Direktori : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/kingcomposer/assets/frontend/js/ |
Current File : /home/dopla/www/wp-content/plugins/kingcomposer/assets/frontend/js/kingcomposer.js |
/* * King Composer * * URI KingComposer.com * * Copyright king-theme.com * * */ var kc_front = ( function($){ jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing, { easeInOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t + b; return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b; }, }); var $window = $(window); var windowHeight = $window.height(); $window.resize(function() { windowHeight = $window.height(); kc_front.row_action(true); }); $.fn.kc_parallax = function() { var $this = $(this), el_top; $this.each(function() { el_top = $this.offset().top; }); function update() { var pos = $window.scrollTop(); $this.each(function() { var $el = $(this), top = $el.offset().top, height = $el.outerHeight(true); if (top + height < pos || top > pos + windowHeight || $this.data('kc-parallax') !== true ) return; $this.css('backgroundPosition', "50% " + Math.round((el_top - pos) * 0.4) + "px"); }) } $window.on('scroll resize', update).trigger('update'); }; $.fn.viewportChecker = function(useroptions){ // Define options and extend with user var options = { classToAdd: 'visible', offset: 100, callbackFunction: function(elem){} }; $.extend(options, useroptions); // Cache the given element and height of the browser var $elem = this, windowHeight = $(window).height(); this.checkElements = function(){ // Set some vars to check with var scrollElem = ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('webkit') != -1) ? window : 'html'), viewportTop = $(scrollElem).scrollTop(), viewportBottom = (viewportTop + windowHeight); $elem.each(function(){ var $obj = $(this); // If class already exists; quit if ( $obj.hasClass(options.classToAdd) && options.classToAdd != '' ){ return; } // define the top position of the element and include the offset which makes is appear earlier or later var elemTop = Math.round( $obj.offset().top ) + options.offset, elemBottom = elemTop + ($obj.height()); // Add class if in viewport if ((elemTop < viewportBottom) && (elemBottom > viewportTop) && this.done != true){ $obj.addClass(options.classToAdd); // Do the callback function. Callback wil send the jQuery object as parameter options.callbackFunction($obj); } }); }; // Run checkelements on load and scroll $(window).scroll(this.checkElements); this.checkElements(); // On resize change the height var $(window).resize(function(e){ windowHeight = e.currentTarget.innerHeight; }); }; $( document ).ready(function($){ // load js when document is ready kc_front.init($); }); return { win_height : 0, win_width : 0, body : $('body'), init : function(){ $('section[data-kc-parallax="true"]').each(function(){ $(this).kc_parallax(); }); this.accordion(); this.tabs(); this.youtube_row_background.init(); if( window.location.href.indexOf('#') > -1 ){ $('a[href="#'+window.location.href.split('#')[1]+'"]').trigger('click'); } $('.kc_button').add('.kc_tooltip').kcTooltip(); $('.kc-close-but').on( 'click', function(){ $(this).parent().parent().hide('slow',function(){$(this).remove();}); }); this.google_maps(); this.blog.masonry(); this.image_gallery.masonry(); this.carousel_images(); this.carousel_post(); this.countdown_timer(); this.piechar.init(); this.progress_bar.run(); this.ajax_action(); this.pretty_photo(); this.tooltips(); this.image_fade(); this.smooth_scroll(); this.animate(); this.row_action(true); }, refresh: function( el ){ setTimeout( function( el){ kc_front.piechar.update( el ); kc_front.progress_bar.update( el ); kc_front.image_gallery.masonry( el ); if($('.kc_video_play').length > 0){ kc_video_play.refresh( el ); } }, 100, el ); }, viewport : function( st ) { var d = document; if (d.compatMode === 'BackCompat') { if (st == 'height') return d.body.clientHeight; else return d.body.clientWidth } else { if (st == 'height') return d.documentElement.clientHeight; else return d.documentElement.clientWidth } }, row_action : function( force ) { var d = document; [].forEach.call(d.querySelectorAll('section[data-kc-fullwidth]'), function(el) { var kc_clfw = d.querySelectorAll('.kc_clfw')[0], rect; if(typeof kc_clfw === 'undefined') return; rect = kc_clfw.getBoundingClientRect(); el.style.left = (-rect.left) + 'px'; if (el.getAttribute('data-kc-fullwidth') == 'row') { el.style.paddingLeft = rect.left + 'px'; el.style.paddingRight = (kc_front.viewport('width') - rect.width - rect.left) + 'px'; el.style.width = rect.width + 'px' } else { el.style.paddingLeft = '0px'; el.style.width = kc_front.viewport('width') + 'px' } if (el.nextElementSibling !