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Lasers also overcome the disadvantages of topical therapies acne blemishes buy bactroban with paypal, such as redness, burning, itching, etc. Topical therapy takes a long time, approximately 10 months, to depigment, with the possibility of only partial depigmentation and a relatively high failure rate and risk of repigmentation. With lasers, large areas can be depigmented in one sitting, as opposed to depigmentation performed using a bleaching agent. An additional advantage is that the risk of scar formation is lower due to controlled damage [21]. Bigger confluent areas of pigment on the extremities can first be treated with topical therapy. Combination therapy was seen to give better results than with any of the methods alone. If depigmentation is evident, a maximum size of 80 cm [2] can be treated in each session at an interval of 2-4 weeks under topical anesthesia. Within 3 months after each laser session, most treated areas would begin to repigment. Within 22 months, the patient was nearly clear of all pigment within the treated sites. Radmanesh [29] has demonstrated the use of cryosurgery for cost-effective rapid depigmentation that is permanent and has an excellent cosmetic result but can be done only over limited areas in each session. Inflammation develops within 24 hours of treatment, further contributing to destruction of lesions through immunologically mediated mechanisms. Mild freezing leads to a dermo-epidermal separation, which is useful in treating epidermal lesions. A 2-cm flattopped and round cryoprobe is held approximately 40 mm from the skin surface. The whole patch can be frozen with a single freeze-thaw cycle from the periphery and then by forming successive rows inward. Procedure should be terminated when a narrow (<1 mm) frost rim forms around the periphery of the cryoprobe. The rim can develop within 10-20 seconds by a cryogun connected to a container with barometric pressure above 80 kg/cm [2]. For lesions around the orbits or uneven areas of the nose, cryoprobes with smaller diameters may be required. After a week, a depigmented, unscarred, slightly atrophic, and erythematous smooth area appears.


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They are uncommon below the age of 45 years and very common over the age of 60 years skin care used by celebrities order bactroban with american express. As with seborrhoeic warts, solar keratoses may also cause minor symptoms and some cosmetic problems. Because of their capacity for local invasion and tissue destruction, they cause considerable morbidity. Squamous cell carcinomas are much less common, but can metastasize as well as cause local tissue destruction. Squamous cell carcinomas of the penis, lips, and ears have a bad reputation for metastasis. Malignant melanoma is slightly more common in the elderly compared with young age groups, but lentigo maligna is virtually restricted to the elderly. Management of skin disorders in the elderly Through no fault of their own, the elderly are often physically, socially, and economically deprived. Their housing, hygiene, nutrition, clothing, and means of heating may all be deficient, and this should be taken into account when designing treatments. If they live alone, as is often the case, they may well be 210 Concise Dermatology unable to find anyone to help with the application of ointments to body parts they cannot reach themselves or to assist with bandages because of lack of mobility. Older patients suffer from pruritus more severely and more frequently than patients of younger age groups. It must be remembered that the elderly may also have difficulty in hearing, understanding, and/ or remembering instructions, especially if these are complex and involve more than one medicament. If possible, instructions on the medications should also be given to an accompanying relative or legibly written out. The previously mentioned potential difficulties need to be taken into account when trying to help an elderly patient with a skin problem. The keratinocytes transform from metabolically active, cuboidal basal cells (stratum basale) to polyhedral cells of stratum spinosum to terminally differentiated, flattened, dehydrated, and dead corneocytes (stratum corneum) that are programmed to be shed off (desquamation). This complex and finely regulated process of differentiation is called keratinization. A human keratinocyte takes about 14 days to transit from the basal layer to stratum corneum. During this transit, the cell progressively loses its organelles and water content; there is polymerization and deposition of keratin filaments and filaggrin in the cytoplasm just beneath the plasma membrane and dissolution of the nucleus in the terminal stage. The end result, the stratum corneum, is a chemically and mechanically resistant barrier composed of stacks of protein-rich, anucleate, dead cells in a continuous matrix of extracellular lipid.

