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The lateral pterygoid initiates m outh opening treatment by lanshin order depakote on line amex, which is then continued by the suprahyoid m uscles. With the tem porom andibular joint opened, we can see that bers from the lateral pterygoid blend with the articular disk of the temporom andibular joint. Because it s various parts (superior and inferior) are active during all m ovem ent s, its actions are m ore com plex than those of the other m uscles of m astication. Temporalis Articular disk Head of m andible, articular surface Lateral pterygoid, superior head Lateral pterygoid, inferior head Masseter, deep part Medial pterygoid B Masticatory muscular sling Oblique posterior view. By com bining the actions of both muscles into a functional unit, this sling enables powerful closure of the m andible. Classi cation the of Muscles Superior sagit tal sinus Falx cerebri Frontal lobe Dura mater Temporal lobe Optic nerve Ethm oid cells Sphenoid sinus Tem poralis Lateral pterygoid, superior head Masseter deep part Nasopharynx Parotid gland Oral cavit y Lateral pterygoid, inferior head Medial pterygoid Masseter, superficial part Tongue Mandible Submandibular gland Plat ysma Geniohyoid m uscle Digastric, anterior belly Mylohyoid C Muscles of mastication, coronal section at the level of the sphenoid sinus Posterior view. The topography of the m uscles of m astication and neighboring structures is particularly well displayed in this section 79 Hea d and Neck 3. The origins and insertions of the m uscles are indicated by color shading (origin: red, insertion: blue). While the nuchal m uscles are classi ed as neck m uscles from a topographical standpoint, they belong functionally to the category of intrinsic back m uscles (which are not described here). Classi cation the of Muscles Depressor anguli oris Sternocleidomastoid Plat ysma D Cutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma) Left lateral view. The plat ysm a is a broad, at, subcutaneous m uscular sheet located super cial to the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia. Unlike m ost m uscles, it is not enveloped in it s own fascial sheath (see classi cation schem e in A), but is instead directly associated with (and in part insert s into) the skin. This characteristic, which it shares with the m uscles of facial expression, m akes the plat ysm a di cult to dissect. It also shares with those craniofacial m uscles it s source of innervation: the facial nerve. The plat ysm a is highly variable in size- its bers m ay reach from the lower part of the face to the upper thorax. Trapezius E Super cial neck muscles: sternocleido mastoid and cervical part of trapezius, anterior view Congenital m uscular torticollis involves degenerative scarring and shortening of the sternocleidom astoid m uscle on one side (see D, p. Classi cation the of Muscles St ylohyoid Digastric, posterior belly Digastric, anterior belly Mylohyoid Thyrohyoid Sternothyroid Sternohyoid Interm ediate tendon of om ohyoid Om ohyoid, superior and inferior belly Coronoid process Geniohyoid Mylohyoid line C Supra- and infrahyoid muscles, left lateral view Head of m andible Mandibular foram en Angle of m andible Mylohyoid Mylohyoid Mylohyoid raphe Hyoid bone Digastric, anterior belly Digastric, posterior belly St ylohyoid Hyoid bone (body) E Suprahyoid muscles: the mylohyoid and g eniohyoid, posterosuperior view Thyrohyoid Thyroid cartilage Sternothyroid Sternohyoid Om ohyoid, superior and inferior belly D Supra- and infrahyoid muscles, anterior view Part of the sternohyoid m uscle has been rem oved on the right side. Classi cation the of Muscles Rectus capitis anterior Rectus capitis lateralis Atlas Longus capitis Superior oblique part Vertical part Longus colli Inferior oblique part Scalenus m edius Scalenus anterior Scalenus posterior Interscalene space Groove for subclavian artery Scalenus anterior Second rib Scalenus m edius Scalenus posterior Scalene tubercle First rib C Prevertebral and lateral (deep) neck muscles, anterior view the longus capitis and scalenus anterior m uscles have been partially rem oved on the left side. The prevertebral m uscles stretch bet ween the cervical spine and skull, acting upon both. The three overlapping scalene m uscles are classi ed as lateral (deep) neck m uscles. As they pass bet ween the cervical spine and the upper t wo ribs, they also assist in respiration. The scalenus anterior and scalenus m edius are separated by the interscalene space- topographically important interval that is traa versed by the brachial plexus and subclavian artery.

