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Selection of Patients Even strong experienced advocates do not recommend these procedures in neonates antibiotics for uti without sulfa proven 1000 mg cipro, infants, or young children. Massive hydronephrosis or crossing aberrant vessels or both in multiple reports decrease success. Long avascular strictures, total obliteration of the lumen, and periureteral fibrosis are contraindications for the procedure. The results of endo(uretero)pyelotomy in children are discussed in a previous section. A retrograde pyelogram is performed minutes before to outline the hypoplastic adynamic segment. The balloon position is confirmed fluoroscopically in the retrograde technique and combined with nephroscopy in the dual approach. The balloon is inflated to 1 mL with contrast material to confirm the balloon and cutting wire position. The balloon is then inflated to full volume of 2 mL while electrifying the cutting wire with 50 to 75 Hz of pure cutting current. This takes only a "few seconds," and the cut is confirmed fluoroscopically by disappearance of the waist. If both are satisfactory, the nephrostomy tube is removed under fluoroscopic control to avoid dislodging the splint. Laparoscopic orchidopexy for an intra-abdominal testis and laparoscopic varicocelectomy are routinely performed by pediatric urologists. The steep learning curve is attributed mainly to the requirement for intracorporeal suturing and knot tying. The pediatric laparoscopic surgeon is limited to instruments with 3 degrees of freedom and a two-dimensional view of the operative field. Laparoscopy relies on the surgeon to be comfortable with parallax manipulation of the surgical instruments. Because the fulcrum of the laparoscopic trocars is at the plane of the skin/fascia, counterintuitive motions of surgical instruments. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty requires a set of skills that makes this procedure a formidable challenge for pediatric urologists. Robotic Surgery Robotic-assisted pyeloplasty attempts to overcome the technical hurdles of laparoscopic surgery. Complex intracorporeal movements, such as dissecting, suturing, and knot tying, are easily mastered.


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The reason is that daytime incontinence is more socially disturbing for the child and may signal an underlying bladder disturbance associated with the risk for urinary tract infections antibiotic resistance journal articles order 500 mg cipro free shipping. Pharmacologic treatment with anticholinergics may be indicated if bladder training alone does not succeed. Urodynamic investigations may also be needed in these children, but seldom at this early stage, unless there are symptoms or signs suggesting outlet obstruction. The presence of residual urine must be ruled out before anticholinergic treatment can be started. Also, treatment success depends to significant degree on establishing a good patient-physician relationship. Children with excessive thirst and a need to get up and drink at night may have decreased renal concentration capacity. Parents should be asked about enuresis in other family members, and about the arousability of the child at night. Although success has been claimed for numerous drugs and nonpharmacologic therapies, only a few of them have stood the test of controlled trials. Only the enuresis alarm and desmopressin can presently be recommended as first-line therapies. Initial treatment usually is with one of these, and our recommendation is to leave this choice to the child and family. General Advice Regardless of whether the alarm or desmopressin is the first choice, the family needs to be informed about simple measures that can be undertaken to facilitate the process of becoming chapter 29: NocturnalEnuresis 383 dry. Most families have already tried, without success, to make their child dry by restricting fluid intake in the evenings. Often a better strategy is to ensure that the child drinks enough during the daytime because many children with disturbed bladder function tend to drink very little and become thirsty as the day progresses. Extra glasses of water at breakfast and lunch are often a good idea, and then the child can be allowed to drink in the evening if he or she is thirsty. Sound, regular micturition habits should be instituted, especially in children who have non-monosymptomatic enuresis. This means that the child should void approximately six times per day with a maximum interval of 3 hours. Parents who regularly wake the child at night to take him or her to the toilet should be informed that this practice is neither medically indicated (the child will not get urinary tract infections from sleeping in a wet pajamas) nor useful as an antienuretic therapy (if it helps, it will help only for that specific night). Families using this treatment should be instructed to help the child to awaken and go to the toilet immediately when the alarm sounds. Often in the beginning of the treatment, the child does not awake by himself or herself at the sound of the alarm. It is imperative that the treatment be continuous; no interruptions during weekends should be allowed. The child (and the rest of the family) should not be awakened more than once per night, however, because too much sleep disruption could impair daytime alertness.

