Direktori : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/ml-slider/admin/assets/tether-shepherd/src/js/ |
Current File : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/ml-slider/admin/assets/tether-shepherd/src/js/shepherd.js |
/* global Tether */ const { Evented, addClass, extend, hasClass, removeClass, uniqueId } = Tether.Utils; let Shepherd = new Evented; function isUndefined(obj) { return typeof obj === 'undefined' }; function isArray(obj) { return obj && obj.constructor === Array; }; function isObject(obj) { return obj && obj.constructor === Object; }; function isObjectLoose(obj) { return typeof obj === 'object'; }; const ATTACHMENT = { 'top right': 'bottom left', 'top left': 'bottom right', 'top center': 'bottom center', 'middle right': 'middle left', 'middle left': 'middle right', 'middle center': 'middle center', 'bottom left': 'top right', 'bottom right': 'top left', 'bottom center': 'top center', 'top': 'bottom center', 'left': 'middle right', 'right': 'middle left', 'bottom': 'top center', 'center': 'middle center', 'middle': 'middle center' }; function createFromHTML (html) { let el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = html; return el.children[0]; } function matchesSelector (el, sel) { let matches; if (!isUndefined(el.matches)) { matches = el.matches; } else if (!isUndefined(el.matchesSelector)) { matches = el.matchesSelector; } else if (!isUndefined(el.msMatchesSelector)) { matches = el.msMatchesSelector; } else if (!isUndefined(el.webkitMatchesSelector)) { matches = el.webkitMatchesSelector; } else if (!isUndefined(el.mozMatchesSelector)) { matches = el.mozMatchesSelector; } else if (!isUndefined(el.oMatchesSelector)) { matches = el.oMatchesSelector; } return matches.call(el, sel); } const positionRe = /^(.+) (top|left|right|bottom|center|\[[a-z ]+\])$/ function parsePosition (str) { if (isObjectLoose(str)) { if (str.hasOwnProperty("element") && str.hasOwnProperty("on")) { return str; } return null; } let matches = positionRe.exec(str); if (!matches) { return null; } let on = matches[2]; if (on[0] === '['){ on = on.substring(1, on.length - 1); } return { 'element': matches[1], 'on': on }; } function parseShorthand (obj, props) { if (obj === null || isUndefined(obj)) { return obj; } else if (isObjectLoose(obj)) { return obj; } let vals = obj.split(' '); let out = {}; let j = props.length - 1; for (let i = vals.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ if (j === 0){ out[props[j]] = vals.slice(0, i + 1).join(' '); break; } else { out[props[j]] = vals[i]; } j--; } return out; } class Step extends Evented { constructor(tour, options) { super(tour, options); this.tour = tour; this.bindMethods(); this.setOptions(options); return this; } bindMethods() { const methods = [ '_show', 'show', 'hide', 'isOpen', 'cancel', 'complete', 'scrollTo', 'destroy', 'render' ]; methods.map((method) => { this[method] = this[method].bind(this); }); } setOptions(options={}) { this.options = options; this.destroy(); this.id = this.options.id || this.id || `step-${ uniqueId() }`; const when = this.options.when; if (when) { for (let event in when) { if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(when, event)) { let handler = when[event]; this.on(event, handler, this); } } } // Button configuration const buttonsJson = JSON.stringify(this.options.buttons); const buttonsAreDefault = isUndefined(buttonsJson) || buttonsJson === "true"; const buttonsAreEmpty = buttonsJson === "{}" || buttonsJson === "[]" || buttonsJson === "null" || buttonsJson === "false"; const buttonsAreArray = !buttonsAreDefault && isArray(this.options.buttons) const buttonsAreObject = !buttonsAreDefault && isObject(this.options.buttons) // Show default button if undefined or 'true' if (buttonsAreDefault) { this.options.buttons = [{ text: 'Next', action: this.tour.next, classes: 'btn' }]; // Can pass in an object which will assume asingle button } else if (!buttonsAreEmpty && buttonsAreObject) { this.options.buttons = [this.options.buttons]; // Falsey/empty values or non-object values prevent buttons from rendering } else if (buttonsAreEmpty || !buttonsAreArray) { this.options.buttons = false; } } getTour() { return this.tour; } bindAdvance() { // An empty selector matches the step element const {event, selector} = parseShorthand(this.options.advanceOn, ['selector', 'event']); const handler = (e) => { if (!this.isOpen()) { return; } if (!isUndefined(selector)) { if (matchesSelector(e.target, selector)) { this.tour.next(); } } else { if (this.el && e.target === this.el) { this.tour.next(); } } }; // TODO: this should also bind/unbind on show/hide document.body.addEventListener(event, handler); this.on('destroy', () => { return document.body.removeEventListener(event, handler); }); } getAttachTo() { let opts = parsePosition(this.options.attachTo) || {}; let returnOpts = extend({}, opts); if (typeof opts.element === 'string') { // Can't override the element in user opts reference because we can't // guarantee that the element will exist in the future. returnOpts.element = document.querySelector(opts.element); if (!returnOpts.element) { console.error(`The element for this Shepherd step was not found ${opts.element}`); } } return returnOpts; } setupTether() { if (isUndefined(Tether)) { throw new Error("Using the attachment feature of Shepherd requires the Tether library"); } let opts = this.getAttachTo(); let attachment = ATTACHMENT[opts.on] || ATTACHMENT.right; if (isUndefined(opts.element)) { opts.element = 'viewport'; attachment = 'middle center'; } const tetherOpts = { classPrefix: 'shepherd', element: this.el, constraints: [{ to: 'window', pin: true, attachment: 'together' }], target: opts.element, offset: opts.offset || '0 0', attachment: attachment }; if (this.tether) { this.tether.destroy(); } this.tether = new Tether(extend(tetherOpts, this.options.tetherOptions)); } show() { if (!isUndefined(this.options.beforeShowPromise)) { const beforeShowPromise = this.options.beforeShowPromise(); if (!isUndefined(beforeShowPromise)) { return beforeShowPromise.then(() => this._show()); } } this._show(); } _show() { this.trigger('before-show'); if (!this.el) { this.render(); } addClass(this.el, 'shepherd-open'); document.body.setAttribute('data-shepherd-step', this.id); this.setupTether(); if (this.options.scrollTo) { setTimeout(() => { this.scrollTo(); }); } this.trigger('show'); } hide() { this.trigger('before-hide'); removeClass(this.el, 'shepherd-open'); document.body.removeAttribute('data-shepherd-step'); if (this.tether) { this.tether.destroy(); } this.tether = null; this.trigger('hide'); } isOpen() { return this.el && hasClass(this.el, 'shepherd-open'); } cancel() { this.tour.cancel(); this.trigger('cancel'); } complete() { this.tour.complete(); this.trigger('complete'); } scrollTo() { const {element} = this.getAttachTo(); if (!isUndefined(this.options.scrollToHandler)) { this.options.scrollToHandler(element); } else if (!isUndefined(element)) { element.scrollIntoView(); } } destroy() { if (!isUndefined(this.el) && this.el.parentNode) { this.el.parentNode.removeChild(this.el); delete this.el; } if (this.tether) { this.tether.destroy(); } this.tether = null; this.trigger('destroy'); } render() { if (!isUndefined(this.el)) { this.destroy(); } this.el = createFromHTML(`<div class='shepherd-step ${ this.options.classes || '' }' data-id='${ this.id }' ${ this.options.idAttribute ? 'id="' + this.options.idAttribute + '"' : '' }></div>`); let content = document.createElement('div'); content.className = 'shepherd-content'; this.el.appendChild(content); let header = document.createElement('header'); content.appendChild(header); if (this.options.title) { header.innerHTML += `<h3 class='shepherd-title'>${ this.options.title }</h3>`; this.el.className += ' shepherd-has-title'; } if (this.options.showCancelLink) { const link = createFromHTML("<a href class='shepherd-cancel-link'>✕</a>"); header.appendChild(link); this.el.className += ' shepherd-has-cancel-link'; this.bindCancelLink(link); } if (!isUndefined(this.options.text)) { const text = createFromHTML("<div class='shepherd-text'></div>"); let paragraphs = this.options.text; if (typeof paragraphs === 'function') { paragraphs = paragraphs.call(this, text); } if (paragraphs instanceof HTMLElement) { text.appendChild(paragraphs); } else { if (typeof paragraphs === 'string') { paragraphs = [paragraphs]; } paragraphs.map(paragraph => { text.innerHTML += `<p>${ paragraph }</p>`; }); } content.appendChild(text); } if (this.options.buttons) { const footer = document.createElement('footer'); let buttons = createFromHTML("<ul class='shepherd-buttons'></ul>"); this.options.buttons.map(cfg => { const button = createFromHTML(`<li><a class='shepherd-button ${ cfg.classes || '' }'>${ cfg.text }</a>`); buttons.appendChild(button); this.bindButtonEvents(cfg, button.querySelector('a')); }); footer.appendChild(buttons); content.appendChild(footer); } document.body.appendChild(this.el); this.setupTether(); if (this.options.advanceOn) { this.bindAdvance(); } } bindCancelLink(link) { link.