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The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualized examination and case analysis acne extraction cost of bactroban, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution, etc. Homeopathic remedies include Arsenic sulfate, silicea, sepia, sulfur, Kali carbonicum, Nutricum acidum, falvus, Arsenic album, Baryta mur, Calcarea carb, Bacillinum, Graphites, Merc sol, Natrum muriaticum, Nitricum acidium, Nux vom, Phos. Among these, Aristolochia indica root contains aristolochic acid, which might cause renal failure or cancer [15]. It postulates blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile as fluids to maintain equilibrium and their imbalance causes illness. In the morning, the water is consumed and the remaining herbs are applied on patches. Black seeds (kalonji) and fenugreek (methi) seeds: One pinch of black seeds and two pinches of fenugreek seeds are soaked in 1 cup of water and kept overnight. Sharbat-e-Musaffi: One to two teaspoonful of herbal syrup mixed in water is consumed two times a day. Because many skin problems are related to the liver, bowel function, and food allergies, liver-regulating herbs and bowel-strengthening herbs as well as a continuous course of probiotics may also be helpful [23]. Herbs used are Plumbago indica (Plumbaginaceae), Semecarpus anacardium (Anacardiaceae), Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgoaceae), Nigella sativa (Ranunculaceae), Terminalia bellerica (Combretaceae), Ammi visnaga (Apiaceae), Picrorhiza kurroa (Plantaginaceae), Ammi majus (Apiaceae), Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae), Tribulus terrestris (Zygophyllaceae), Silybum marianum (Asteraceae), and Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae). Though food additives are generally considered harmful in vitiligo, medical evidence for these harmful effects is not established. Preparative isolation and purification of psoralen and isopsoralen from Psoralea corylifolia by high-speed counter-current chromatography. A stimulatory effect of Cassia occidentalis on melanoblast differentiation and migration. Effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) on skin health: A systematic review of the clinical evidence. Picrorhiza kurroa, an Ayurvedic herb, may potentiate photochemotherapy in vitiligo. A review on traditional and alteranative [sic] treatment for skin disease "vitiligo". Viruddha ahara (incompatible food) has been described to be a premise for many skin diseases including swithra (vitiligo) in Ayurveda, which believes that whatever food we eat affects the body and the mind. Therefore, to prevent disease incidence, eating incompatible food should be avoided [11]. Desha (place) viruddha: To consume dry and unctous substances in dry and marshy regions respectively is incompatible. Consuming cold and dry substances in winter, while taking hot and pungent substances in summer is incompatible. Veerya (potency) viruddha: Cold potency substances in combination with those of hot potency.

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Obese patients should be asked whether the degree of protrusion of the abdominal wall is greater than usual acne rosacea treatment buy cheap bactroban 5 gm. Asthenic patients may feel themselves to be distended but have relatively little apparent abdominal protrusion. Assessment for the presence of bowel sounds and their character should precede any maneuvers that will disturb the abdominal contents. Before concluding that an abdomen is silent, the examiner should listen for at least 2 minutes and in more than one quadrant of the abdomen. If tenderness is detected, an assessment for rebound tenderness should be carried out next to look for evidence of peritonitis. If pain is emanating from one particular region, that area should be palpated last to detect involuntary guarding and muscular rigidity. Because these patients usually have a surgical emergency, abdominal examination can be done more completely once the patient is under anesthesia, just before laparotomy. Third, as noted earlier, a patient who is unstable or exhibits signs of shock should be evaluated by a surgeon before any imaging study is considered. The rectum and vagina provide additional avenues for gentle palpation of pelvic viscera. Laboratory Data the history and physical examination findings generally are not sufficient to establish a firm diagnosis in a patient with acute abdominal pain. Specific complaints and physical examination findings are coupled with appropriate imaging. Patients usually seek attention within the first 24 to 48 hours, although some may endure longer periods of abdominal discomfort. The most common reason for a patient to seek emergency department evaluation of abdominal pain is so-called nonspecific abdominal pain; between 25% and 50% of all patients who visit an emergency department for abdominal pain will have no specific disease identified. The distribution of the causes of abdominal pain in patients who present to an emergency department is shown in Table 11. Angiography may be useful not only for establishing a diagnosis of visceral ischemia but also for delivering therapy aimed at improving or re-establishing blood flow. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage, although seldom used now, is useful when a patient is too unstable from a cardiopulmonary standpoint to tolerate imaging studies. The finding of leukocytes in the lavage effluent in an unstable patient may, in extreme circumstances, constitute sufficient grounds for laparotomy. In a patient who is unstable and deteriorating and has signs of an acute abdomen, laparotomy as a diagnostic maneuver should be considered if imaging is considered prohibitively risky. Acute Appendicitis Acute appendicitis is a ubiquitous problem, accounting for approximately 5% of all emergency department visits for patients under 65 years of age21 and 30% of acute surgical abdominal emergencies in patients under 50 years of age worldwide. Acute cholecystitis is, in most cases, caused by persistent obstruction of the cystic duct by a gallstone. The pain of acute cholecystitis is almost indistinguishable from that of biliary pain, except that it is persistent.

