Direktori : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/kingcomposer/includes/ |
Current File : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/kingcomposer/includes/kc.functions.php |
<?php /** * * King Composer * (c) KingComposer.com * */ if(!defined('KC_FILE')) { header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); exit; } if( !function_exists('wp_list_widgets') ) require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/widgets.php'); function kc_admin_enable( $force = false ){ if( $force === true ) return true; global $post, $kc; $type = !empty( $post->post_type ) ? $post->post_type:''; $page = !empty( $_GET['page'] ) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; $allows_types = $kc->get_support_content_types(); if( is_admin() && ( in_array( $type, $allows_types ) || $page == 'kc-mapper' || $kc->is_live() ) ) return true; else return false; } function kc_add_map( $map = array() ){ global $kc; if( !is_array( $map ) ) return; $kc->add_map( $map ); } /* * Add maps from exported file */ function kc_include_map($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) return; ob_start(); @include($file); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); /* $handle = fopen($file, 'r' ); $data = fread($handle, filesize($file)); fclose($handle); */ $data = @json_decode($data, true); if (!empty($data) && is_array($data)) { global $kc; $kc->add_map($data); } } function kc_remove_map( $name = '' ){ global $kc; if( empty( $name ) ) return; $kc->remove_map( $name ); } function kc_prebuilt_template ($name = '', $pack = '') { global $kc; if (empty($name) || empty($pack)) return false; $kc->prebuilt_template ($name, $pack); } function kc_hide_element( $name = '' ){ global $kc; if( empty( $name ) ) return; $kc->hide_element( $name ); } function kc_add_param_type( $name = '', $func = '' ){ global $kc; if( empty( $name ) || empty( $func ) ) return; $kc->add_param_type( $name, $func ); } function kc_add_icon( $source = '' ){ if( !empty( $source ) ){ KingComposer::globe()->add_icon_source( $source ); } } function kc_remove_wpautop( $content, $autop = false ) { if ( $autop ) { $content = wpautop( preg_replace( '/<\/?p\>/', "\n", $content ) . "\n" ); } return do_shortcode( shortcode_unautop( $content ) ); } function kc_validate_options( $plugin_options ){ if( isset( $_POST['kc_options'] ) && !empty( $_POST['kc_options'] ) ){ if( isset( $_POST['re-active-kc-pro'] ) && $_POST['re-active-kc-pro'] == '1' ){ $result = activate_plugin( 'kc_pro/kc_pro.php' ); } return $plugin_options; } } function kc_youtube_id_from_url( $url = '' ) { parse_str( parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY ), $vars ); return isset( $vars['v'] ) ? $vars['v'] : ''; } function kc_loop_box( $items ){ if( empty( $items ) ) return ''; $output = ''; foreach( $items as $item ){ if( is_object( $item ) && $item->tag != 'text' ){ if( !isset( $item->attributes ) || !is_object( $item->attributes ) ) $item->attributes = new stdClass(); if( !isset( $item->attributes->class ) ) $item->attributes->class = ''; if( $item->tag == 'image' ) $item->tag = 'img'; if( $item->tag == 'icon' ) $item->tag = 'i'; if( $item->tag == 'column' ){ $item->tag = 'div'; $item->attributes->class .= ' '.$item->attributes->cols; unset( $item->attributes->cols ); } $output .= '<'.$item->tag; if( $item->tag == 'img' ){ if( empty( $item->attributes->src ) ) $item->attributes->src = KC_URL.'/assets/images/get_start.jpg'; if( $item->tag == 'img' && !isset( $item->attributes->alt ) ) $item->attributes->alt = ''; } foreach( $item->attributes as $k => $v ){ if( !empty($v) )$output .= ' '.$k.'="'.trim($v).'"'; } if( $item->tag == 'img' ) $output .= '/'; $output .= '>'; if( is_array( $item->children ) ) $output .= kc_loop_box( $item->children ); if( $item->tag != 'img' ) $output .