== null && el.nextElementSibling.tagName == 'SCRIPT') { if (el.nextElementSibling.innerHTML == 'kc_front.row_action(true);') { el.parentNode.removeChild(el.nextElementSibling) } } }) }, google_maps: function( wrp ){ $('.kc_google_maps').each( function(){ if( $(this).data('loaded') === true ) return; else $(this).data({ 'loaded' : true }); var $_this = $( this ); if( $_this.data('wheel') == 'disable'){ $_this.click(function () { $_this.find('iframe').css("pointer-events", "auto"); }); $_this.mouseleave(function() { $_this.find('iframe').css("pointer-events", "none"); }); } $_this.find('.close').on('click', function(){ $_this.find('.map_popup_contact_form').toggleClass( "hidden" ); $_this.find('.show_contact_form').fadeIn('slow'); }); $_this.find('.show_contact_form').on('click', function(){ $_this.find('.map_popup_contact_form').toggleClass( "hidden" ); $_this.find('.show_contact_form').fadeOut('slow'); }); }); }, accordion: function( wrp ){ $('.kc_accordion_wrapper').each(function(){ if( $(this).data('loaded') === true ) return; else $(this).data({ 'loaded' : true }); var active = $(this).data('tab-active')!==undefined?($(this).data('tab-active')-1):0; if ($(this).data('closeall') == true) active = '100000'; $ (this).find('>div.kc_accordion_section>h3.kc_accordion_header>a, >div.kc_accordion_section>h3.kc_accordion_header>.ui-accordion-header-icon') .off('click') .on('click', function(e) { var wrp = $(this).closest('.kc_accordion_wrapper'), section = $(this).closest('.kc_accordion_section'), allowopenall = (true === wrp.data('allowopenall')) ? true : false, closeall = (true === wrp.data('closeall')) ? true : false, changed = section.find('>h3.kc_accordion_header').hasClass('ui-state-active'), clickitself = false; if( allowopenall === false ){ if (!section.find('>h3.kc_accordion_header').hasClass('ui-state-active')) { wrp.find( '>.kc_accordion_section>.kc_accordion_content' ).slideUp(); wrp.find('>.kc_accordion_section>h3.kc_accordion_header').removeClass('ui-state-active'); wrp.find('>.kc_accordion_section.kc-section-active').removeClass('kc-section-active'); section.find('>.kc_accordion_content').stop().slideDown( 'normal', function(){ $(this).css({height:''}) } ); section.find('>h3.kc_accordion_header').addClass('ui-state-active'); section.addClass('kc-section-active'); }else{ wrp.find( '>.kc_accordion_section>.kc_accordion_content' ).slideUp(); wrp.find('>.kc_accordion_section>h3.kc_accordion_header').removeClass('ui-state-active'); wrp.find('>.kc_accordion_section>.kc-section-active').removeClass('kc-section-active'); section.removeClass('kc-section-active'); } }else{ if( section.find('>h3.kc_accordion_header').hasClass('ui-state-active') ){ section.find('>.kc_accordion_content').stop().slideUp(); section.find('>h3.kc_accordion_header').removeClass('ui-state-active'); section.removeClass('kc-section-active'); }else{ section.find('>.kc_accordion_content').stop().slideDown( 'normal', function(){ $(this).css({height:''}) } ); section.find('>h3.kc_accordion_header').addClass('ui-state-active'); section.addClass('kc-section-active'); } } if( changed != section.find('>h3.kc_accordion_header').hasClass('ui-state-active') ) kc_front.refresh( section.find('>.kc_accordion_content') ); e.preventDefault(); var index = $(this).closest('.kc_accordion_section'); index = index.parent().find('>.kc_accordion_section').index( index.get(0) ); $(this).closest('.kc_accordion_wrapper').data({'tab-active':(index+1)}); }).eq(active).trigger('click'); }); }, tabs: function( wrp ){ $('.kc_tabs > .kc_wrapper').each( function( index ){ if( $(this).data('loaded') === true ) return; else $(this).data({ 'loaded' : true }); var $_this = $(this), tab_group = $_this.parent('.kc_tabs.group'), tab_event = ('yes' === tab_group.data('open-on-mouseover')) ? 