Direktori : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/tinymce-advanced/js/ |
Current File : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/tinymce-advanced/js/tadv.js |
/** * This file is part of the TinyMCE Advanced WordPress plugin and is released under the same license. * For more information please see tinymce-advanced.php. * * Copyright (c) 2007-2019 Andrew Ozz. All rights reserved. */ jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { var $importElement = $('#tadv-import'); var $importError = $('#tadv-import-error'); function sortClassic() { var container = $('.container'); if ( container.sortable( 'instance' ) ) { container.sortable( 'destroy' ); } container.sortable({ connectWith: '.container', items: '> li', cursor: 'move', stop: function( event, ui ) { var toolbar_id; if ( ui && ( toolbar_id = ui.item.parent().attr('id') ) ) { ui.item.find('input.tadv-button').attr('name', toolbar_id + '[]'); } }, activate: function( event, ui ) { $(this).parent().addClass( 'highlighted' ); }, deactivate: function( event, ui ) { $(this).parent().removeClass( 'highlighted' ); }, revert: 300, opacity: 0.7, placeholder: 'tadv-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true }); } function sortBlock() { var classicBlock = $( '.container-classic-block' ); var block = $( '.container-block' ); var blockToolbar = $( '#toolbar_block' ); if ( classicBlock.sortable( 'instance' ) ) { classicBlock.sortable( 'destroy' ); } if ( block.sortable( 'instance' ) ) { block.sortable( 'destroy' ); } if ( blockToolbar.sortable( 'instance' ) ) { blockToolbar.sortable( 'destroy' ); } classicBlock.sortable({ connectWith: '.container-classic-block', items: '> li', cursor: 'move', stop: function( event, ui ) { var toolbar_id; if ( ui && ( toolbar_id = ui.item.parent().attr( 'id' ) ) ) { ui.item.find( 'input.tadv-button' ).attr( 'name', toolbar_id + '[]' ); } }, activate: function( event, ui ) { $(this).parent().addClass( 'highlighted' ); }, deactivate: function( event, ui ) { $(this).parent().removeClass( 'highlighted' ); }, revert: 300, opacity: 0.7, placeholder: 'tadv-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true }); blockToolbar.sortable({ connectWith: '.container-block', items: '> li', cursor: 'move', stop: function( event, ui ) { var parent = ui.item.parent(); var toolbar_id = parent.attr( 'id' ); if ( ui.item.is( '.core-link' ) && parent.is( '#toolbar_block_side' ) ) { blockToolbar.sortable( 'cancel' ); return; } if ( toolbar_id ) { ui.item.find( 'input[type="hidden"]' ).attr( 'name', toolbar_id + '[]' ); } sortBlockToolbar(); }, activate: function( event, ui ) { $(this).parent().addClass( 'highlighted' ); }, deactivate: function( event, ui ) { $(this).parent().removeClass( 'highlighted' ); }, revert: 300, opacity: 0.7, placeholder: 'tadv-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true }); block.sortable({ connectWith: '.container-block, #toolbar_block', items: '> li', cursor: 'move', stop: function( event, ui ) { var parent = ui.item.parent(); var toolbar_id = parent.attr( 'id' ); if ( ui.item.is( '.core-link' ) && parent.is( '#toolbar_block_side' ) ) { block.sortable( 'cancel' ); } if ( toolbar_id ) { ui.item.find( 'input[type="hidden"]' ).attr( 'name', toolbar_id + '[]' ); } blockToolbar.css( 'min-width', '' ); sortBlockToolbar(); }, activate: function( event, ui ) { $(this).parent().addClass( 'highlighted' ); }, deactivate: function( event, ui ) { $(this).parent().removeClass( 'highlighted' ); }, start: function( event, ui ) { var width = parseInt( blockToolbar.css( 'width' ), 10 ); if ( width ) { blockToolbar.css( 'min-width', 36 + width ); } }, revert: 300, opacity: 0.7, placeholder: 'tadv-block-placeholder', forcePlaceholderSize: true }); } function sortBlockToolbar() { var toolbar = $( '#toolbar_block' ); var sort = [ 'core-strikethrough', 'core-link', 'core-italic', 'core-bold' ]; $.each( sort, function( i, className ) { var button = toolbar.find( '> li.' + className ) if ( button.length ) { button.prependTo( toolbar ); } } ); } // Make block editor tab sortable on load sortBlock(); $( '.settings-toggle.block' ).on( 'focus', function( event ) { $( '.wrap' ).removeClass( 'classic-active' ).addClass( 'block-active' ); sortBlock(); }); $( '.settings-toggle.classic' ).on( 'focus', function( event ) { $( '.wrap' ).removeClass( 'block-active' ).addClass( 'classic-active' ); sortClassic(); }); $( '#menubar' ).on( 'change', function() { $( '.tadv-mce-menu.tadv-classic-editor' ).toggleClass( 'enabled', $(this).prop('checked') ); }); $( '#menubar_block' ).on( 'change', function() { $( '.tadv-mce-menu.tadv-block-editor' ).toggleClass( 'enabled', $(this).prop('checked') ); }); $( '#tadvadmins' ).on( 'submit', function() { $( 'ul.container' ).each( function( i, node ) { $( node ).find( '.tadv-button' ).attr( 'name', node.id ? node.id + '[]' : '' ); }); }); $( 'input[name="selected_text_color"]' ).on( 'change', function() { if ( this.id === 'selected_text_color_yes' ) { $( '.panel-block-text-color' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { $( '.panel-block-text-color' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } } ); $( 'input[name="selected_text_background_color"]' ).on( 'change', function() { if ( this.id === 'selected_text_background_color_yes' ) { $( '.panel-block-background-color' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { $( '.panel-block-background-color' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } } ); $( '.tadv-popout-help-toggle, .tadv-popout-help-close' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { $( '.tadv-popout-help' ).toggleClass( 'hidden' ); } ); $('#tadv-export-select').click( function() { $('#tadv-export').focus().select(); }); $importElement.change( function() { $importError.empty(); }); $('#tadv-import-verify').click( function() { var string; string = ( $importElement.val() || '' ).replace( /^[^{]*/, '' ).replace( /[^}]*$/, '' ); $importElement.val( string ); try { JSON.parse( string ); $importError.text( 'No errors.' ); } catch( error ) { $importError.text( error ); } }); function translate( str ) { if ( window.tadvTranslation.hasOwnProperty( str ) ) { return window.tadvTranslation[str]; } return str; } if ( typeof window.tadvTranslation === 'object' ) { $( '.tadvitem' ).each( function( i, element ) { var $element = $( element ), $descr = $element.find( '.descr' ), text = $descr.text(); if ( text ) { text = translate( text ); $descr.text( text ); $element.find( '.mce-ico' ).attr( 'title', text ); } }); $( '.tadv-mce-menu .tadv-translate' ).each( function( i, element ) { var $element = $( element ), text = $element.text(); if ( text ) { $element.text( translate( text ) ); } }); } });