= '</'.$item->tag.'>'; }else $output .= $item->content; } return $output; } function kc_get_terms( $tax = 'category', $key = 'id', $type = '', $default = '' ){ $get_terms = (array) get_terms( $tax, array( 'hide_empty' => false ) ); if( $type != '' ){ $get_terms = kc_get_terms_by_post_type( array($tax), array($type) ); } $terms = array(); if( $default != '' ){ $terms[] = $default; } if ( $key == 'id' ){ foreach ( $get_terms as $term ){ if( isset( $term->term_id ) && isset( $term->name ) ){ $terms[$term->term_id] = $term->name; } } }else if ( $key == 'slug' ){ foreach ( $get_terms as $term ){ if( !empty($term->name) ){ if( isset( $term->slug ) && isset( $term->name ) ){ $terms[$term->slug] = $term->name; } } } } return $terms; } function kc_filter_search( $s, &$w ) { global $wpdb; if ( empty( $s ) )return ''; $q = $w->query_vars; $n = ! empty( $q['exact'] ) ? '' : '%'; $s = $sa = ''; foreach ( (array) $q['search_terms'] as $t ) { $t = $wpdb->esc_like( $t ); $l = $n . $t . $n; $s .= $wpdb->prepare( "{$sa}($wpdb->posts.post_title LIKE %s)", $l ); $sa = ' AND '; } if ( ! empty( $s ) ) $s = " AND ({$s}) "; return $s; } function kc_get_submit_button( $text = '', $type = 'primary large', $name = 'submit', $wrap = true, $other_attributes = '' ) { if ( ! is_array( $type ) ) $type = explode( ' ', $type ); $button_shorthand = array( 'primary', 'small', 'large' ); $classes = array( 'button' ); foreach ( $type as $t ) { if ( 'secondary' === $t || 'button-secondary' === $t ) continue; $classes[] = in_array( $t, $button_shorthand ) ? 'button-' . $t : $t; } $class = implode( ' ', array_unique( $classes ) ); if ( 'delete' === $type ) $class = 'button-secondary delete'; $text = $text ? $text : __( 'Save Changes' ); // Default the id attribute to $name unless an id was specifically provided in $other_attributes $id = $name; if ( is_array( $other_attributes ) && isset( $other_attributes['id'] ) ) { $id = $other_attributes['id']; unset( $other_attributes['id'] ); } $attributes = ''; if ( is_array( $other_attributes ) ) { foreach ( $other_attributes as $attribute => $value ) { $attributes .= $attribute . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '" '; // Trailing space is important } } elseif ( ! empty( $other_attributes ) ) { // Attributes provided as a string $attributes = $other_attributes; } // Don't output empty name and id attributes. $name_attr = $name ? ' name="' . esc_attr( $name ) . '"' : ''; $id_attr = $id ? ' id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"' : ''; $button = '<input type="submit"' . $name_attr . $id_attr . ' class="' . esc_attr( $class ); $button .= '" value="' . esc_attr( $text ) . '" ' . $attributes . ' />'; if ( $wrap ) { $button = '<p class="submit">' . $button . '</p>'; } return $button; } function kc_process_tab_title( $matches ){ if( !empty( $matches[0] ) ){ $tab_atts = shortcode_parse_atts( $matches[0] ); $title = ''; $adv_title = '';$tab_id=''; if ( isset( $tab_atts['title'] ) ) $title = $tab_atts['title']; if ( isset( $tab_atts['tab_id'] ) ) $tab_id = $tab_atts['tab_id']; if( isset( $tab_atts['advanced'] ) && $tab_atts['advanced'] === 'yes' ){ if( isset( $tab_atts['adv_title'] ) && !empty( $tab_atts['adv_title'] ) ) $adv_title = base64_decode( $tab_atts['adv_title'] ); $icon=$icon_class=$image=$image_id=$image_url=$image_thumbnail=$image_medium=$image_large=$image_full=''; if( isset( $tab_atts['adv_icon'] ) && !empty( $tab_atts['adv_icon'] ) ){ $icon_class = $tab_atts['adv_icon']; $icon = '<i class="'.$tab_atts['adv_icon'].'"