'mouseover' : 'click', effect_option = ('yes' === tab_group.data('effect-option')) ? true : false, active_section = parseInt( tab_group.data('tab-active') )-1; $( this ).find('>.ui-tabs-nav>li') .off('click') .on( 'click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); } ) .off( tab_event ) .on( tab_event, function(e){ if( $(this).hasClass('ui-tabs-active') ){ e.preventDefault(); return; } var labels = $(this).closest('.kc_tabs_nav,.ui-tabs-nav').find('>li'), index = labels.index( this ), tab_list = $(this).closest('.kc_wrapper').find('>.kc_tab'), new_panel = tab_list.eq( index ); labels.removeClass('ui-tabs-active'); $(this).addClass('ui-tabs-active'); tab_list.removeClass('ui-tabs-body-active').removeClass('kc-section-active'); new_panel.addClass('ui-tabs-body-active').addClass('kc-section-active'); if( effect_option === true) new_panel.css({'opacity':0}).animate({opacity:1}); e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('.kc_tabs').data({'tab-active':(index+1)}); }).eq( active_section ).trigger( tab_event ); 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options = options?JSON.parse('{"' + options.replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g,'":"') + '"}', function(key, value) { return key===""?value:decodeURIComponent(value) }):{}; if( typeof options == 'object')playerVars = $.extend(playerVars, options); player = new YT.Player( $container[0], { width: '100%', height: '100%', videoId: youtubeId, playerVars: playerVars, events: { onReady: function ( e ) { if($obj.data('kc-video-mute') == 'yes') e.target.mute().setLoop( true ); e.target.playVideo(); } } } ); kc_front.youtube_row_background.resize( $obj ); $( window ).on( 'resize', function () { kc_front.youtube_row_background.resize( $obj ); } ); }, resize: function( $obj ) { var ratio = 1.77, ifr_w, ifr_h, marginLeft, marginTop, inner_width = $obj.innerWidth(), inner_height = $obj.innerHeight(); if ( ( inner_width / inner_height ) < ratio ) { ifr_w = inner_height * ratio; ifr_h = inner_height; } else { ifr_w = inner_width; ifr_h = inner_width * (1 / ratio); } marginLeft = - Math.round( ( ifr_w - inner_width ) / 2 ) + 'px'; 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else $(this).data({ 'loaded' : true }); if(( 'yes' === $( this ).data('image_masonry')) ){ //find all image in gallery var imgs = $( this ).find('img'), total = imgs.length, ready = 0, el = $( this ); $(this).data({ 'total' : total }); imgs.each(function( ind ){ var tmpImg = new Image(); tmpImg.onload = function(){ ready++; if( ready == total ){ new Masonry( el.get( 0 ), { itemSelector: '.item-grid', columnWidth: '.item-grid', }); } }; tmpImg.src = $(this).attr('src') ; }); } }); kc_front.pretty_photo(); }, }, image_fade : function(){ $('.image_fadein_slider .image_fadein').each(function(){ if( $(this).data('loaded') !== true ) $(this).data({'loaded':true}); else return; var delay = $(this).data('delay')?$(this).data('delay'):'3000'; window.kc_front.image_fade_delay( delay, $(this).find('img').first() ); }); }, image_fade_delay : function( delay, img ){ if( img === undefined ) return; img.parent().find('.active').removeClass('active'); img.addClass('active'); if( img.next().length > 0 ) img = img.next(); else img = img.parent().find('img').first(); var time_out = setTimeout( window.kc_front.image_fade_delay, delay, delay, img ); }, carousel_images : function( wrp ){ /* * Carousel images * For each item Carousel images */ $( '.kc-carousel-images' ).each( function( index ){ if( $(this).data('loaded') === true ) return; else $(this).data({ 'loaded' : true }); var options = $( this ).data('owl-i-options'), _auto_play = ( 'yes' === options.autoplay ) ? true : false, _delay = ( options.delay !== undefined ) ? options.delay : 8, _navigation = ( 'yes' === options.navigation ) ? true : false, _pagination = ( 'yes' === options.pagination ) ? true : false, _speed = options.speed, _items = options.items, _auto_height = ( 'yes' === options.autoheight ) ? true : false, _num_thumb = ( options.num_thumb !