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Emollients are important in management and mothers should be carefully instructed on their benefit and how to use them acne rash buy discount bactroban on line. Similarly, bathing should be in lukewarm water, with patting dry, rather than long-lasting hot scrubs with vigorous towelling afterwards. For more severely affected infants, topical tacrolimus (Protopic) or pimecrolimus (Elidel) has proved a useful alternative to steroids. Cradlecap the newborn often develop a yellowish scale over the scalp with very little other abnormality apparent. When the disorder develops after infancy and is severe, the possibility of virilization due to an endocrine tumor or adrenocortical hyperplasia has to be considered. Other signs of androgen overactivity, such as precocious muscle development and male distribution of facial and body hair, should be sought as indicators of this much more serious problem. Although the disorder usually subsides within a few weeks, it can be unpleasantly persistent. Treatment with mild topical agents is usually sufficient to control the problem, Tetracyclines should not be given as they can cause bone and tooth dystrophy in childhood and adolescence. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome this affects infants in the first few weeks of life but can occur in older children. There is a widespread erythematous eruption with striking desquamation of large areas of skin, as in a scald or burn. This toxin can be shown experimentally to cause shedding of the most superficial part of the epidermis and stratum corneum in the skin of the newborn. Skin problems in infancy and old age 207 Treatment should be with an appropriate systemic antibiotic such as flucloxacillin. The skin should be managed as for a burn, and concern over heat loss, dehydration, and severe infection is necessary. It is due to licking the lips and the skin around the lips, which become irritated and dry and are then licked to moisten them, making the situation worse. The treatment is to explain patiently the nature of the problem to mother and child and to use an emollient on the affected area. Treatment with emollients, topical corticosteroids, and weak tar preparations is recommended, but the disorder tends to resist treatment and eventually remits spontaneously. The exact cause of this odd skin disorder is obscure but is been suspected to be due to the occlusive footwear (towards sports or training shoes). Old age There is a growing acreage of elderly skin because of the staggering increase in the proportion of the population over the age of 60 years.