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Experience within 102 boys ages 8 to 19 years demonstrated the efficacy of this technique: 2 postoperative persisting varicoceles and 1 presumed recanalization recurrence were noted 3 years after the surgery antibiotic for sinus infection and sore throat purchase cipro online. The external oblique aponeurosis is opened in prepubertal boys and the cord is isolated higher up, which aids in identification of the very small testicular artery. The testis is delivered out of the scrotum, and all external spermatic veins and scrotal veins are divided. The vas deferens and its vessels and the arteries and lymphatics are identified and preserved. Although this procedure may be done in adults under local anesthesia and sedation, general anesthesia is usually required in adolescents. It has been argued that the use of approaches other than the microsurgical approach is illogical because most adult infertility surgeons are gravitating to the latter technique because of the benefits provided by significant magnification. Artery preservation is maximized by microsurgical varicocelectomy, and postoperative hydrocele occurrence and varicocele persistence are minimized because lymphatics and periarterial veins resulting in persistence are more easily visualized. Logically, a high retroperitoneal approach would seem to most reliably interrupt the internal spermatic vein with the least chance for failure. However, this approach does not address pelvic or scrotal collaterals, which potentially could cause varicocele persistence. Furthermore, it does not fully eliminate persistence from the rare retroperitoneal collateral bypassing the point of higher retroperitoneal internal spermatic vein division, out of view within the limited surgical incision. On the other hand, despite its simplicity, transinguinal varicocelectomy clearly is associated with a much higher recurrence rate owing to multiple potential sources for bypass collateral filling of the internal spermatic vein. Published data indicate that if either of these approaches is used, complementary performance of intraoperative venography lessens the risk of varicocele persistence. If mass ligation of all veins and arteries exclusive of the vas deferens and its accompanying vessels is done, studies show that the incidence of persistence or recurrence is also lessened dramatically (see Table 45-3). Intraoperative venography does not add any additional benefit in this circumstance. However, the safety of routine testicular arterial ligation has been questioned, and added risks may accrue (see next paragraph). Both the microsurgical low approach with delivery of the testis and the laparoscopic approach resolve some of these problems. The wider field of view provided by laparoscopy and the increased magnification provided with both of these techniques offer improvements over standard open surgical approaches. Arguments in favor indicate that ligation of the artery includes the tiny periarterial veins that often result in persistence of the varicocele and leads to a significantly diminished recurrence rate. In one series, there was an 11% recurrence rate with artery-sparing varicocelectomy in adolescence versus 1.

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Several experimental systems have shown obstruction to alter renal regulation of apoptosis antibiotics for acne flucloxacillin buy cipro 250 mg amex. As with most biologic systems, there is a natural balance to this, and bcl-2 is counteracted by Bax, a proapoptotic molecule expressed in renal epithelium. The determinants of that balance are the critical factors in the net result, not simply the expression level of bcl-2. Clusterin is a protein that acts to protect cells against apoptotic processes by maintaining normal intercellular communication. In obstructive models, clusterin is upregulated in a variable way, presumably as a response to counter apoptotic processes. In many experimental systems, the medullary collecting ducts seem to be most severely affected. There is no defined mechanism for this, but it is clinically corroborated by the observation of impaired concentrating ability in children with obstructive nephropathy, even without evidence of glomerular dysfunction. In unilateral conditions, this may be difficult to measure with the contralateral kidney providing effective urinary concentration. Mesangial cells (from the glomerulus) exposed to stretch proliferate, and this may produce glomerular dysfunction and sclerosis, as seen in hypertension, diabetes, and obstruction. Growth regulation in both directions is crucial, and cells that do not respond to normal apoptotic signals can produce pathologic changes, including cystogenesis. This is a crucial developmental process by which tubular and interstitial cell populations are regulated. Although the mechanisms and signaling systems are incompletely understood, this process, when altered, can lead to significant increases in interstitial cells with subsequent functional effects. The regulation of cell differentiation in the fetal kidney is highly complex and only now being understood on a cellular basis. Controversy continues to exist regarding the relationship between obstruction and renal dysplasia; this is due in part to various definitions of renal dysplasia, which emerged from controversy regarding the etiology of abnormal kidneys associated with reflux and infection. The opposing side contended that dysplasia was due to obstruction, and might be at least partially reversible. An ingenious experiment by Berman and Maizels120,121 showed that ureteral obstruction in the chick embryo did not produce dysplasia based on strict histologic criteria, whereas physical disruption of the developing renal mesenchyme produced the appearance of dysplasia. Not all of the "obstructed" kidneys had hydronephrosis, however, raising the question of how effective the obstruction was. Beck,58 using fetal sheep, showed markedly altered renal architecture with early gestation (58 days out of 140 days) unilateral ureteral obstruction. Whether it should be called "dysplasia," "obstructive dysplasia," or "dysgenesis" is arbitrary and perhaps irrelevant. Not all renal dysplasia is due to obstruction, but it is clear that it can be, and some of it is. In a boy with severe valves and dysplastic kidneys, one might invoke two problems.

