Direktori : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/ml-slider/admin/assets/js/app/slideshows/ |
Current File : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/ml-slider/admin/assets/js/app/slideshows/Slideshow.vue |
<script> import { Axios, Slideshow, Settings } from '../api' import { AnalyticsNotice } from '../notices' import { EventManager } from '../utils' import QS from 'qs' import Swal from 'sweetalert2' import { mapGetters, mapState } from 'vuex' import { MainTour } from '../tour' export default { props: { id: { type: [Number], default: null }, settings: { type: [Object, Boolean], default: false }, tourStatus: { type: [String, Boolean], default: false }, showOptIn: { type: [String, Boolean], default: false }, }, data() { return { allowedElements: ['metaslider-ui', 'updraft-ad-container', 'metaslider-admin-notice'], titleChanged: '' } }, computed: { ...mapGetters({ current: 'slideshows/getCurrent' }), ...mapState({ locked: state => state.slideshows.locked }), }, created() { window.metaslider_slider_id = this.id // used in admin.js this.$store.commit('slideshows/setCurrent', this.id) this.$store.dispatch('slideshows/getSingleSlideshow', this.id) this.$store.dispatch('slideshows/getRecentSlideshows') }, mounted() { // Show only the allowed elements on our page (keeps rogue notices from showing) document.querySelectorAll('#wpbody-content > *').forEach(element => { let identifiers = element.className.split(' ').concat(element.id) if (identifiers && this.allowedElements.filter(elm => identifiers.indexOf(elm) > -1).length) { element.style.display = 'block' } }) EventManager.$on('metaslider/save', () => { this.save() }) EventManager.$on('metaslider/preview', data => { let slideshowId = data && data.hasOwnProperty('slideshowId') ? data.slideshowId : this.current.id let themeId = data && data.hasOwnProperty('themeId') ? data.themeId : this.current.theme.folder this.save().then(() => { this.preview(slideshowId, themeId) }) }) EventManager.$on(['metaslider/creating-slides', 'metaslider/updating-slide'], () => { this.$store.commit('slideshows/setLocked', true) }) EventManager.$on([ 'metaslider/slides-created', 'metaslider/slide-create-failed', 'metaslider/slide-updated', 'metaslider/slide-update-failed' ], () => { this.$store.commit('slideshows/setLocked', false) }) EventManager.$on('metaslider/duplicate', () => { this.save().then(() => { this.notifyInfo('metaslider/duplicate-pre', this.__('Duplicating...', 'ml-slider'), true) this.duplicate() }) }) // Listen for a successful save and enable buttons EventManager.$on(['metaslider/save-success', 'metaslider/save-error'], () => { this.$store.commit('slideshows/setLocked', false) }) // Listen to start the tour (only if there's an id and it hasnt been seen) EventManager.$on('metaslider/start-tour', () => { !this.tourStatus && this.id && this.startTour() }) if (!this.showOptIn) { EventManager.$emit('metaslider/start-tour') } if (this.showOptIn) { EventManager.$emit('metaslider/open-utility-modal', AnalyticsNotice) } window.addEventListener('load', () => { setTimeout(() => { this.notifyInfo('metaslider/app-loaded', this.__('MetaSlider dashboard loaded', 'ml-slider')) }, 1500) }) this.titleChanged = this.current.title }, methods: { async save() { if (this.locked) return this.$store.commit('slideshows/setLocked', true) this.notifyInfo('metaslider/saving', this.__('Saving...', 'ml-slider')) // TODO: this is temporary until there is a slide component this.orderSlides() let data = window.jQuery('#ms-form-settings').serializeArray() await this.saveSettings(data).then(() => { // Todo: refactor out slides logic let slides = this.prepareSlideData(data) slides.length > 20 && this.notifyInfo( 'metaslider/saving-more-notice', this.sprintf(this.__('Saving %s slides. This may take a few moments.', 'ml-slider'), slides.length), true ) this.showSlideSaveNotification = false setTimeout(() => { this.showSlideSaveNotification = true }, 4000) return this.saveSlides(slides).then(() => { // TODO: refactor out with psuedocode below this.cropSlidesTheOldWay() this.notifySuccess('metaslider/save-success', this.__('Slideshow saved', 'ml-slider'), true) }).catch(error => { // If the input vars are too low, reload the page with the error message if (error.response.data.data && error.response.data.data.current_input_vars || error.response.data.includes('max_input_vars')) { window.location.replace(this.metasliderPage + '&id=' + this.current.id + '&input_vars_error=true') } throw error }) }).catch(error => { this.notifyError('metaslider/save-error', error.response, true) }) // TODO: refactor like this in a future branch // let touchedSlides = getTouchedSlides() // Only update slides that need it // touchedSlides.forEach(element => { // Save // Crop // }) // Look into only cropping if not already cropping, or better yet, to kill the initial cropping process }, preview(slideshowId, themeId) { EventManager.