></i>'; } if( isset( $tab_atts['adv_image'] ) && !empty( $tab_atts['adv_image'] ) ){ $image_id = $tab_atts['adv_image']; $image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'full' ); $image_medium = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'medium' ); $image_large = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'large' ); $image_thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, 'thumbnail' ); if( !empty( $image_url ) && isset( $image_url[0] ) ){ $image_url = $image_url[0]; $image_full = $image_url; } if( !empty( $image_medium ) && isset( $image_medium[0] ) ) $image_medium = $image_medium[0]; if( !empty( $image_large ) && isset( $image_large[0] ) ) $image_large = $image_large[0]; if( !empty( $image_thumbnail ) && isset( $image_thumbnail[0] ) ) $image_thumbnail = $image_thumbnail[0]; if( !empty( $image_url ) ) $image = '<img src="'.$image_url.'" alt="" />'; } $adv_title = str_replace( array( '{title}', '{icon}', '{icon_class}', '{image}', '{image_id}', '{image_url}', '{image_thumbnail}', '{image_medium}', '{image_large}', '{image_full}', '{tab_id}' ), array( $title, $icon, $icon_class, $image, $image_id, $image_url, $image_thumbnail, $image_medium, $image_large, $image_full, $tab_id ), $adv_title ); echo '<li>'.$adv_title.'</li>'; }else{ if( isset( $tab_atts['icon_option'] ) && $tab_atts['icon_option'] == 'yes' ){ if(empty($tab_atts['icon'])) $tab_atts['icon'] = 'fa-leaf'; $title = '<i class="'.$tab_atts['icon'].'"></i> '.$title; } echo '<li><a href="#'.(isset($tab_atts['tab_id']) ? $tab_atts['tab_id'] : '').'" data-prevent="scroll">'.$title.'</a></li>'; } } return $matches[0]; } function kc_is_using(){ global $post; $kc_return = false; if ( !isset( $post ) || !isset( $post->ID ) || empty( $post->ID ) || !get_post_meta( $post->ID , 'kc_data', false ) ) { $kc_return = false; } else { $kc_meta = get_post_meta( $post->ID , 'kc_data', true ); if( isset( $kc_meta['mode'] ) && $kc_meta['mode'] == 'kc' ) { $kc_return = true; } } $kc_return = apply_filters('kc_is_using', $kc_return, $post); return $kc_return; } function kc_js_callback( $callback ){ global $kc; $kc->js_callback( $callback ); } function kc_add_content_type( $type = '', $setion = true ){ global $kc; if( !empty( $type ) ) $kc->add_content_type( $type, $setion ); } /* * Return the type of content */ function kc_get_post_type(){ global $post; $type = ''; if( isset( $post ) && isset( $post->post_type ) ) $type = $post->post_type; return $type; } /* * Get content as raw format */ function kc_raw_content( $id = 0 ){ $content = ''; if ( FALSE !== get_post_status( $id ) ) { $content = get_post_field('post_content_filtered', $id ); if( empty( $content ) ) $content = get_post_field( 'post_content', $id ); } return $content; } function kc_do_shortcode( $content = '' ){ if( empty( $content ) ) return ''; global $kc_front; if( !isset( $kc_front ) ) return do_shortcode( $content ); else return $kc_front->do_shortcode( $content ); } function kc_remove_dir ($dirPath = '') { if (empty($dirPath)) return false; $dirPath = untrailingslashit($dirPath).KDS; if ($dirPath == ABSPATH) return false; if (! is_dir($dirPath)) { return false; } $files = scandir($dirPath, 1); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($dirPath.$file)) { kc_remove_dir($dirPath.$file); } else { unlink($dirPath.$file); } } } if (is_file($dirPath.'.DS_Store')) unlink($dirPath.'.DS_Store'); return rmdir($dirPath); } /* * Read changelogs from readme.txt */ function kc_changelogs(){ $path = KC_PATH.KDS.'readme.txt'; if (file_exists($path)) { $content = @file_get_contents($path); $anchor = strpos($content, '== Changelog =='); if (!empty($content) && $anchor !