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It is not clear whether lymphocytes or mast cells in the airway mucosa are the primary source of the mediators responsible for the late inflammatory response antibiotics for dogs after spaying discount 500 mg cipro with amex, but the benefits of corticosteroid therapy are attributed to their inhibition of the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the airways. Some adults with asthma have no evidence of allergic sensitivity to allergens, and even in people with allergic sensitivity, the severity of symptoms correlates poorly with levels of allergen in the atmosphere. Moreover, bronchospasm can be provoked by nonallergenic stimuli such as distilled water, exercise, cold air, sulfur dioxide, and rapid respiratory maneuvers. This tendency to develop bronchospasm on encountering stimuli that do not affect healthy nonasthmatic airways is characteristic of asthma and is sometimes called "nonspecific bronchial hyperreactivity" to distinguish it from bronchial responsiveness to specific antigens. The mechanisms underlying bronchial hyperreactivity are somehow related to inflammation of the airway mucosa. The agents that increase bronchial reactivity, such as ozone exposure, allergen inhalation, and infection with respiratory viruses, also cause airway inflammation. The increase in reactivity due to allergen inhalation is associated with an increase in both eosinophils and polymorphonuclear leukocytes in bronchial lavage fluid. Whatever the mechanisms responsible for bronchial hyperreactivity, bronchoconstriction itself seems to result not simply from the direct effect of the released mediators but also from their activation of neural or humoral pathways. Evidence for the importance of neural pathways stems largely from studies of laboratory animals. The bronchospasm provoked in dogs by inhalation of histamine is reduced by pretreatment with an inhaled topical anesthetic agent, by transection of the vagus nerves, and by pretreatment with atropine. Studies of asthmatic humans, however, have shown that treatment with atropine causes only a reduction in-not abolition of-the bronchospastic responses to antigens and to nonantigenic stimuli. The hypothesis suggested by these studies-that asthmatic bronchospasm results from a combination of release of mediators and an exaggeration of responsiveness to their effects- predicts that asthma may be effectively treated by drugs with different modes of action. Asthmatic bronchospasm might be reversed or prevented, for example, by drugs that reduce the amount of IgE bound to mast cells (anti-IgE antibody), prevent mast cell degranulation (cromolyn or nedocromil, sympathomimetic agents, calcium channel blockers), block the action of the products released (antihistamines and leukotriene receptor antagonists), inhibit the effect of acetylcholine released from vagal motor nerves (muscarinic antagonists), or directly relax airway smooth muscle (sympathomimetic agents, theophylline). This route of administration presents no advantage over inhaled treatment and is thus rarely prescribed. A new generation of long-acting 2-selective agonists includes salmeterol (a partial agonist) and formoterol (a full agonist). Both drugs are potent selective 2 agonists that achieve their long duration of action (12 hours or more) as a result of high lipid solubility. Because they have no anti-inflammatory action, they are not recommended as monotherapy for asthma. This effect is usually small, however, and may occur with any bronchodilator drug; the significance of such an effect depends on the initial PaO2 of the patient. Administration of supplemental oxygen, routine in treatment of an acute severe attack of asthma, eliminates any concern over this effect. The other concern, that customary doses of -agonist treatment may cause lethal cardiac arrhythmias, appears unsubstantiated. The concept that -agonist drugs worsen clinical asthma by inducing tachyphylaxis to their own action has not been established.