== undefined ) ? options.num_thumb : 5, _show_thumb = ( 'yes' === options.showthumb ) ? true : false, _progress_bar = ( 'yes' === options.progressbar ) ? true : false, _singleItem = false, _tablet = false, _mobile = false; if( options.tablet > 0 ){ _tablet = [999,options.tablet]; } if( options.mobile > 0 ){ _mobile = [479,options.mobile]; } var progressBar = function(){}; var moved = function(){}; var pauseOnDragging = function(){}; if( true === _auto_height || true === _progress_bar || true === _show_thumb ) _singleItem = true; if(_auto_play) _auto_play = parseInt( _delay )*1000; if( true === _progress_bar ) { var time = _delay; // time in seconds var $progressBar, $bar, $elem, isPause, tick, percentTime; progressBar = function( elem ){ $elem = elem; //build progress bar elements buildProgressBar(); //start counting start(); }; var buildProgressBar = function(){ $progressBar = $("<div>",{ class:"progressBar" }); $bar = $("<div>",{ class:"bar" }); $progressBar.append($bar).prependTo($elem); }; var start = function() { //reset timer percentTime = 0; isPause = false; //run interval every 0.01 second tick = setInterval(interval, 10); }; var interval = function() { if(isPause === false){ percentTime += 1 / time; $bar.css({ width: percentTime+"%" }); //if percentTime is equal or greater than 100 if(percentTime >= 100){ //slide to next item $elem.trigger('owl.next'); } } }; pauseOnDragging = function (){ isPause = true; }; moved = function(){ //clear interval clearTimeout(tick); //start again start(); }; } if( true !== _show_thumb) { $( this ).owlCarousel({ autoPlay : _auto_play, navigation : _navigation, pagination : _pagination, slideSpeed : _speed, paginationSpeed : _speed, singleItem : _singleItem, autoHeight : _auto_height, items : _items, itemsDesktop : false, itemsDesktopSmall : false, itemsTablet : _tablet, itemsTabletSmall: _tablet, itemsMobile : _mobile, afterInit : progressBar, afterMove : moved, startDragging : pauseOnDragging }); } else { var sync1 = $( this ); var sync2 = sync1.next('.kc-sync2'); var syncPosition = function(el){ var current = this.currentItem; $(sync2) .find(".owl-item") .removeClass("synced") .eq(current) .addClass("synced"); if($(sync2).data("owlCarousel") !== undefined) { center(current); 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sync2.owlCarousel({ items : _num_thumb, itemsDesktop : [1199, 15], itemsDesktopSmall : [979, 12], itemsTablet : [768, 6], itemsMobile : [479, 5], pagination : _pagination, responsiveRefreshRate : 100, afterInit : function(el){ el.find(".owl-item").eq(0).addClass("synced"); } }); } }); kc_front.pretty_photo(); }, update_option : function ( data_options ){ $.post( top.kc_ajax_url, { 'security': top.kc_ajax_nonce, 'action' : 'kc_update_option', 'options' : top.kc.tools.base64.encode( JSON.stringify( data_options ) ) }, function (result) { //console.log(result.msg); }); }, carousel_post : function( wrp ){ kc_front.owl_slider( '.kc-owl-post-carousel' ); }, tooltips : function(){ // Portfolio $('.kc_tooltip').each(function(){ if( $(this).data('kc-loaded') !== true ) $(this).data({ 'kc-loaded' : true }); else return; $(this).kcTooltip(); }); }, countdown_timer : function(){ $( '.kc-countdown-timer' ).each( function( index ){ var countdown_data = $( this ).data('countdown'); $(this).countdown(countdown_data.date, function(event) { $(this).html(event.strftime(countdown_data.template)); 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true : false, _pagination = ( 'yes' === owl_option.show_pagination )? true : false, _autoHeight = ( 'yes' === owl_option.auto_height )? true : false; if( 2 === display_style ){ $_this.find('.kc-tweet-owl').owlCarousel({ navigation : _navigation, pagination : _pagination, slideSpeed : 300, paginationSpeed : 400, singleItem : true, items : 1, autoHeight : _autoHeight }); } } }); }); }, owl_slider : function(){ if( typeof $().owlCarousel != 'function' ) return; $('[data-owl-options]').each( function( index ){ var options = $( this ).data('owl-options'); if( typeof options !== 'object' ) return; if( $(this).data('loaded') === true ) return; else $(this).data({ 'loaded' : true }); $( this ).attr({'data-owl-options':null}); var _autoplay = ( 'yes' === options.autoplay ) ? true : false, _navigation = ( 'yes' === options.navigation ) ? true : false, _pagination = ( 'yes' === options.pagination ) ? true : false, _speed = ( options.speed!==undefined ) ? options.speed : 450, _items = ( options.items!==undefined ) ? options.items:1, _tablet = ( options.tablet!==undefined ) ? options.tablet:1, _mobile = ( options.mobile!