== false) { $content = substr($content, $anchor + strlen('== Changelog ==')); $content = explode("\n", $content); $group = array('newfeatures' => array(), 'improve' => array(), 'bugfixes' => array(), 'changes' => array(), 'remove' => array()); foreach ($content as $n => $line) { $line = trim($line); if (substr ($line, 0, 1) == '*') { $line = trim(substr ($line, 1)); if (strpos($line, '[New]') === 0) $group['newfeatures'][] = substr ($line, 5); else if (strpos($line, '[Improve]') === 0) $group['improve'][] = substr ($line, 9); else if (strpos($line, '[Fix]') === 0) $group['bugfixes'][] = substr ($line, 5); else if (strpos($line, '[Remove]') === 0) $group['remove'][] = substr ($line, 8); else $group['changes'][] = $line; } else { foreach ($group as $label => $items) { if (count($items) > 0) { echo '<div class="kc-log-type '.esc_attr($label).'"><strong>'.esc_attr($label).'</strong></div>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach ($items as $i => $item) { if (!empty($item)) echo '<li>'.esc_html($item).'</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } } $group = array('newfeatures' => array(), 'improve' => array(), 'bugfixes' => array(), 'changes' => array(), 'remove' => array()); if (substr ($line, strlen($line)-1) == '=' && substr ($line, 0, 1) == '=') echo '<h3 class="kc-log-ver">Version '.substr ($line, 1, strlen($line)-2).'</h3>'; } } } else { _e('Error: Could not read data', 'kingcomposer'); } } else { _e('Error: Could not find the file readme.txt', 'kingcomposer'); } } /* * Build list template from prebuilt list */ function kc_prerebuilt_templates ($data = array(), $registered = array()) { if (!isset($data['data'])) return $data; $lz = array(); foreach ($registered as $name => $path) { if (!isset($data['data']['term']) || empty($data['data']['term']) || !isset($registered[$data['data']['term']])) $data['data']['term'] = $name; $data['data']['terms'][] = array('name' => $name, 'id' => '', 'taxonomy' => $name); } $posts = kc_get_template_xml($registered[$data['data']['term']], '', $data['data']['s']); if (count($posts) > 0) { $to = (int)$data['data']['paged']*(int)$data['data']['per_page']; $start = $to-(int)$data['data']['per_page']; $data['data']['items'] = array(); for($i = $start; $i < $to; $i++){ if (isset($posts[$i])) $data['data']['items'][] = $posts[$i]; } $data['data']['total'] = ceil(count($posts)/(int)$data['data']['per_page']); $data['data']['count'] = count($posts); $data['stt'] = 1; $data['message'] = 'Success'; }else{ $data['message'] = '<span style="font-size: 50px;">\\(^Д^)/</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size: 16px">'.__('Oops, there are no template found in package', 'kingcomposer').' <strong>'.$data['data']['term'].'</strong><br /><small><i>'.$registered[$data['data']['term']].'</i></small>'; } return $data; } /* * Read templates from xml */ function kc_get_template_xml($file = '', $id = '', $s = '') { if (empty($file) || !file_exists($file)) return null; $xml = simplexml_load_file($file); $posts = array(); foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) { $meta = $item->children('http://wordpress.org/export/1.2/'); $kc_meta = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($meta->postmeta); $i++) { if ($meta->postmeta[$i]->meta_key == 'kc_data') { $kc_meta = unserialize($meta->postmeta[$i]->meta_value); break; } } if (!empty($id) && $id == (string)$meta->post_id) { if ($kc_meta !== false && isset($kc_meta['mode']) && $kc_meta['mode'] == 'kc') { $content = $item->children('http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/'); return array((string)$content->encoded, $kc_meta); }else{ return array(null, null); } } if ($kc_meta !== false && isset($kc_meta['mode']) && $kc_meta['mode'] == 'kc') { if ($s === '' || strpos(strtolower(html_entity_decode($item->title)), strtolower($s)) !