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They are generally asymptomatic medicine man movie buy cheapest depakote, but can become painful in case of inflammation secondary to traumatic ischemia. Definition: It is a pedunculated skin tag that can be found in moist areas that are subject to irritation, such as the inguinal folds, the axillae, and the neck. Clinical course: these lesions often increase in number and size with time, but remain benign. After torsion around the peduncle, they may become swollen, darker, painful, and undergo necrosis. Differential diagnosis: Melanocytic nevus, neurofibroma, molluscum contagiosum, and neuroma. Nodules 151 Therapy: Treatment is recommended only for symptomatic lesions or for aesthetic and/or functional reasons. Small, penduculated lesions may be removed with curved or serrated blade scissors, while larger skin tags may require simple excision. Epidemiology: Vulvar syringoma without extragenital involvement is extremely rare. Diagnosis: Clinical suspicion and histopathological examination provide the diagnosis. Differential diagnosis: Any multicentric papular lesion of the vulva, especially if pruritic or painful, should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Vulvar syringoma: A clinicopathologic and immunohistologic study of 18 patients and results of treatment. In dermatofibromas, lateral compression produces a slight indentation known as the dimple sign, which is characteristic of these tumors. Epidemiology: these lesions often occur in skin folds and are considered to be the most common benign vulvar tumors. Clinical course: these lesions usually cause no symptoms until they reach a larger size and/or are located near the introitus or urethra. Differential diagnosis: Dermal melanocytic nevus, histiocytoma, leiomyoma, neurofibroma, and keloid. Therapy: As these are benign lesions, a specific therapy is not needed, but they can be removed for aesthetic and/or functional reasons by surgery, cryotherapy, cauterization, or laser therapy. Synchronous presence of cellular angiofibroma and lipoma in vulvoinguinal region: A unique case report. Isoda H, Kurokawa H, Kuroda M, Asakura T, Akai M, Sawada S, Nakagawa M, Shikata N. Definition: It is a benign cutaneous adnexal neoplasm occurring mainly in the anogenital region of adult women.

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Lateral parapatellar approach with tibial tubercle osteotomy for the treatment of non-correctable valgus knee osteoarthritis: a retrospective clinical study knee treatment yeast infection male order 250 mg depakote with visa. The risk of direct peroneal nerve injury using the Ranawat "inside-out" lateral release technique in valgus total knee arthroplasty. Use of instruments and anatomic bony land- marks allow every surgeon to implant the knee prosthesis in an ideal position. The real skill of a surgeon lies, however, in doing soft tissue release for balancing the opposite 3350 TexTbooK of orThopedics and Trauma patellar tendon contracture. Note of this must be taken during the surgical procedure as eversion of such patella may result into patella tendon avulsion during surgical procedure. Hence, the experience of a surgeon in obtaining a good soft tissue balancing decides how well a deformed knee will be corrected by him during surgery. In this article, I will discuss the principles of soft tissue balancing in the knee replacement surgery and give some practical tips for a new surgeon, based on our experiences. Factors in the Preoperation Evaluation of Patients the surgeon needs to assess the extent of deformity and its correctability, clinically and radiologically. Examination in outpatient may not give the correct idea about the extent of correctable component of the deformity. Examination under anesthesia before surgery gives the surgeon the exact amount of flexion deformity the knee has and how much the soft tissues release is necessary during the surgery. This indicates the amount of lateral opening and stretching out of the collateral ligament on convex side. This also shows the amount of lateral translation of the tibia, which is an indication of dynamic instability of the knee. In presence of significant lateral translation or excessive opening up of convex side of the joint, possible use of constrained type of knee prosthesis needs to be considered, as the lateral soft tissues may be too lax. The angular correction stress view of the knee indicates the correctability of the knee deformity in coronal plane. If the knee opens up completely and the angular deformity is fully correctible, the collateral ligament on the concave side is not tight and does not need release during surgery. If the surgeon fails to realize this fact, he may end up doing over-release of the ligaments and create an unstable knee. If it is severe, one needs to keep option of metal wedges or bone graft ready to build and augment the bony defects. The shoot through lateral X-ray of the knee is useful to identify the presence of osteophytes in the posterior part of the knee joint. These osteophytes cause tenting of the posterior capsule and result in flexion deformity. The second thing visualized in lateral view is the position of patella and the ratio of patella height to patella tendon length.