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Normal cellular proliferation and differentiation are essential to tissue homeostasis in all organs acne face chart purchase 5 gm bactroban amex, including the digestive tract. The neoplastic process involves a fundamental disruption of these mechanisms, which can give rise to cancer development and metastasis with the additional acquisition of other hallmarks of cancer. This chapter reviews mechanisms of normal cell growth and the fundamental cellular and molecular alterations that facilitate malignant transformation. At a fundamental level, neoplasia arises when cell proliferation escapes the homeostatic mechanisms that maintain this process in balance with senescence and programmed cell death. Cell proliferation occurs as cells divide, a process that occurs through an orderly set of steps referred to as the cell cycle. In preparation for cell division, there is a period of biosynthetic activity called the G1 phase that is typically associated with an increase of cell size. This phase is followed by precise duplication of the genome, designated the S phase. After an intervening gap period designated as the G2 phase, mitosis occurs during the M phase. Cells may exit this cycle of active proliferation before reaching the R point and enter a quiescent phase known as G0. These proteins are expressed in specific parts of the cell cycle and regulate the G1/S and G2/M checkpoints. Thus, loss of Rb expression also accomplishes more rapid progression to S phase and is another genetic lesion seen in many tumors. During these gap phases, the cell is synthesizing proteins and metabolites, increasing its mass, and preparing for the S phase and M phase. Apoptosis Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death that is genetically programmed and executed by specific proteases known as caspases. Apoptosis is an important mechanism that counterbalances cell proliferation; thus, escape from normal apoptotic mechanisms plays a critical role in oncogenesis. A complex interplay of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic molecules results in downstream activation of caspases that mediate cell death. The mitochondrial step is regulated by the interplay between proapoptotic (Bax, Bak) and antiapoptotic (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL) molecules. Activation of caspase-8 (downstream of death receptor) or of caspase-9 (as a result of apoptosome formation), leads to activation of executioner caspases (3 and 7) which are responsible for targeting downstream targets that are responsible for cell death. Apoptosis routinely occurs during normal development to facilitate tissue patterning. Similarly, a number of stress situations, including tissue inflammation, can trigger apoptosis.


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Other changes include a reduction in water content from 70% in the keratinocytes to 30% in the stratum corneum skin care images buy genuine bactroban on line, and the laying down of a chemically resistant, crosslinked protein band at the periphery of the corneocyte. This protein band is made up of the polypeptides involucrin, loricrin, and cornifin. Of major importance to the barrier function of the stratum corneum is the intercellular lipid which, unlike the phospholipid of the epidermis below, is mainly polar ceramide and derives from the minute lamellar bodies of the granular cell layer. It takes about 28 days for a new keratinocyte to ascend through the epidermis and stratum corneum and desquamate off at the skin surface. This process is greatly accelerated in some inflammatory skin disorders, notably psoriasis. This process depends on the dissolution of the desmosomes by the action of chymotryptases, which become activated near the surface. Melanocytes, unlike keratinocytes, do not have desmosomes but have long, branching dendritic projections that transport the melanin they synthesize to the surrounding cells. Melanin is a polymer that is synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine with the help of a copper-containing enzyme, tyrosinase. The number of melanocytes per unit of body surface area is variable, depending on the site of the body but the density of melanocytes is the same in all humans, irrespective of race. The racial differences in complexion are attributed to the distribution and size of melanosomes, which disperse melanin to the keratinocytes. Localized increase in the synthesis of melanin leads to the development of freckles. Melanocytes in benign proliferation are referred to as nevi, and the malignant ones are known as melanomas. Langerhans cells Langerhans cells are also dendritic cells but are found within the body of the epidermis in the Malpighian layer rather than in the basal layer. Additionally, the number of Langerhans cells is also reduced in psoriasis, sarcoidosis, contact dermatitis, etc. Merkel cells these are slow-adapting mechanoreceptors located in the basal layer of the epidermis. They have important clinical bearing because of the association with the development of Merkel cell carcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma. The junctional zone the junctional zone has considerable functional importance and is vital to understanding the pathophysiology of bullous disorders and many other skin diseases. Desmosomal processes from the basal keratinocytes, known as hemidesmosomes, 6 Concise Dermatology are inserted into an electron-dense lamina (basal lamina). Below the electron-dense lamina, there is an electron-lucent area (lamina lucida).

