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Degenerated neutrophils and histiocytes are suspended within inttaluminal inspissated mucus allergy earache purchase cheap loratadine on-line. The glandular proliferation in the right side of the image exhibits moderate nuclear atypia and some degree of stratification. Cystic spaces within mucinous borderline tumors and primary ovarian mucinous tumors in general may contain mucus with an accwnulation of degenerated neuttophils, histiocyte&, and occasional sloughed tumor cells. The minimal amoWtt of borderline features (however defined) that should be present in order to label a mucinous tumor on the lower end of the proliferative spectrum as borderline is impossible to determine. In classic examples of these tumors, which would qualify as a form of mucinous carcinoma using the 1973 criteria of Hart and Norris,80 strati6ed epithelial cells with severe nuclear atypia line cysts and glands. When several atypical mitotic figures are present, most pathologists lower the threshold for what constitutes severe nuclear atypia. The extensive architectural complexity is recognizably occurring along villous structures and within the confines of dilated glands that are separated by appretiable amounts of intervening stroma. Only about 5% of patients with these tumors die of their disease, which in most cases is presumably related to the behavior of an undetected frankly invasive component in a large, heterogeneous tumor. Stromal microinvasion is identified in 5% to 10% of mucinous borderline tumors of gastrointestinal type, and is more likely to occur in cases with intracpithdial carcinoma. Microinvap sion may take the fonn of (a) tumor cells disposed singly and in small clusters within the stroma. Some investigators recommend distinguishing microinvasive borderline tumors in which the invasive foci exhibit mild to moderate nuclear atypia from microinvasive carcinomas that are defined by the presence of Mucinous Borderline Tumor, Endocervicai-Like11s-111 these tumors, which are also referred to as mullerian mucinous borderline tumors and are considered by some to he within the spectrum of seromucinous borderline (atypical proliferative) tumors, represent about 15% of mucinous borderline tumors. They typically present in young women (mean age of 3540 ~) with an ovarian mass (average size of 8 em) that is bilateral in roughly 25% of patients. Concurrent endometriosis is present in about one-third of cases, and the tumor may arise within an endometriotic cyst. At the time of presentation, the tumor has spread beyond the ovary in only about 10% of patients, and limited data suggests that this is more likdy to occur in patients with an c:xophytic component. This low-magnification view highlights the papillary architecture that is indistinguishable from that seen in serous borderline tumors. So-called indifferent cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm are often present, particularly at the tips of the papillae and in the detached epithelial tufts. Their papillae are lined by endocervical~like mucinous ceUs that do not form goblet a:Us or show other evidence of gas~ trointestinal differentiation, and detached epithelial tufts are a constant feature. As previously discussed in the section on the immunohistochemistry of mucinous ovarian tumors, endocervical-like mucinous borderline tumors have a miillerian rather than gastrointestinal immunophenotype.


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Adequate iron availability is essential to the increase in maternal red cell volume during pregnancy allergy symptoms september 10 mg loratadine purchase with visa. The normal pregnant patient requires a total of 1,000 mg of additional iron: 500 mg is used to increase maternal red cell mass, 300 mg is transported to the fetus, and 200 mg is used to compensate for normal iron loss. Because iron is actively transported to the fetus, fetal hemoglobin (Hgb) levels are maintained regardless of maternal iron stores. Supplemental iron use in pregnancy is intended to prevent iron deficiency in the mother not to prevent either iron deficiency in the fetus or to maintain maternal Hgb concentration. To meet maternal iron needs in a woman who is not anemic, 60 mg of elemental iron is recommended daily. Because iron from dietary sources may not be sufficient, the National Academy of Sciences recommends an iron supplement of 27 mg (present in most prenatal vitamins). During labor, the white blood cell count may further increase, primarily from increased granulocytes, presumably linked with stress-associated demargination rather than a true disease-associated inflammatory response. Platelet counts may decline slightly but remain within the normal, nonpregnant range. In contrast, the concentration of key inhibitors of coagulation, activated protein C and protein S, decreases. Functional Changes During pregnancy, functional adaptations in maternal erythrocytes enable enhanced oxygen uptake in the lungs, allowing increased oxygen delivery to the fetus and promoting co2 exchange from fetus to mother. The increase in oxygen delivery to the lungs and the amount of Hgb in the blood result in a significant increase in the total oxygen-carrying capacity. In addition, the compensated respiratory alkalosis of pregnancy causes a shift in the maternal oxygen dissociation curve to the left, a change termed the Bohr effect. The risk of thromboembolism doubles during pregnancy, which is considered a hypercoagulable state, and increases to 5. Symptoms and Physical Findings Some edema is normal in pregnancy, and swelling of the hands, face, legs, ankles, and feet may occur. Diagnostic Tests Pregnancy results in alterations in the normal ranges of several 123 hematologic indices. The disproportionate increase in plasma volume, compared with red cell volume, results in a decrease in Hgb concentration and hematocrit during pregnancy, often referred to as a physiologic anemia. The leukocyte count can range from 5,000 to 12,000/L and may increase to as much as 30,000/L during labor and the puerperium. The most notable alteration in the coagulation system is increased concentration of fibrinogen, which ranges from 300 to 600 mg/dL in pregnancy, compared with 200 to 400 mg/dL in the nonpregnant state. Despite the prothrombotic state of pregnancy, in vitro clotting times do not change.