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Such a policy is also based on the far from successful results of surgery recorded in children who weighed <12 treatment h pylori discount depakote 500 mg line. Arterial lesions that present with bleeding, false aneurysms, and arteriovenous fistulae require open repair. In children less than 5 years, where surgery is considered, special technical problems are encountered when dealing with arterial injuries because the vessels are small and thin-walled, with a tendency to intense vasospasm, and tissue support is poor; these may compromise surgical repair. However, a carefully performed simple thrombectomy under visual magnification may be all that is necessary in iatrogenic traumas. Reconstruction of post-traumatic long bone defect with vascularised free fibula: a series of 28 cases. Use of vascularized pedicle iliac bone graft in the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, September 2001, Volume 121, Issue 8, pp 437-42. Free function muscle transfers for upper extremity reconstruction: a review of indications, techniques, and outcomes. Menakuru, Arunanshu Behera*, Ravul Jindal, Lileswar Kaman, Rudraprasad Doley, Rajarajan Venkatesan; Extremity vascular trauma in civilian population: a seven-year review from North India Injury. Management of upper limb arterial injury without angiography-Chennai experience: Injury Int J Care Injured. Conclusion the technique of microsurgery has opened the doors to an entire new world of treatment options for existing surgical problems. Replantation of severed limbs, free transfers of soft tissue or bone, can now be done reliably and predictably. The same defect in different people may be treated in different ways, with acceptable outcomes in each. It is thus worthy for any surgeon to take inputs from a reconstructive microsurgeon, for any situation, where: 1. A versatile microsurgeon will continue to be inspired by ideas/ techniques from other fields of not just medicine, but also rest of the scientific world, to keep improving outcomes for our patients. Thanks to such efforts, limb and face transplantation have become a reality today. Recently, the first bilateral upper limb transplant in India was performed successfully by the plastic and reconstructive surgery team of Amrita Hospital, Kochi, and was very soon followed by a second case. Similarly, about two dozen face transplants have been done worldwide, and it is just a matter of time that the first one will be done in India. In fact, the next edition of this textbook may well include a chapter on limb transplantation. Subsequent years have thrown up newer challenges, notable amongst which has been the demands of younger patients undergoing surgery, which led to early loosening and polyethylene wear with conventional implants and bearing surfaces. The understanding of the principles behind implant loosening and aseptic osteolytic processes have thrown up the challenge of developing newer articulating surfaces and interface options that would not only last longer but also give near normal life to its recipients. Even more daunting is the task of preserving as much bone as possible by minimizing bone resections while performing arthroplasty.


