Direktori : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/themes/dopla2019/library/ |
Current File : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/themes/dopla2019/library/misc.php |
<?php function theme_strlen($str) { if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) { return mb_strlen($str); } return strlen($str); } function theme_strpos($source, $target) { if (function_exists('mb_strpos')) { return mb_strpos($source, $target); } return strpos($source, $target); } function theme_get_array_value($arr = array(), $key = null, $def = false) { if (is_array($arr) && @isset($arr[$key])) { return $arr[$key]; } return $def; } function theme_is_empty_html($str) { return (!is_string($str) || theme_strlen(str_replace(array(' ', ' ', "\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $str)) == 0); } function theme_trim_long_str($str, $len = 50, $sep = ' ') { $words = explode($sep, $str); $wcount = count($words); while ($wcount > 0 && theme_strlen(join($sep, array_slice($words, 0, $wcount))) > $len) $wcount--; if ($wcount != count($words)) { $str = join($sep, array_slice($words, 0, $wcount)) . '…'; } return $str; } function theme_get_current_url() { $pageURL = 'http'; if (is_ssl()) { $pageURL .= 's'; } $pageURL .= '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80') { $pageURL .= ':' . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; } $pageURL .= $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; return $pageURL; } function theme_remove_last_slash($url) { $len = theme_strlen($url); if ($len > 0 && $url[$len - 1] == '/') { $url = substr($url, 0, -1); } return $url; } function theme_is_current_url($url) { // remove # anchor if (strpos($url, '#')) { $url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '#')); } $url = theme_remove_last_slash($url); $cur = theme_remove_last_slash(theme_get_current_url()); // compare return ($cur == $url); } function theme_prepare_attr($attr = array()) { $attr = wp_parse_args($attr); if (count($attr) == 0) return ''; $result = ''; foreach ($attr as $name => $value) { if (empty($name) || empty($value)) continue; $result .= ' ' . strtolower($name) . '="' . esc_attr($value) . '"'; } return $result; } function theme_highlight_excerpt($search_query, $text) { $text = strip_tags($text); $keys = explode(' ', $search_query); foreach ($keys as $i => $key) { $keys[$i] = preg_quote($keys[$i], '/'); } $workkeys = $keys; // Extract a fragment per keyword for at most 4 keywords. First we // collect ranges of text around each keyword, starting/ending at // spaces. If the sum of all fragments is too short, we look for // second occurrences. $ranges = array(); $included = array(); $length = 0; while ($length < 256 && count($workkeys)) { foreach ($workkeys as $k => $key) { if (strlen($key) == 0) { unset($workkeys[$k]); continue; } if ($length >= 256) { break; } // Remember occurrence of key so we can skip over it if more // occurrences are desired. if (!isset($included[$key])) { $included[$key] = 0; } // NOTE: extra parameter for preg_match requires PHP 4.3.3 if (preg_match('/' . $key . '/iu', $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $included[$key])) { $p = $match[0][1]; $success = 0; if (($q = strpos($text, ' ', max(0, $p - 60))) !== false && $q < $p) { $end = substr($text, $p, 80); if (($s = strrpos($end, ' ')) !== false && $s > 0) { $ranges[$q] = $p + $s; $length += $p + $s - $q; $included[$key] = $p + 1; $success = 1; } } if (!$success) { // for the case of asian text without whitespace $q = _theme_text_find_1stbyte($text, max(0, $p - 60)); $q = _theme_text_find_delimiter($text, $q); $s = _theme_text_find_1stbyte_reverse($text, $p + 80, $p); $s = _theme_text_find_delimiter($text, $s); if (($s >= $p) && ($q <= $p)) { $ranges[$q] = $s; $length += $s - $q; $included[$key] = $p + 1; } else { unset($workkeys[$k]); } } } else { unset($workkeys[$k]); } } } // If we didn't find anything, return the beginning. if (sizeof($ranges) == 0) return '<p>' . _theme_text_truncate($text, 256) . ' ...</p>'; // Sort the text ranges by starting position. ksort($ranges); // Now we collapse overlapping text ranges into one. The sorting makes // it O(n). $newranges = array(); foreach ($ranges as $from2 => $to2) { if (!isset($from1)) { $from1 = $from2; $to1 = $to2; continue; } if ($from2 <= $to1) { $to1 = max($to1, $to2); } else { $newranges[$from1] = $to1; $from1 = $from2; $to1 = $to2; } } $newranges[$from1] = $to1; // Fetch text $out = array(); foreach ($newranges as $from => $to) $out[] = substr($text, $from, $to - $from); $text = (isset($newranges[0]) ? '' : '... ') . implode(' ... ', $out) . ' ...'; $text = preg_replace('/(' . implode('|', $keys) . ')/iu', '<strong class="search-excerpt">\0</strong>', $text); return "<p>$text</p>"; } // The number of bytes used when WordPress looking around to find delimiters // (either a whitespace or a point where ASCII and other character switched). // This also represents the number of bytes of few characters. define('_THEME_LEN_SEARCH', 15); function _theme_text_find_1stbyte($string, $pos = 0, $stop = -1) { $len = strlen($string); if ($stop < 0 || $stop > $len) { $stop = $len; } for (; $pos < $stop; $pos++) { if ((ord($string[$pos]) < 0x80) || (ord($string[$pos]) >= 0xC0)) { break; // find 1st byte of multi-byte characters. } } return $pos; } function _theme_text_find_1stbyte_reverse($string, $pos = -1, $stop = 0) { $len = strlen($string); if ($pos < 0 || $pos >= $len) { $pos = $len - 1; } for (; $pos >= $stop; $pos--) { if ((ord($string[$pos]) < 0x80) || (ord($string[$pos]) >= 0xC0)) { break; // find 1st byte of multi-byte characters. } } return $pos; } function _theme_text_find_delimiter($string, $pos = 0, $min = -1, $max = -1) { $len = strlen($string); if ($pos == 0 || $pos < 0 || $pos >= $len) { return $pos; } if ($min < 0) { $min = max(0, $pos - _THEME_LEN_SEARCH); } if ($max < 0 || $max >= $len) { $max = min($len - 1, $pos + _THEME_LEN_SEARCH); } if (ord($string[$pos]) < 0x80) { // Found ASCII character at the trimming point. So, trying // to find new trimming point around $pos. New trimming point // should be on a whitespace or the transition from ASCII to // other character. $pos3 = -1; for ($pos2 = $pos; $pos2 <= $max; $pos2++) { if ($string[$pos2] == ' ') { break; } else if ($pos3 < 0 && ord($string[$pos2]) >= 0x80) { $pos3 = $pos2; } } if ($pos2 > $max && $pos3 >= 0) { $pos2 = $pos3; } if ($pos2 > $max) { $pos3 = -1; for ($pos2 = $pos; $pos2 >= $min; $pos2--) { if ($string[$pos2] == ' ') { break; } else if ($pos3 < 0 && ord($string[$pos2]) >= 0x80) { $pos3 = $pos2 + 1; } } if ($pos2 < $min && $pos3 >= 0) { $pos2 = $pos3; } } if ($pos2 <= $max && $pos2 >= $min) { $pos = $pos2; } } else if ((ord($string[$pos]) >= 0x80) || (ord($string[$pos]) < 0xC0)) { $pos = _theme_text_find_1stbyte($string, $pos, $max); } return $pos; } function _theme_text_truncate($string, $byte) { $len = strlen($string); if ($len <= $byte) return $string; $byte = _theme_text_find_1stbyte_reverse($string, $byte); return substr($string, 0, $byte); }