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The outer ovarian cortex consists of follicles embedded in a connective tissue stroma allergy treatment for eyes order loratadine without a prescription. Embryologically, this stroma is the medulla that originated as the gonadal ridge, whereas the cortex originated as coelomic epithelium. The ovaries are mainly supplied by the ovarian arteries, which are direct branches of the abdominal aorta, but there is also a blood supply from the uterine artery, a branch of the hypogastric artery (or internal iliac artery). Venous return via the right ovarian vein is directly into the inferior vena cava and from the left ovary into the left renal vein. Ovarian dysgenesis or congenital absence is rare except in cases of chromosomal abnormalities. This condition is associated with vaginal anomalies (such as absence of the vagina), because vaginal development is stimulated by the developing uterovaginal primordium. Because the vulva and the external portion of the vagina develop from the invagination of the urogenital sinus, the external genitalia can appear normal in these women. If one of the ducts is poorly developed, and fusion with the other duct does not occur, the result is a bicornuate uterus with a rudimentary horn. These anomalies result from abnormal or incomplete fusion of the paramesonephric ducts. The mesonephric ducts normally degenerate in the female embryo during development of the reproductive tract. However, remnants of the mesonephric ducts can persist, which can manifest as Gartner cysts. These cysts are located along the vaginal wall or within the broad ligament of the uterus. Because the paramesonephric system develops alongside the renal system, when one system is abnormally formed, an abnormality in the other is likewise frequently present. For example, in a woman with renal agenesis on one side, an abnormal fallopian tube is often found. Conversely, despite the functional connection between the ovaries and fallopian tubes, a lack of one does not indicate a probable lack of the other. At the point where the arteries meet the uterus, you are aware that they overlie the ureter and that it is at this point that great attention to anatomy is required to avoid inadvertent injury to the ureters. Upon taking a careful history, you learn they had traveled to a nearby mountain resort for the weekend, 2,000 feet higher above sea level than here at home.