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.cancel(); }); } bindButtonEvents(cfg, el) { cfg.events = cfg.events || {}; if (!isUndefined(cfg.action)) { // Including both a click event and an action is not supported cfg.events.click = cfg.action; } for (let event in cfg.events) { if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(cfg.events, event)) { let handler = cfg.events[event]; if (typeof handler === 'string') { const page = handler; handler = () => this.tour.show(page); } el.addEventListener(event, handler); } } this.on('destroy', () => { for (let event in cfg.events) { if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(cfg.events, event)) { const handler = cfg.events[event]; el.removeEventListener(event, handler); } } }); } } class Tour extends Evented { constructor(options={}) { super(options); this.bindMethods(); this.options = options; this.steps = this.options.steps || []; // Pass these events onto the global Shepherd object const events = ['complete', 'cancel', 'hide', 'start', 'show', 'active', 'inactive']; events.map(event => { ((e) => { this.on(e, (opts) => { opts = opts || {}; opts.tour = this; Shepherd.trigger(e, opts); }); })(event); }); return this; } bindMethods() { const methods = [ 'next', 'back', 'cancel', 'complete', 'hide' ]; methods.map((method) => { this[method] = this[method].bind(this); }); } addStep(name, step) { if (isUndefined(step)) { step = name; } if (!(step instanceof Step)) { if (typeof name === 'string' || typeof name === 'number') { step.id = name.toString(); } step = extend({}, this.options.defaults, step); step = new Step(this, step); } else { step.tour = this; } this.steps.push(step); return this; } removeStep(name) { const current = this.getCurrentStep(); for (let i = 0; i < this.steps.length; ++i) { const step = this.steps[i]; if (step.id === name) { if (step.isOpen()) { step.hide(); } step.destroy(); this.steps.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (current && current.id === name){ this.currentStep = undefined; if (this.steps.length) this.show(0); else this.hide(); } } getById(id) { for (let i = 0; i < this.steps.length; ++i) { const step = this.steps[i]; if (step.id === id) { return step; } } } getCurrentStep() { return this.currentStep; } next() { const index = this.steps.indexOf(this.currentStep); if (index === this.steps.length - 1) { this.hide(index); this.trigger('complete'); this.done(); } else { this.show(index + 1, true); } } back() { const index = this.steps.indexOf(this.currentStep); this.show(index - 1, false); } cancel() { if (this.currentStep) { this.currentStep.hide(); } this.trigger('cancel'); this.done(); } complete() { if (this.currentStep) { this.currentStep.hide(); } this.trigger('complete'); this.done(); } hide() { if (this.currentStep) { this.currentStep.hide(); } this.trigger('hide'); this.done(); } done() { Shepherd.activeTour = null; removeClass(document.body, 'shepherd-active'); this.trigger('inactive', {tour: this}); } show(key=0, forward=true) { if (this.currentStep) { this.currentStep.hide(); } else { addClass(document.body, 'shepherd-active'); this.trigger('active', {tour: this}); } Shepherd.activeTour = this; let next; if (typeof key === 'string') { next = this.getById(key); } else { next = this.steps[key]; } if (next) { if (!isUndefined(next.options.showOn) && !next.options.showOn()) { const index = this.steps.indexOf(next); const nextIndex = forward ? index + 1 : index - 1; this.show(nextIndex, forward); } else { this.trigger('show', { step: next, previous: this.currentStep }); if (this.currentStep) { this.currentStep.hide(); } this.currentStep = next; next.show(); } } } start() { this.trigger('start'); this.currentStep = null; this.next(); } } extend(Shepherd, {Tour, Step, Evented});