Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/polylang/settings/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/polylang/settings/view-tab-lang.php


 * Displays the languages tab in Polylang settings

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	exit; // Don't access directly
<div id="col-container">
	<div id="col-right">
		<div class="col-wrap">
			// Displays the language list in a table
			<div class="metabox-holder">
				wp_nonce_field( 'closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', false );
				do_meta_boxes( 'settings_page_mlang', 'normal', array() );
		</div><!-- col-wrap -->
	</div><!-- col-right -->

	<div id="col-left">
		<div class="col-wrap">

			<div class="form-wrap">
				<h3><?php echo ! empty( $edit_lang ) ? esc_html__( 'Edit language', 'polylang' ) : esc_html__( 'Add new language', 'polylang' ); ?></h3>
				// Displays the add ( or edit ) language form
				// Adds noheader=true in the action url to allow using wp_redirect when processing the form
				<form id="add-lang" method="post" action="admin.php?page=mlang&amp;noheader=true" class="validate">
				wp_nonce_field( 'add-lang', '_wpnonce_add-lang' );

				if ( ! empty( $edit_lang ) ) {
					<input type="hidden" name="pll_action" value="update" />
					<input type="hidden" name="lang_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $edit_lang->term_id ); ?>" />
				} else {
					<input type="hidden" name="pll_action" value="add" />
					<div class="form-field">
						<label for="lang_list"><?php esc_html_e( 'Choose a language', 'polylang' ); ?></label>
						<select name="lang_list" id="lang_list">
							<option value=""></option>
							foreach ( $this->get_predefined_languages() as $lg ) {
									'<option value="%1$s:%2$s:%3$s:%4$s">%5$s - %2$s</option>' . "\n",
									esc_attr( $lg['code'] ),
									esc_attr( $lg['locale'] ),
									'rtl' == $lg['dir'] ? '1' : '0',
									esc_attr( $lg['flag'] ),
									esc_html( $lg['name'] )
						<p><?php esc_html_e( 'You can choose a language in the list or directly edit it below.', 'polylang' ); ?></p>

					<div class="form-field form-required">
						<label for="lang_name"><?php esc_html_e( 'Full name', 'polylang' ); ?></label>
							'<input name="name" id="lang_name" type="text" value="%s" size="40" aria-required="true" />',
							! empty( $edit_lang ) ? esc_attr( $edit_lang->name ) : ''
						<p><?php esc_html_e( 'The name is how it is displayed on your site (for example: English).', 'polylang' ); ?></p>

					<div class="form-field form-required">
						<label for="lang_locale"><?php esc_html_e( 'Locale', 'polylang' ); ?></label>
							'<input name="locale" id="lang_locale" type="text" value="%s" size="40" aria-required="true" />',
							! empty( $edit_lang ) ? esc_attr( $edit_lang->locale ) : ''
						<p><?php esc_html_e( 'WordPress Locale for the language (for example: en_US). You will need to install the .mo file for this language.', 'polylang' ); ?></p>

					<div class="form-field">
						<label for="lang_slug"><?php esc_html_e( 'Language code', 'polylang' ); ?></label>
							'<input name="slug" id="lang_slug" type="text" value="%s" size="40"/>',
							! empty( $edit_lang ) ? esc_attr( $edit_lang->slug ) : ''
						<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Language code - preferably 2-letters ISO 639-1  (for example: en)', 'polylang' ); ?></p>

					<div class="form-field"><fieldset>
						<legend><?php esc_html_e( 'Text direction', 'polylang' ); ?></legend>
							'<label><input name="rtl" type="radio" value="0" %s /> %s</label>',
							! empty( $edit_lang ) && $edit_lang->is_rtl ? '' : 'checked="checked"',
							esc_html__( 'left to right', 'polylang' )
							'<label><input name="rtl" type="radio" value="1" %s /> %s</label>',
							! empty( $edit_lang ) && $edit_lang->is_rtl ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
							esc_html__( 'right to left', 'polylang' )
						<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Choose the text direction for the language', 'polylang' ); ?></p>

					<div class="form-field">
						<label for="flag_list"><?php esc_html_e( 'Flag', 'polylang' ); ?></label>
						<select name="flag" id="flag_list">
							<option value=""></option>
							include PLL_SETTINGS_INC . '/flags.php';
							foreach ( $flags as $code => $label ) {
								/** This filter is documented in include/language.php */
								$flag = apply_filters( 'pll_flag', array( 'url' => plugins_url( "/flags/{$code}.png", POLYLANG_FILE ) ), $code );

									'<option value="%s" data-url="%s"%s%s%s>%s</option>' . "\n",
									esc_attr( $code ),
									esc_url( $flag['url'] ),
									empty( $flag['width'] ) ? '' : sprintf( ' data-width="%s"', (int) $flag['width'] ),
									empty( $flag['height'] ) ? '' : sprintf( ' data-height="%s"', (int) $flag['height'] ),
									isset( $edit_lang->flag_code ) && $edit_lang->flag_code == $code ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
									esc_html( $label )
						<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Choose a flag for the language.', 'polylang' ); ?></p>

					<div class="form-field">
						<label for="lang_order"><?php esc_html_e( 'Order', 'polylang' ); ?></label>
							'<input name="term_group" id="lang_order" type="text" value="%d" />',
							! empty( $edit_lang ) ? esc_attr( $edit_lang->term_group ) : ''
						<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Position of the language in the language switcher', 'polylang' ); ?></p>
					if ( ! empty( $edit_lang ) ) {
						 * Fires after the Edit Language form fields are displayed.
						 * @since 1.7.10
						 * @param object $lang language being edited.
						do_action( 'pll_language_edit_form_fields', $edit_lang );
					} else {
						 * Fires after the Add Language form fields are displayed.
						 * @since 1.7.10
						do_action( 'pll_language_add_form_fields' );

					submit_button( ! empty( $edit_lang ) ? __( 'Update' ) : __( 'Add new language', 'polylang' ) ); // since WP 3.1
			</div><!-- form-wrap -->
		</div><!-- col-wrap -->
	</div><!-- col-left -->
</div><!-- col-container -->

<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
		// close postboxes that should be closed
		$( '.if-js-closed' ).removeClass( 'if-js-closed' ).addClass( 'closed' );
		// postboxes setup
		postboxes.add_postbox_toggles( 'settings_page_mlang' );
	} );

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0