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The need for a Penrose drain varies antibiotic resistance keflex discount cipro 500 mg buy on-line, depending on the technique used for ureteral tailoring and the presence of an indwelling ureteral catheter. A Penrose drain may be helpful when a ureteral catheter has not been placed, and a substantial portion of tapered distal ureter remains extravesical. When a ureteral stent has been placed, the addition of a Penrose drain is unnecessary. The ureteral stent allows for direct drainage of urine from the involved ureter and acts as a conduit for any extravasated urine. The combination of postoperative edema and the stent may limit the drainage phase of the ureterogram, giving the appearance of a high-grade obstruction when removal of the stent is all that is required. Before removing the stent, it is advisable to administer a broad-spectrum antibiotic to decrease the likelihood of obstructive urosepsis, which can occur after stent removal even in a child receiving prophylactic antibiotics. Postoperative ureteral edema persists for 4 to 5 weeks after operative intervention. For that reason, postoperative imaging studies with either ultrasonography or renal scintigraphy are advised at 6 weeks after repair. The initial images on ultrasound may show increased hydronephrosis and proximal hydroureter compared with preoperative ultrasound studies, particularly when repairing a refluxing megaureter. This is often because of the highly compliant proximal ureter and relative resistance to flow through the tapered ureter. B, Two-layer technique is used to close the ureter, interrupting the distalmost portion and allowing for excision as needed. Renal scintigraphy is a more effective diagnostic tool for assessing postoperative obstruction and may be required in troublesome cases. A voiding cystourethrogram is performed approximately 6 months postoperatively to confirm the absence of vesicoureteral reflux. Success rates for ureteral imbrication have been reported to be 93% to 95%,77,81-83 and success rates after excisional tapering are 74% to 90%. Inherent ureteral characteristics and bladder dysfunction affect a successful outcome. Increased collagen deposition and altered smooth muscle ratios, seen more often in a refluxing ureter, may be the cause of a higher rate of persisting vesicoureteral reflux after repair of this classification of megaureter. Their results suggest that the functional anatomy of the trigone is preserved in the congenital obstructive megaureter and altered in the refluxing megaureter. Postoperative edema after stent removal can lead to true obstruction requiring temporary antegrade diversion. Physician patience is the most prudent course of action to take after antegrade diversion has been obtained to allow for temporary operative edema to subside. Persisting vesicoureteral reflux has been reported to occur in 5% to 45% of tapered reimplants.

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Inappropriate gender assignment can lead to significant gender identity confusion and gender role and peer relationship problems in these children for many years to come antibiotics for acne causing depression cipro 750 mg buy. Such self-assignment often emerges between the ages of 6 and 9 years and often after several years of gender identity and role confusion. Past stresses, social realities, guilt feelings, and other adult concerns may create significant coping difficulties. Such children can demonstrate a gender role or behavioral spectrum from very mild to complete masculinization. The prevalence of homosexuality if these children are reared female is probably higher than in the general population. Parent education-oral, visual, and written Patient education, appropriate for age and stage Supportive therapeutic interventions as necessary Behavioral interventions as necessary Psychopharmacologic interventions as necessary Referral to regional or national support groups as necessary Educational Interventions Family, parent, and patient educational materials can be verbal, written, pictorial, presented by video, or available on the Internet. Access to written materials is extremely helpful to parents and may be the only way to provide accurate information that parents will easily recall. Resources should include age- and stage-appropriate information that will answer general questions while providing a framework for specific questions. Although it can be quite helpful to provide written materials, children and adolescents respond best to face-to-face interactions that are private, frank, and confidential, as appropriate for age. The psychiatrist and psychologist can educate the parents about coping skills that the parents can then teach gradually to their child. Supportive therapy for self-esteem and sexual self-esteem should be directed to the child. Body image, genital image, acceptance of the genitalia, and self-genital contact may all require strong supportive, intermittent, short-term therapy as the clinical situation demands. Pharmacologic Interventions For many psychiatric problems, psychopharmacologic interventions become necessary. These levels may be well into the toxic range for cardiac function in such children. Child psychiatry involvement at the time of diagnosis, to continue longitudinally for the child and the parents 2. After two or three dosage increases, the physician should determine the serum concentration. If it is low, the dose may be increased appropriately every 4 or 5 days, continuing this regimen until a therapeutic level is achieved. Adverse event reports include occasional high-flow priapism with most medications used for attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder except methylphenidate (Ritalin) but also with sertraline, trazodone, and a number of neuroleptics. Benzodiazepines can be valuable adjuncts for the prevention or treatment of anxiety and agitation related to procedures or perioperative situations. Diazepam (Valium) has a remarkably long half-life; lorazepam is intermediate, oxazepam is short, and midazolam (Versed) is very short. More frequent dosing of shorter-acting preparations reduces the risks of delirium, acute disinhibition ("agitation"), and drug-drug interactions and provides more frequent peak levels, commonly a therapeutic benefit in the postoperative period. It is probably wise to ask for child psychiatric consultation or intervention in children and adolescents treated with psychotropic agents.