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Pathogenesis It is a reaction pattern to many triggering factors due to immune mechanisms acne 10 cheap 5 gm bactroban overnight delivery. Delayed hypersensitivity also plays a role with the predominance of T lymphocytes in the lesions. Infections such as herpes simplex virus, orf, mycoplasma, coccidioidomycosis, and histoplasmosis; drugs such as sulphonamides and penicillin; and vaccination may trigger it. Differential diagnosis Acute exanthematic eruptions following drugs and infections; autoimmune bullous disorders; vasculitis. Erythema nodosum A painful inflammatory disorder in which crops of tender nodules occur in response to antigenic stimuli. Pathogenesis It is a cutaneous reaction pattern (panniculitis) to various infections, drugs like penicillins, inflammatory diseases like connective tissue diseases, granulomatous diseases like sarcoidosis, and malignancies like lymphoma. Differential diagnosis Other forms of panniculitis, polyarteritis nodosa, nodular vasculitis, pretibial myxedema. Annular erythemas There are several disorders that are marked by the appearance of erythematous rings, which usually gradually enlarge and then disappear. Various annular erythemas are granuloma annulare, erythema annulare centrifugum, erythema gyratum repens, and erythema migrans. Pathogenesis Immunologically mediated inflammation surrounding the blood vessels and altering collagen and elastic tissue. Clinical features Usually asymptomatic, occurs from months to years, firm, smooth, shiny, skin-colored to erythematous beaded annular plaques on the body. Investigations Pathology-necrobiosis of connective tissue surrounded by a wall of palisading histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells. Treatment Topical and intralesional steroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors like tacrolimus. Course and complications Generally, their significance is uncertain, but erythema gyratum repens, signifies the presence of an underlying visceral neoplasm and erythema chronicum migrans indicates the presence of Lyme disease.

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A randomized phase iii clinical trial of plecanatide skin care collagen generic bactroban 5 gm without a prescription, a uroguanylin analog, in patients with chronic idiopathic constipation. Effect of tegaserod in chronic constipation: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Prucalopride accelerates gastrointestinal and colonic transit in patients with constipation without a rectal evacuation disorder. Clinical trial: the efficacy, impact on quality of life, and safety and tolerability of prucalopride in severe chronic constipation-a 12-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Prucalopride (Resolor) in the treatment of severe chronic constipation in patients dissatisfied with laxatives. Efficacy of prucalopride in the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation: systematic review and meta-analysis. Safety assessment of prucalopride in elderly patients with constipation: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Treatment of chronic constipation with colchicine: randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. Misoprostol in the treatment of chronic refractory constipation: results of a long-term open label trial. Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous neostigmine for ileus, acute colonic pseudo-obstruction, or refractory constipation. A randomised controlled study of the effect of cholinesterase inhibition on colon function in patients with diabetes mellitus and constipation. Pyridostigmine for the treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms in systemic sclerosis. Effect of different doses of chenodeoxycholic acid on bile-lipid composition and on frequency of side-effects in patients with gallstones. Chenodeoxycholate in females with irritable bowel syndrome-constipation: a pharmacodynamic and pharmacogenetic analysis. Relamorelin relieves constipation and accelerates colonic transit in a phase 2, placebo-controlled, randomized trial. Controlled randomised trial of visual biofeedback versus muscle training without a visual display for intractable constipation. Effect of the ingestion of a symbiotic yogurt on the bowel habits of women with functional constipation. Efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine for the management of constipation: a systematic review. A systematic review of sacral nerve stimulation mechanisms in the treatment of fecal incontinence and constipation. Physiological tests to predict long-term outcome of total abdominal colectomy for intractable constipation. Proctocolectomy with restorative ileoanal reservoir for severe idiopathic constipation. Laparoscopic-assisted compared with open total colectomy in treating slow transit constipation.