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The fetus/neonate is infected either from ascending infection following spontaneous rupture of membranes or from passage through an infected lower genital tract at delivery allergy symptoms coughing night cheapest loratadine. With a primary infection at the time of delivery, the risk of neonatal infection approaches 50%; it is far lower (less than 1%) with recurrent infection, because the size of the inoculum is much decreased. Most infants with localized herpes infection ultimately do well; as a rule, infants with disseminated infection do very poorly. Confirmation is by identification of the virus in cell culture, with most positive results reported within 72 hours. Although herpes virus infection is primarily a blistering disease, on thin, moist skin, blisters quickly shear off to produce round, coalescing erosions. In such patients, or any patient with a history of herpes virus infection, careful inspection of the lower genital tract is important at the onset of labor or when rupture of membranes occurs. Cesarean delivery is recommended if herpes (or suspected herpes) lesions are identified on the cervix, in the vagina, or on the vulva at the time of labor or if spontaneous rupture of membranes occurs. This is true whether or not the lesions are associated with primary or recurrent infection due to the severity of neonatal disease. Acyclovir and related compounds are safe in pregnancy and can be used if symptoms are severe. However, serologic screening may be considered in certain populations to identify women who may benefit from suppressive therapy or preventive measures. Widespread immunization programs in the United States over the last 30 years have prevented large epidemics of rubella, but some women of reproductive age lack immunity to this virus and are, therefore, susceptible to infection. Foreign-born women may lack immunity and be susceptible to infection if their country of origin does not have a comprehensive vaccination program. Symptoms Up to 50% of adult women have had subclinical or asymptomatic infection; symptoms include fever, rash involving the face and spreading to the trunk and extremities, arthralgias, head and neck lymphadenopathy, and conjunctivitis. If a woman develops rubella infection in the first trimester of pregnancy, there is an increased risk of both spontaneous abortion and congenital rubella syndrome. Although most infants with congenital rubella appear normal at birth, many subsequently develop signs of infection. The risk of congenital rubella is related to the gestational age at the time of infection; it is highest in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (80% vertical transmission) and decreases with increasing gestational age (25% transmission in the second and third trimesters). Primary infection can be diagnosed by serologic testing for maternal IgM and IgG antibodies during the acute and convalescent stages of infection. Screening Because of the serious fetal implications, prenatal screening for IgG rubella antibody is routine. All pregnant women should be screened, unless they are known to be immune based on previous serologic testing.

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When seen in only a few myomettial fragments ofa curettage allergy testing results loratadine 10 mg purchase with visa, it is best to n:cog:nize this phenomenon as a normal physiologic process and to not mention it in the pathology report, since it may cause confusion and undue concern. Note the circumferential trophoblastic shell that helps to firmly attach the villi to the endometrium. Exaggerated placental site wi1h intennediate trophoblastic cells dissecting between myometrial mustle fibers. In 1his example, the intennediate trophoblastic cells have a deciduoid appearance. Gross appearance of chorionic villi (left) and decidua (right) in endometrial curettings. Although rarely necessary, examination of tissue suspended in fluid using a dissecting microscope can assist in the recognition of villi. If chorionic villi or embryonic/fetal tissues are identi6ed grossly within a "products of conception" specimen and no hydropic villi suggestive of a molar pregnancy are present, submission ofa single representative cassette is suggested. In the vast majority of cases, this will he sufficient to docwnent an intrauterine pregnancy and exclude gestational trophoblastic disease. Whether or not grossly recognizable chorionic villi and embryonic/fetal tissues are present should be clearly stated in the gross description (general guidelines related to the description and submission of endometrial tissue are provided in the section entided "Processing lips for Endometrial Samples" at the end of this chapter). If no chorionic villi or embryonic/fetal tissue are identified in the initial sections, search for the implantation site composed of syncytiotrophoblasu and decidua with an interposed layer offibrinoid material. If docwnentation of an intrauterine pregnancy is still lacking and examination ofdeeper sections does not resolve the issue, submit the remainder of the tissue and focus attention on the fragments of dotted blood, since this is where isolated syncytiotrophoblastic ceUs from early failed gestations are most likely to be found. The date and time of this conversation should be documented in the surgical pathology report. It is also important for pathologist& and gynecologists to be aware that in a minority of cases of Processing and Evaluating Early Gestational Tissue For endometrial curettage specimens submitted as "products of conception. Evidence of an intrauterine pregnancy includes finding chorionic villi, embryonic/fetal tissue, or trophoblastic elemenu from an. Exaggerated placental site with a component of multinucleated intermediate trophoblasts. Degenerative changes of no clinical signwcance are often seen in chorionic villi in the days following the demise of the embryo. These changes include villous edema, avascular villous sclerosis, and myxoid degeneration. The presence of grossly hydropic villi raises the possibility of a molar pregnmcy, and degenerative myxoid change needs to be distinguished from the myxoid stroma of some early complete hydatidiform moles (see Chapter 10). Retained Placental Tissue When placental tissue is retained in utero, the chorionic villi eventually become degenerated and hyalinized, and their ghost outlines may be difficult to recognize microscopically. In this situation, recognition of their villous nature may be facilitated by the use of a trichrome stain. If the fragments of retained placental tissue are polypoid, the lesion is designated a placental polyp.

