear to be interstitial nephritis, renal tubular acidosis, impaired renalconcentrating ability and generalized aminoaciduria [14]. A high prevalence of fetal loss has been recorded, but there was no correlation with either anticardiolipin or antiRo antibodies [15]. Complications and comorbidities [18] the potential complications are many, and include cerebral vasculitis, renal disease and, most importantly, lymphoma, which may occur at any stage and should be suspected in a patient whose symptomatology changes and who becomes generally unwell. Differential diagnosis So variable is the clinical picture that the diagnosis is easily overlooked, except in the more obvious cases presenting with ocular or oral symptoms. As a consequence, the differential diagnosis is wide and depends on the presenting features. Infection, salivary Disease course and prognosis the disease is chronic, but variably progressive. Some patients have minor persistent sicca symptoms, but others will suffer more severe and variable disease. Outcome is influenced by any associated connective tissue disease, and most significantly by the occurrence of lymphoma, mainly of the nonHodgkin type. Biopsy of the labial salivary glands [5] or nasal mucosa [6] is useful, and the value of lip biopsy has been stressed, but a negative biopsy does not exclude the diagnosis [7]. Key references Treatment Symptomatic treatment for the dryness of the eyes is best accomplished by lubricating agents, such as 0. Artificial saliva can be prescribed, and steam inhalations or an air humidifier may help dryness of the respiratory tract [1]. Systemic corticosteroids are effective in reducing parotid swelling, but rarely increase parotid or lacrimal secretion. Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine sulphate by mouth have been found useful by some authors [2] but not by others [3]. Ciclosporin improved subjective xerostomia and may reduce histopathological progression [4]. There is no single therapy that helps hyperglobulinaemic purpura, although graduated compression hosiery may be valuable.

Grompel, 25 years: The generalized verrucosis may be severe and widespread, and involve all cutaneous and mucosal tissues. Differential diagnosis Wiedemann­Rautenstrauch syndrome should be differentiated from other syndromes that exhibit a progeroid phenotype at birth [2], for example, Petty­Laxova­Wiedemann syndrome [6] and Hallerman­Strieff syndrome [7]. Scalp erosions and chronic scalp infections may be severe enough to warrant surgical intervention with skin grafting [9].

Mazin, 53 years: In these patients, peptidoglycans from gastrointestinal flora may be the antigenic trigger for immune complex mediated vessel damage [1]. Ethnicity Tumoral calcinosis [11,12,13] is more commonly seen in Africa (southern, central and eastern) and Papua New Guinea. Inflammatory dermatoses associated with spinal injury should be treated with appropriate topical and/or systemic therapy.

Riordian, 33 years: Infantile hyalinosis, restrictive dermopathy and Hutchinson­Gilford progeria all present with tight skin but can be excluded by molecular analyses [5]. The collagen bundles appear stretched, and orientated in parallel lines, as they are in a tendon [4,5]. Deafness from involvement of the middle ear has been reported [22] as well as carcinoma arising from chronic oral and oesophageal lesions [91].

Darmok, 56 years: Patients should be monitored for infection to ensure timely instigation of antibiotics if needed. The numbers of patients who had coagulation and aluminium assays was small, thus biasing their conclusions. Second line therapies (targeted therapy) Beyond antihistamines, it is often possible to use additional treat ments off label that have been shown by clinical experience or limited trial evidence to benefit specific presentations of urticaria.

Tippler, 32 years: Epidemiology Calcinosis from calcium-containing heparin injections is more commonly seen in renal patients with abnormal calcium homeostasis [11,12] but has been described in patients without underlying predisposition [13]. In adults, other differential diagnoses include lichen myxoedematosus and myxoedema with hoarseness. Characteristically, established lesions may undergo sudden deterioration at the same time as new areas appear.

Daryl, 57 years: Initially, the erythema may be conspicuous and there may even be minimal serous crusting. Because up to half of the population present with the condition to some degree, it can be considered a variant of normal rather than a disease. A 50% reduction in skin scores, corroborated by biopsy and ultrasound measurements, was documented in 13/15 adults after a mean treatment duration of 9.

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