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Increased echogenicity of the kidneys has been demonstrated as early as 12 to 16 weeks treatment for dogs cough buy discount cipro 250 mg on line,49,50 but kidney size may be normal at that time. There is usually evidence of renal enlargement and increased echogenicity by 24 weeks of gestation, although occasionally the diagnosis cannot be made until the third trimester or postnatally. Early onset of ultrasonically detectable renal changes and oligohydramnios is associated with poor prognosis. The 1-year survival probability after the first month was reported as 94% for male patients and 82% for female patients in a large study of more than 100 children,56 and actuarial renal survival rates of 86% at 1 year and 67% at 15 years was described by another group. Hypertension, often requiring multiple-drug therapy, developed in nine of these children, and end-stage renal failure in two. It was suggested that risk factors for early-onset disease were an affected mother, an affected sibling, or an apparent prenatal new mutation. Other Genetic Syndromes Associated with Abnormal Kidneys Many renal abnormalities occur as an isolated finding, but the prognosis may be altered considerably by detection of other anomalies that could indicate a genetic disorder or syndrome. In some cases, moreover, the definitive diagnosis may not be suspected until postmortem examination, and by that time it may be too late to establish a cell line to confirm the suspicion by laboratory methods. It is therefore important to take tissue samples prenatally if possible, or at delivery, because postnatal samples may have a high culture failure rate. Overgrowth Syndromes the presence of large echogenic kidneys in a fetus with generalized macrosomia and normal or increased liquor points toward the diagnosis of an overgrowth syndrome. Prenatally, differentiation among these syndromes can be extremely difficult unless there is a positive family history, a distinctive pattern of structural abnormalities, or a positive molecular or cytogenetic diagnosis. In low-risk cases, distinction usually must await the results of postnatal investigations, and even then there is considerable clinical overlap among the syndromes (Table 4-5). In some cases there is a cytogenetic deletion of this region, and in others paternal disomy can be demonstrated; however, in many cases no molecular or cytogenetic abnormality is demonstrable. Mild hydronephrosis,75 placental enlargement,76 and elevated maternal serum beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin have also been reported. The latter can be avoided for all prenatally detected cases by careful neonatal care, so prenatal diagnosis should improve the prognosis for this syndrome. However, the definitive diagnosis cannot reliably be obtained in this way, because only about 20% of cases have a recognizable abnormality of this region. The vertebral anomalies are most commonly hemivertebrae that may be seen on ultrasound scanning at 20 weeks. Tracheoesophageal fistula with esophageal atresia can be inferred from the presence of polyhydramnios with or without an absent stomach bubble. The presence of renal anomalies, hemivertebrae, and/or radial anomalies with polyhydramnios suggests this diagnosis.

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Serial ultrasound scans are recommended during pregnancy to assess the degree and progression of dilatation infection vaginale purchase cipro without prescription, because this may correlate with postnatal renal function. Approximately 60% of kidneys with significant degrees of reflux show an abnormal renogram within the first 4 weeks of life, before a urinary tract infection had occurred in the majority of cases. Duplex Kidneys A duplex system occurs when the kidney is divided into two separate pelvicalyceal systems, or moieties, with either complete or partial duplication of the ureters. Duplex systems are one of the more common renal anomalies, occurring in the general population with an incidence of 1:125 in postmortem studies. For prenatally diagnosed duplex kidneys, the natural history is uncertain, and it is therefore common practice to treat prophylactically with antibiotics, so as to potentially reduce the risk of complications while the diagnosis is confirmed and the degree of any renal dysplasia is assessed. The incidence in the general pediatric population is 1% to 2%, and it is usually diagnosed in infants being investigated for urinary tract infection. In a cohort of patients seen at a tertiary referral renal clinic at University College Hospital between 1992 and 2000, 39 (81%) of 48 women in whom a fetus with a duplex system was strongly suspected had that diagnosis confirmed postnatally. Where a prognostic feature such as a dilated moiety, dilated ureter, or ureterocele was seen in addition to the detection of two separate moieties, positive correlation was found between the number of features seen and the subsequent confirmation of a duplex system (64% for one, 80% for two, and 85% for three features seen). They are associated with the upper pole of a duplex kidney in 80% of cases (see earlier discussion) but may be isolated. Ureteroceles may be identified prenatally by the detection of an echolucent circular rim within the fetal bladder. It is characterized by the presence of a distended bladder and therefore is considered in detail in the next section. Significance of Prenatal Detection of Duplex Systems the impact of prenatal detection of duplex systems is still being determined. Hulbert and Rabinowitz studied 79 children with severe hydronephrosis associated with a duplex system. Of 20 children diagnosed prenatally, conservative surgery with renal salvage was possible in 13 (65%); this represented no significant improvement over the remaining 59 children who presented clinically, of whom 34 (58%) underwent renal salvage. Only one of those in the prenatally detected group had symptoms, compared with 14/16 (87. Prophylactic antibiotics were used until completion of toilet training or to the age of 5 years if reflux persisted. In six cases, the hydronephrosis resolved and the ureterocele collapsed; none of this group developed symptoms or required surgery. Of the 38 remaining patients who underwent surgical treatment, 13 required subsequent unplanned secondary procedures. The normal fetus voids regularly, but the bladder is never completely empty and always contains a small residual volume. The observation of cyclic filling and emptying of the bladder forms an important part of the ultrasound assessment.