==undefined ) ? options.mobile:1, _autoheight = ( 'yes' === options.autoheight ) ? true : false, _showthumb = ( 'yes' === options.showthumb ) ? true : false, _singleItem = false; if(_autoheight === true){ _singleItem = true; _items = 1; } $( this ).owlCarousel({ autoPlay : _autoplay, navigation : _navigation, pagination : _pagination, showthumb : _showthumb, slideSpeed : _speed, paginationSpeed : _speed, singleItem : _singleItem, autoHeight : _autoheight, items : _items, itemsCustom : false, itemsDesktop : [1199,_items], itemsDesktopSmall : [980,_tablet], itemsTablet: [640,_mobile], itemsTabletSmall: false, itemsMobile : [480,_mobile], }); }); kc_front.pretty_photo(); }, pretty_photo : function(){ if (typeof( $.prettyPhoto ) == 'object') { $("a.kc-pretty-photo:not(.kc-pt-loaded)").addClass('kc-pt-loaded').off('click').prettyPhoto({ theme: 'dark_rounded', allow_resize: true, allow_expand: true, opacity: 0.85, animation_speed: 'fast', deeplinking: false, counter_separator_label: ' / ', show_title: true, autoplay: true, horizontal_padding: 0, overlay_gallery: false, markup: '<div class="pp_pic_holder"> \ <div class="pp_content_container"> \ <div class="pp_left"> \ <div class="pp_right"> \ <div class="pp_content"> \ <div class="pp_loaderIcon kc-spinner"></div> \ <div class="pp_fade"> \ <div class="pp_hoverContainer"> \ <a class="pp_next" href="#"><i class="sl-arrow-right"></i></a> \ <a class="pp_previous" href="#"><i class="sl-arrow-left"></i></a> \ </div> \ <div id="pp_full_res"></div> \ <div class="pp_details"> \ <div class="ppt"> </div> \ <div class="pp_nav"> \ <p class="currentTextHolder">0 / 0</p> \ </div> \ <p class="pp_description"></p> \ <a class="pp_close" href="#"><i class="sl-close"></i></a> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div> \ <div class="pp_overlay"></div>' }); } }, smooth_scroll : function(){ $('a[href^="#"]').on( 'click', function(e) { if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') && location.hostname == this.hostname && this.hash.indexOf('#!') === 0 ){ var target = $(this.hash.replace('!', '')); if (target.length) { $('html,body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: target.offset().top-80 }, 500); } } }); }, animate : function(){ $('.kc-animated').each(function(index){ $( this ).viewportChecker({ callbackFunction: function( el ){ var clazz = el.get(0).className, delay = 0, speed = '2s', timeout = 0; if (clazz.indexOf('kc-animate-delay-') > -1) { delay = clazz.split('kc-animate-delay-')[1].split(' ')[0]; el.css({'animation-delay': delay+'ms'}); el.removeClass('kc-animate-delay-'+delay); timeout += parseInt(delay); } if (clazz.indexOf('kc-animate-speed-') > -1) { speed = clazz.split('kc-animate-speed-')[1].split(' ')[0]; el.css({'animation-duration': speed}); el.removeClass('kc-animate-speed-'+speed); } if (clazz.indexOf('kc-animate-eff-') > -1) { var eff = clazz.split('kc-animate-eff-')[1].split(' ')[0]; timeout += parseFloat(speed)*1000; el.removeClass('kc-animated').addClass('animated '+eff); setTimeout(function(el, eff){ el.removeClass('animated kc-animated kc-animate-eff-'+eff+' '+eff); el.css({'animation-delay': '', 'animation-duration': ''}); }, timeout, el, eff); } }, classToAdd: 'kc-pc-loaded' }); }); } }; }(jQuery)); (function ( $ ) { $.fn.kcTooltip = function() { return this.each(function() { var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); var tooltip = $(this).data('tooltip'), span_w = $(this).find('span').outerWidth(), span_h = $(this).find('span').outerHeight(), this_w = $(this).outerWidth(), this_h = $(this).outerHeight(); if(typeof(tooltip) == 'undefined'){ $(this).find('span').css('margin-left', -span_w/2); $(this).hover().find('span').css('bottom', this_h+10); }else{ var position = $(this).data('position'); var ext_bottom = -10; if(typeof position == 'undefined') position = 'top'; $(this).addClass(position); $(this).find('span').attr({'style':''}); switch(position) { case 'right': { var bottom; bottom = this_h/2 - span_h/2; $(this).find('span').css('left', this_w+10 ); $(this).find('span').css('bottom', bottom ); $(this).hover().find('span').css('left', this_w-ext_bottom); break; } case 'bottom': { $(this).find('span').css('margin-left', -span_w/2); $(this).hover().find('span').css('bottom', -span_h+ext_bottom); break; } case 'left': { var bottom, ext_left = 5; bottom = this_h/2 - span_h/2; $(this).find('span').css('left', -span_w-ext_left ); $(this).find('span').css('bottom', bottom ); break; } default: { $(this).find('span').css('margin-left', -span_w/2); $(this).hover().find('span').css('bottom', this_h-ext_bottom); } } } }); }; }( jQuery ));