$emit('metaslider/open-preview', { slideshowId: slideshowId, themeId: themeId }) }, async duplicate(slideshowId, themeId) { Slideshow.duplicate().then(response => { this.notifySuccess('metaslider/duplicate-success', this.__('Duplicated successfully. Reloading...', 'ml-slider'), true) setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem('metaslider-vuex-' + this.siteId) window.location.replace(this.metasliderPage + '&id=' + response.data.data) }, 1500) }).catch(error => { this.notifyError('metaslider/duplicate-error', error, true) }) }, startTour() { EventManager.tourEnabled = true // Slight timeout to avoid any funky layouts like poopy.life setTimeout(() => { MainTour.start() }, 750) // Set an event to handle cancelling the tour MainTour.on('cancel', () => { this.cancelTour() }) }, saveSettings(data) { let settings = data.filter(input => 'title' === input.name || input.name.startsWith('settings')) return Settings.save(settings).then(() => { this.notifySuccess('metaslider/save-setting-success', this.__('Settings saved', 'ml-slider')) }) }, prepareSlideData(data) { let slides = data.filter(input => input.name.startsWith('attachment')) let allSlides = [] let currentSlide = '' slides.forEach(slide => { // Grab the id from a string like "attachment[2069][]" let thisSlide = slide.name.match(/attachment\[([\s\S]*?)\]/)[1] currentSlide = (currentSlide != thisSlide) ? thisSlide : currentSlide if ('undefined' === typeof allSlides[currentSlide]) { allSlides[currentSlide] = [] } allSlides[currentSlide].push(slide) }) return allSlides.filter(val => val) // re-index }, saveSlides(slides) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Pro users have a sigificant amoutn of extra input variables because of scheduling let chunks = this.proUser ? 20 : 50 Slideshow.save(slides, chunks).then(response => { if (Array.isArray(response) && response.length) { // Only notify the user every 4 seconds if (this.showSlideSaveNotification && response.length >= 10) { this.notifyInfo( 'metaslider/saving-more', this.sprintf( this.__('Still working... %s slides remaining...', 'ml-slider'), Math.floor(response.length / 10) * 10 ), true ) this.showSlideSaveNotification = false setTimeout(() => { this.showSlideSaveNotification = true }, 4000) } // if there are slides that need to be processed call the function again with the remaining data resolve(this.saveSlides(response)) } else { resolve(response) } }).catch(error => { reject(error) }) }) }, orderSlides() { document.querySelectorAll('#metaslider-slides-list .slide input.menu_order').forEach((element, index) => { element.value = index }) }, cropSlidesTheOldWay() { window.jQuery.when(window.jQuery('.metaslider table#metaslider-slides-list').trigger('resizeSlides')).done(function() { let $ = window.jQuery $('button[data-thumb]').each(function() { let $this = $(this) $('button[data-editor_id=' + $this.attr('data-editor_id') + ']') .attr('data-thumb', $this.attr('data-thumb')) .attr('data-width', $this.attr('data-width')) .attr('data-height', $this.attr('data-height')) }) }) }, cancelTour() { EventManager.tourEnabled = false MainTour.setPosition() .then(() => { this.notifySuccess('metaslider/tour-cancelled', this.__('Tour cancelled successfully', 'ml-slider'), false) }) .catch(() => { this.notifySuccess('metaslider/tour-cancelled-failed', this.__('Tour cancelled unsuccessfully', 'ml-slider'), false) }) }, deleteSlideshow() { Swal.queue([{ icon: 'warning', iconHtml: '<div class="dashicons dashicons-warning" style="transform: scale(3.5);"></div>', title: this.__('Are you sure?', 'ml-slider'), text: this.__('You will not be able to undo this.', 'ml-slider'), confirmButtonText: this.__('Delete', 'ml-slider'), showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: '#e82323', focusCancel: true, showLoaderOnConfirm: true, allowOutsideClick: () => !Swal.isLoading(), preConfirm: () => { // TODO: Refactor to use api object return Axios.post('slideshow/delete', QS.stringify({ action: 'ms_delete_slideshow', slideshow_id: this.current.id })).then(response => { console.log('MetaSlider:', response.data.data) // Set the next slideshow to show. If false, just reload the page. this.nextSlideshow = Number.isInteger(response.data.data.message) ? response.data.data.message : false }).catch(error => { let errorMessage = this.getErrorMessage(error.response) this.notifyError('metaslider/delete-error', error) Swal.insertQueueStep({ icon: 'error', title: this.__('Something went wrong', 'ml-slider'), confirmButtonText: this.__('OK', 'ml-slider'), text: errorMessage }) }) } }]).then(result => { localStorage.removeItem('metaslider-vuex-' + this.siteId) if (!result.dismiss) { // use replace becasue the resource is deleted this.nextSlideshow && window.location.replace(this.metasliderPage + '&id=' + this.nextSlideshow) // If no next slideshow then just reload the current page this.nextSlideshow || window.location.reload(true) } }) } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> @import '../assets/styles/main.scss'; </style>