== false) { $posts[] = array( 'title' => html_entity_decode($item->title), 'preview' => isset($kc_meta['thumbnail']) ? $kc_meta['thumbnail'] : '', 'date' => date('F d, Y', strtotime((string)$item->pubDate)), 'categories' => array(), 'id' => (string)$meta->post_id, 'type' => 'xml' ); } } } return $posts; } /* * Read templates from xml */ function kc_set_transient_xml_attachs() { global $kc, $wpdb; $delete_transient = "delete from {$wpdb->options} where option_name like '_transient_kc_attach_xml_%' or option_name like '_transient_timeout_kc_attach_xml_%'"; $xmls = $kc->get_prebuilt_templates(); if (is_array($xmls) && count($xmls) > 0) { $sizes = 0; $names = ''; $unique_key = get_option('kc_map_xml_attachments', true); foreach ($xmls as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { $sizes += filesize($file); $names .= $file; } } $unique = md5($names).$sizes; if ($unique_key !== $unique) { update_option('kc_map_xml_attachments', $unique); // DELETE transient before adding new fresh bellow $wpdb->query($delete_transient); foreach ($xmls as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($file); foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) { $meta = $item->children('http://wordpress.org/export/1.2/'); if ((string)$meta->post_type == 'attachment') { $_wp_attached_file = ''; $_wp_attachment_metadata = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($meta->postmeta); $i++) { if ($meta->postmeta[$i]->meta_key == '_wp_attached_file') { $_wp_attached_file = (string)$meta->postmeta[$i]->meta_value; } if ($meta->postmeta[$i]->meta_key == '_wp_attachment_metadata') { $_wp_attachment_metadata = unserialize($meta->postmeta[$i]->meta_value); } } $serialized_value = maybe_serialize(array( 'url' => (string)$meta->attachment_url, 'metadata' => $_wp_attachment_metadata, 'expiration' => (defined('KC_ATTACHS_XML_EXPIRATION') ? (time()+(int)KC_ATTACHS_XML_EXPIRATION) : 0) )); $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO `$wpdb->options` (`option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `option_name` = VALUES(`option_name`), `option_value` = VALUES(`option_value`), `autoload` = VALUES(`autoload`)", '_transient_kc_attach_xml_'.(string)$meta->post_id, $serialized_value, 'no' ) ); } } } } } } else if (get_option('kc_map_xml_attachments')) { $wpdb->query($delete_transient); delete_option('kc_map_xml_attachments'); } } /* * preg replace attach url */ function kc_images_filter($url = '') { //$regx = '/\%SITE\_URL\%(.+?)\.(jpg|gif|png|jpeg|JPG|GIF|PNG|JPEG|http)/'; //$regx = '/\%SITE\_URL\%(.+?)\.([A-Za-z0-9\s]+)/i'; $regx = '/\%SITE\_URL\%(.+?)(\'|\"|\)|\ )/i'; return preg_replace_callback($regx, 'kc_images_filter_callback', $url); } function kc_images_filter_callback($m) { return kc_attach_url(KC_SITE.$m[1]).$m[2]; } /* * Fix attach urls */ function kc_attach_url($url = '') { if (strpos($url, KC_SITE.'/wp-content') === false) return $url; global $kc; $xmls = $kc->get_prebuilt_templates(); $test_exist = str_replace( array(KC_SITE . '/wp-content', '/', '\\'), array(untrailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR), KDS, KDS), $url ); if (count($xmls) === 0) { if (strpos($url, KC_SITE) === 0 && !file_exists($test_exist)) { return KC_URL.'/assets/images/get_start.jpg'; } return $url; } if (strpos($url, KC_SITE) === 0 && file_exists($test_exist)) { return $url; }else{ global $wpdb; kc_set_transient_xml_attachs(); $xurl = str_replace(KC_SITE, '', esc_url($url)); $posts = $wpdb->get_results("select * from {$wpdb->options} where (option_name like '_transient_kc_attach_xml_%' or option_name like '_transient_timeout_kc_attach_xml_%') and option_value like '%".$xurl."%'"); if (count($posts) > 0) { $attach = unserialize($posts[0]->option_value); if (isset($attach['expiration']) && ($attach['expiration'] === 0 || $attach['expiration'] > time())) { if (isset($attach['url']) && strpos($attach['url'], $xurl) !== false && strpos($attach['url'], "/wp-content/uploads") !== false ){ $attach['url'] = explode("/wp-content/uploads", $attach['url']); return $attach['url'][0].