Sobota, 39 years: Studies in developing rats have shown that the capacity to reabsorb fluid in the proximal tubule is correlated with basolateral cell membrane area. This appears to be the case for benzodiazepines and for certain newer hypnotics that have a similar mechanism of action.

Berek, 47 years: This misconception is strengthened by the fact that most bed-wetting children keep their problem top secret even from their closest friends. After a change of posture and micturition (image M), there is almost complete drainage from the left renal pelvis.

Lester, 28 years: Renal Responses to Obstruction Throughout the evolution of an obstructive process, the kidney continues to generate urine, which may be moved through the system by filtration pressure provided by systolic blood pressure. Most agreed that surgery would be performed for breakthrough infection, lack of compliance with a medical regimen, new renal scar formation while on prophylaxis, or grade V reflux in an older child.

Moff, 38 years: B, There would be reflux only to the upper pole of a complete duplication if both ureters are shifted caudad, so that now the upper pole ureter enters the bladder neck ectopically, without any normal ureterovesical junction valve mechanism (b). Initially, the urine draining from the stent may be blood stained, and, occasionally, a piece of mucus or blood clot may be seen.

Phil, 35 years: Kobashi and coworkers20 relied on cystoscopy and fulguration of the intramural ureter and ureteral stump when reflux nephropathy was present and reported success in four of five patients. Hypernatremia can be the result of excessive peripheral losses or diabetes insipidus.

Deckard, 46 years: That which has been written mainly concerns easily measurable features such as pregnancy rates. With such drugs, an increase in dose higher than that needed for hypnosis may lead to a state of general anesthesia.

Ingvar, 61 years: Excessive crying increases intra-abdominal pressure, putting tension on the suture line. In one series, there was an 11% recurrence rate with artery-sparing varicocelectomy in adolescence versus 1.

Hjalte, 42 years: The voided volume must be more than 50% of expected capacity for a urinary flow examination to be reliable. Bladder instability was commonly seen after staged repair (46% in this series) but was nonexistent in the group undergoing complete repair.

Peer, 44 years: This reduction is sensed as insufficient effective arterial blood volume and leads to salt and water retention, which expands blood volume and eventually causes edema formation. Vasoconstriction increases afterload, which further reduces ejection fraction and cardiac output.

Kulak, 54 years: With experience, these can be delineated, prompting close observation or surgical repair, depending on the certainty of the diagnosis. The effects of surgery are irreversible, and the child is left to make the best of it as an adolescent and adult.

Arakos, 45 years: These authors have again shown the longer the experiment, the more severe the loss of renal function. Transient persistence of any or all of these findings after passage of a previously impacted stone occasionally provides an indirect clue to the correct diagnosis.

Frillock, 62 years: After overdosage with ergotamine and similar agents, vasospasm is severe and prolonged (see Toxicity, below). The more severe rotations (>90 degrees) are associated with dysgenetic bands of tissue at the base of the penis and even inherent abnormality of the penile corpora, which requires a more radical correction.

Goran, 27 years: Theophylline is now largely reserved for patients in whom symptoms remain poorly controlled despite the combination of regular treatment with an inhaled anti-inflammatory agent and as-needed use of a 2 agonist. One group believes that clitoroplasty, vaginoplasty, and labioplasty should be done in a single procedure early in life.

Shawn, 31 years: The problem with clean intermittent self-catheterization in these functional disturbances is that we are dealing with children at ages where introduction of a catheter through the urethra, or just touching this area, can be very integrity-insulting. By convention, motion toward the transducer is encoded in red and motion away from the transducer in blue.

Spike, 55 years: In general, patients with poorly controlled symptoms in the present have a heightened risk of exacerbations in the future, but some patients seem unaware of the severity of their underlying airflow obstruction (sometimes described as "poor perceivers") and can be identified only by measurement of pulmonary function, as by spirometry. The upper pole ureter is usually dilated and tortuous, and frequently appears to wrap around the lower pole ureter.

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