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The cpts are typically lined by a single layer of flattened to cuboidal mesothelial cells with little to no nuc:Iear atypia allergy medicine liver order loratadine 10 mg with amex. Occasionally, the mesothelial cells undergo squamous metaplasia or proliferate in a pattern that resembles the mesothelial. A: An arc-like band of cytokeratin-positive mesothelial cells surrounds a lymphoid follicle. Other mesothelial cells occurring singly and in small clusters are also highlighted by this immunostain. B: the combined nuclear and cytOplasmic immunoreactivity for calretinin shown hers supports mesothelial differentiation. Oral contrast agent within the intestinal tract distinguishes white-appearing loops of bowel from 1hese abnormal cystic structures. The cystic spaces are lined by a single layer of flattened to cuboidal mesolhelial cells with bland nuclear features. In most cases, it represents an unsuspected finding during exploration of the peritoneal cavity for an unrelated reason. Classification of cases that deviate from the purely papillary pattern, such as those with prominent tuhulopapillary patterns, branching cords, or solid sheets, is controversial. Some tumors with these features may represent undersampled or subde forms of malignant mesothelioma, especially when the disease process is multifocal. However, there is strong evidence that at least the solitary forms of this tumor that have classic, purely papillary architecture and low-grade nuclear features are clinically benign. Multiple cystic spaces of varying sizes and shapes are separated by fibrous tissue. When this marbled pattern created by tumor with a rubbery texture is encountered, it should raise the index of suspicion for mesothelioma. Histologically, most peritoneal malignant mesotheliomas are of the epithelioid type, a few are biphasic, and rare tumors are purely sarcomatous. The most common epithelioid variants typically consist ofvarying proportions of tubules, papillae, and solid areas.


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Gland lwnens of variable sizes are often present within the nests and are lined by epithdium that may be mucinous allergy care generic loratadine 10 mg buy, cuboidal, or flattened (F~. The basaloid cells are mitotically inactive and often exhibit peripheral palisading. Metaplastic squamous and transitional-like changes can also occur within the nests. In this latter situation, a peripheral rim ofbasaloid cells persists Adenoid Basal Carcinoma (Adenoid Basal Epithel ioma)zn. A: Basaloid nests of tumor cells infiltrate the wall of the cervix without a stromal reaction. This portion of 1he tumor contains nests of tumor cells that exhibit a cribriform pattern. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the cervix is a rare malignant ne<>plasm that resembles its counterpart in salivary gland tissue, although the cervical form of this tumor (a) lacks a predilection for perineural invasion, (b) does not have easily demonstrable myoepithelial ceUs, (c) often exhibits more prominent necrosis, (d) may contain foci with squamous differentiation, and (e) is more likely to have features of the solid variant. Nuclear atypia is not striking, but is more pronounced than that usually present in adenoid basal carcinoma. In addition, the neoplastic cells of adenoid cystic carcinoma are mass forming, slighdy mon: atypical, and exhibit mon: mitotic activity than those of adenoid basal carcinoma. Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas are subdivided into small cell carcinoma and large cell newoendocrine carcinoma, both of which arc highly aggrasive malignancies that generally resemble other types ofaggressive cervical cancer in terms of the. Small cell carcinoma is about three times more common than large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, and accounts for approximately 2% of cervical carcinomas. A subset of these tumor cells may have their nuclear detail obscwed by smudged, dark chromatin. The so-called intermediate variant of small cell carcinoma features cells that have a chromatin pattern that is slightly more coarse than that of oat cell carcinoma, and its cells contain more cytoplasm than oat cells, have larger nuclei with polygonal or fusiform shapes, exhibit less crush artifact, and may contain more readily apparent small nucleoli. In practice, these two patterns are frequently blended within a given tumor, and their distinction is not clinically relevant. Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Newoendocrine tumors of the cervix are rare, and the histologic subtypes are the same as those more commonly found in the lung. Typical and atypical carcinoid tumors of the cervix are enraordinarily rare, and will be discussed only briefly.