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Surgical management of vitiligo and other leukodermas: Evidencebased practice guidelines acne 6dpo buy bactroban 5 gm without a prescription. Long-term follow-up of leukoderma patients treated with transplants of autologous cultured melanocytes, ultrathin epidermal sheets and basal cell layer suspension. Autologous grafting with non-cultured melanocytes: A simplified method for treatment of depigmented lesions. Treatment of vitiligo by transplantation of cultured pure melanocyte suspension: Analysis of 120 cases. Ratio of size of recipient and donor areas in treatment of vitiligo by autologous cultured melanocyte transplantation. Melanocyte transplantation for the treatment of vitiligo: Effects of different surgical techniques. A major advantage is that the melanocytes achieved from skin biopsy are expanded in vitro to treat large depigmented skin, i. This technique is a state-of-art novel surgery in vitiligo, and the obtained outcomes specify that the approach can be beneficial in motivated stable vitiligo patients, with affected area not exceeding 30% of the total body surface area [21]. Culturing and transfer of melanocytes need highly skilled personnel and well-furnished laboratories. Several complications are associated with minor surgical procedures, including infections, graft failures, and bleeding problems. The mechanism of vitiligo pathogenesis is still not fully understood, so even after the surgical procedures the stability and reactivation of disease cannot be predicted. Blister roof grafting, cultured melanocytes transplantation and non-cultured epidermal cell suspension transplantation in treating stable vitiligo. Double-blind placebo-controlled study of autologous transplanted epidermal cell suspensions for repigmenting vitiligo. Szabad G, Kormos B, Pivarcsi A, Szell M, Kis K, Kenderessy Szabo A, Dobozy A, Kemeny L, and Bata-Csorgo Z. In almost half of patients, vitiligo starts before the age of 20 years, and it affects males and females equally [1]. Two treatment modalities exist for vitiligo, medical therapy and surgical therapy. Lesions over joints like wrists and ankles, where response to surgical therapy is poor due to movement of the area, uneven surfaces, and increased chance of loss of transplanted cells [5,6]. The mechanism of action of various medical therapies is to: Enhance epidermal melanocyte accumulation, both by stimulating recovery of damaged melanocytes in situ and by reactivating residual melanocytes or stimulating melanocyte in-migration from neighboring skin or hair follicles.

Corwyn, 54 years: There are few reports in the published literature of dietary interventions for vitiligo as a treatment modality.

Keldron, 44 years: The functional integrity of T lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and complement is uniformly blunted, whereas impaired B lymphocyte production of antibodies is variably affected.

Fabio, 39 years: Skin disease in the elderly There are very few skin disorders that are specific to the elderly.

Tjalf, 51 years: Note: Lashes and brows remain depigmented, indicating delay or resistance in follicular repigmentation.

Agenak, 52 years: Colonic fermentation to short-chain fatty acids is decreased in antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

Ugo, 47 years: One study showed that impaired anal sphincter function (a risk factor for fecal incontinence), decreased rectal sensation, and dyssynergia are seen in up to 75% of nursing home residents with fecal incontinence.

Curtis, 62 years: Pron G, Bennett J, Common A, Wall J, Asch M, Sniderman K, for the Ontario Uterine Fibroid Embolization Collaborative Group.

Givess, 27 years: Laparotomy and intraoperative enteroscopy for severe obscure gastrointestinal bleeding before and after the era of video capsule endoscopy and deep enteroscopy: a tertiary center experience.

Vak, 45 years: A nonadherent paraffin gauze dressing is placed over the graft followed by cotton gauze, and then it is bandaged using Tegaderm or Dynaplast.

Varek, 55 years: Although jaundice is commonly viewed as a sign of liver and biliary tract disease, the differential diagnosis is broad, and identifying the cause of jaundice and how best to treat it have challenged clinicians for millennia.

Sigmor, 25 years: The effectiveness of topical calcineurin inhibitors compared with topical corticosteroids in the treatment of vitiligo: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Sancho, 24 years: Most asthmatics have gastroesophageal reflux with or without bronchodilator therapy.

Alima, 28 years: Prospective comparison of recipient-site preparation with fractional carbon dioxide laser vs.

Dimitar, 41 years: Diagnosis the burrows of the female scabies mite are pathognomonic of the disease, and diagnostic of infection.

Karlen, 22 years: Data from an administrative database showed an increase in the rate of surgical intervention for marginal ulceration over time from 6% at 1 year to 17% at 8 years, suggesting a higher morbidity from marginal ulcerations that occur many years later.

Farmon, 58 years: Mechanisms of postprandial abdominal bloating and distension in functional dyspepsia.

Urkrass, 36 years: They are very difficult to identify histologically because they are composed of normal connective tissue.

Kalesch, 56 years: Notably, all patients stated a desire to gain weight and denied attempts to lose weight via exercise, purging, or dietary restriction.

Mason, 53 years: Patients must have persistent or recurrent regurgitation (not preceded by retching) of recently ingested food into the mouth, with subsequent remastication and swallowing.

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