$xurl; } }else{ delete_transient(str_replace('_transient_', '', $posts[0]->option_name)); } } } return $url; } /* * Return a random string with length */ function kc_random_string( $length = 10 ){ $str = ""; $allow_characters = array_merge(range('A','Z'), range('a','z'), range('0','9')); $_max_length = count($allow_characters) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $rand = mt_rand(0, $_max_length); $str .= $allow_characters[$rand]; } return $str; } /* * Get first image in content of a post */ function kc_first_image( $content ) { $first_img = ''; ob_start(); ob_end_clean(); $output = preg_match_all('/<img.+src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*>/i', $content, $matches); if( isset($matches[1][0]) ) return $matches[1][0]; return false; } /* * Sort screen size as ordering */ function kc_screen_sort( array &$array ) { $screens = array('any', '1000-5000', '1024', '999', '767', '479'); uksort($array, function($key1, $key2) use ($screens) { return (array_search($key1, $screens) > array_search($key2, $screens)); }); } /* * Sort first array base on key as array second */ function kc_abasort( array &$array, $order ) { $order = array('any', '1000-5000', '1024', '999', '767', '479'); uksort($array, function($key1, $key2) use ($order) { return (array_search($key1, $order) > array_search($key2, $order)); }); } /* * Return options for CSS columns */ function kc_column_options ( $selector ){ return array( array( 'screens' => "any,1024,999,767,479", 'Typography' => array( array('property' => 'color', 'label' => 'Color'), array('property' => 'font-size', 'label' => 'Font Size'), array('property' => 'font-weight', 'label' => 'Font Weight'), array('property' => 'font-style', 'label' => 'Font Style'), array('property' => 'font-family', 'label' => 'Font Family'), array('property' => 'text-align', 'label' => 'Text Align'), array('property' => 'text-shadow', 'label' => 'Text Shadow'), array('property' => 'text-transform', 'label' => 'Text Transform'), array('property' => 'text-decoration', 'label' => 'Text Decoration'), array('property' => 'line-height', 'label' => 'Line Height'), array('property' => 'letter-spacing', 'label' => 'Letter Spacing'), array('property' => 'overflow', 'label' => 'Overflow'), array('property' => 'word-break', 'label' => 'Word Break'), ), //Background group 'Background' => array( array('property' => 'background'), ), //Box group 'Box' => array( array('property' => 'margin', 'label' => 'Margin'), array('property' => 'padding', 'label' => 'Padding'), array('property' => 'border', 'label' => 'Border'), array('property' => 'width', 'label' => 'Width'), array('property' => 'height', 'label' => 'Height'), array('property' => 'border-radius', 'label' => 'Border Radius'), array('property' => 'float', 'label' => 'Float'), array('property' => 'display', 'label' => 'Display'), array('property' => 'box-shadow', 'label' => 'Box Shadow'), array('property' => 'opacity', 'label' => 'Opacity'), ), //Box group 'Inside' => array( array('property' => 'margin', 'label' => 'Margin', 'selector' => $selector), array('property' => 'padding', 'label' => 'Padding', 'selector' => $selector), array('property' => 'border', 'label' => 'Border', 'selector' => $selector), array('property' => 'width', 'label' => 'Width', 'selector' => $selector), array('property' => 'height', 'label' => 'Height', 'selector' => $selector), array('property' => 'border-radius', 'label' => 'Border Radius', 'selector' => $selector), array('property' => 'float', 'label' => 'Float', 'selector' => $selector), array('property' => 'display', 'label' => 'Display', 'selector' => $selector), array('property' => 'box-shadow', 'label' => 'Box Shadow', 'selector' => $selector), array('property' => 'opacity', 'label' => 'Opacity', 'selector' => $selector), ), //Custom code css 'Custom' => array( array('property' => 'custom', 'label' => 'Custom CSS') ) ), ); }