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The bilaterally hyperplastic stroma blurs or obliterates the distinction between cortex and medulla and/or results in some degree of nodularity (F~ allergy forecast philadelphia pa generic loratadine 10 mg. Stromal hyperplasia is typically an incidenta16nding in the ovaries ofpostmenopausal women, but is occasionally associated with symptoms related to an imbalance in androgens or estrogens. A: Luteinized stromal cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm in a single-file arrangement reminiscent of metastatic lobular carcinoma of the breast. B: Nest of luteinized stromal cells with abundant cytoplasm that is clear and vacuolated, which is indicative of a high lipid content. DiHerential Diagnosis In addition to stromal hyperthecosis, the diKerential diagnosis of stromal hyperplasia includes 6broma and low-grade endometrioid stromal sarcoma. A: the ovarian cortex and medulla are diffusely replaced by a cellular proliferation of stromal cells. Low-grade endometrioid stromal sarcoma is further differentiated from stromal hyperplasia by the usual presence of at feast some mitotic activity and its characteristic vascular pattern. Patients typically present with acute abdominal pain, and surgical exploration reveals a swollen, dark red adne:xaJ. Interstitial hemorrhage usually dominates the histologic picture, although frank tissue necrosis indicative ofinfarction may also be present. Careful gross examination with submission of several sections fOr histologic evaluation is indicated to exclude the possibility ofa neoplasm. Torsion-related hemorrhage in a benign, cystically dilated ovary and its associated fallopian tube (at bottom). The cyst contains sebaceous material and matted hair, most of which was removed prior to photography. B: the cvst wall is diffusely hemo11hagic, but an attenuated squamous epithelial lining with adherent keratinous debris and some underlying sebaceous glands are still apparent. This phenomenon typically occurs in young women (mean age of -20 years) who usually present with abdominal pain that is sometimes accompanied by menstrual ittegularities and/or virilization. Evaluation reveals an ovarian mass with a smooth c:x:temal surface that averages about 10 em. Involved ovaries are predominantly solid, but cystic follicles measwing up to 4 em. The cut surface of these enlarged ovaries ranges from off-white to pale yellow to tan, typically exudes edema fluid, and has a glistening appearance that may be misinterpreted as myxoid or gelatinous. Histologically, massive edema is characterized by ovarian stroma that is markedly edematous, hypocellular, and pale staining. Development of these luteinized stromal cells may somehow be promoted by the edematous microenvironment, although the superimposition of stromal. B: In areas where the epithelial lining has been preserved, it consists of a thin layer of tubal-type epithelium that overlies hemorrhagic stroma. The usual explanation for the formation of a massivdy edematous ovary is partial torsion that is sufficient to interfere with venous and lymphatic drainage, but not of a degree that would produce interstitial hemorrhage or infarction. It has also been proposed that some cases of massive edema represent preexisting ovarian fibromatosis that have undergone partial tor~ sion with subsequent accumulation of edema fluid.

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Curtis, 35 years: Expremature: A large study on children born between 22 to 24 weeks who are currently at school age have shown moderate to severe disabilities (46%) and cerebral palsy (12%).

Taklar, 40 years: The nipples become larger and more mobile and the areola larger and more deeply pigmented, with enlargement of the montgomery glands.

Kalan, 32 years: Food intake may decrease early in pregnancy because of nausea and vomiting, and food preferences may change later in pregnancy.

Kaelin, 27 years: The specific effect on the fetus and newborn varies with the respective substances.

Yokian, 39 years: A distincti~ glomerular lesion complicating placental1ite trophoblastic tumor: report of two cases.

Einar, 60 years: In contrast, hemorrhage from a low-pressure vein is likely to occw in a peripheral, chronically distended vessel and he associated with a marginal hematoma, chronic abruption, and circumvallation.

Jose, 45 years: Jike space that follows the con· tour of the involved veins, and this should be distinguished from leiomyomas with retraction artifact or leiomyomas that are partially surrounded by compressed vascular spaces.

Hamid, 58 years: Low-grade serous carcinoma infiltrates the ovarian stroma at right, and is seen arising adjacent to the micropapillary variant of serous border1ine tumor.

Zuben, 61 years: Almost all of these tumors are unilateral, although a contralateral mature cystic teratoma is present in about 10% ofcases.

Ivan, 31 years: Note the concentric whorls of tumor cells swirling around the arterioles, as highlighted in the inset.

Aldo, 54 years: Gestational trophoblaotic di~eases: recent adwnces in histopathologic diagnosis and related genetic aspects.

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