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Age: Younger patient will require a durable prosthesis that will function for many activities medicine z pack depakote 250 mg buy with amex. If patient is from rural community with difficulty for returning for follow-up, components that require frequent maintenancearenotpractical. Computer-aided Design, Computer-aided Manufacturing this is beginning to play role in practice of prosthetics and orthotics. Transfemoral Amputation-Prosthetic Management Biomechanics Analysis and Relevance of Residual Limb Motion Flexion contractures and abduction contractures more prevalent, especially in short residual limbs. It has flexible rubber cap that extends just above condyles to provide suction suspension. Biomechanics of Knee Stability (Stance Phase of Gait) Knee instability is the buckling or unintended flexing of the prosthetic knee during stance phase of walking. Excessive knee stability is a condition in which the knee of the prosthesis is so stable and resistant to flexion that it is difficult for amputee to initiate the knee flexion required to achieve toe-off and swing oftheshank. Ankle Foot Dynamics this refers to the shock absorbing and stabilizing ability of combined component system of prosthesis. Effective pelvic trunk stabilization can be achieved through adequate lateral support. Proximal to greater trochanter, the wall is contoured into gluteal muscles to preventabduction. Contact to these is provided through counter support of skeletal mediolateral dimension, distal mediolateral dimension, and anterolateral pressure from the trochanter anteriorly to the tensorfascialata. Friction Control Knee swing is dampened by some kind of mechanical friction applied to axis of rotation. Extension Assist It uncoils during late swing and propels the shank into full extensionduringlateswing. Hip Joint with Pelvic Band or Belt this provides rotational stability with significant degree of mediolateralpelvicstability. Pneumatic Control Pneumatic control of the swing is provided by a pneumatic cylinder attached to the knee and housed in the upper shank. Disadvantages include increased necessity for maintenance, increasedweightandexpense.

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This requires elaborate equipment medicine in the middle ages depakote 500 mg online, experienced personnel and may be affected by changes in anesthetic level. This is quite easy to achieve thanks to short-acting relaxants like atracurium especially when used in drip form and halothane. After ensuring that the level of anesthesia is adequate to provide analgesia, the muscle relaxant drip or the last dose is adjusted and the patient is woken up and asked to move the toes. Special care should be taken while shifting patient to prevent any torsion on the Harrington rod. Treatment of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Postoperative nausea is common in children, although not particularly after peripheral orthopedic procedures. Additional helpful measures include not forcing intake of oral fluids until the patient is hungry, maintaining adequate hydration and minimizing early postoperative ambulation, especially when opioids have been given. Over the years, gentle manipulation and strapping, forcible manipulations with the use of mechanical devices, gradual correction with serial casting and surgical correction have been tried. In the past, there was a debate regarding the most effective treatment for this deformity. However, at present, nonoperative treatment is considered as first choice for early cases. Most surgeons consider surgical correction only in cases of rigid clubfoot which do not respond to serial cast treatment. In spite of progress in the management of early cases, management of relapsed and recurrent cases is still a challenge. Neglected cases are also seen frequently in areas where access to orthopedic treatment is not possible. Histologic Anomalies A primary germ plasm defect of bone resulting in deformity of the talus and navicular was suggested by Irani and Sherman. Ippolito demonstrated deformity of the talus, with medial angulation of the neck and medial tilting and rotation of the body of the talus. Ippolito and Ponseti proposed a theory of retraction fibrosis of the distal muscles of the calf and the supporting connective tissues. In another histologic study, Ippolito demonstrated increased fibrosis of muscle tissue in aborted fetuses with clubfoot. Immunohistochemical analyses and electron microscopic studies of biopsy specimens from the clubfeet of patients have shown contractile proteins and a gradation of cells from fibroblasts to myofibroblasts.

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Indications In Young Adults the ideal candidate for arthrodesis is an active patient under the age of 35 medicine joji order discount depakote, preferably a manual laborer with unilateral hip disease. For Failed Arthroplasty the most frequent cause of failure of total hip arthroplasty is an infection and mechanical failure. It relieves pain, eradicates the disease, permits a functional and acceptable gait and returns patient to active and productive lifestyle. Slight external rotation is desired to facilitate putting on and taking off shoes. Internal rotation will tend to cause the patient continually trip over interned foot. Perioperative Details Hip arthrodesis necessitates large surgical exposures and often involves the use of large fixation devices. Motion in frontal plane (abductionadduction) can be controlled with large goniometer. A line drawn between the anterior superior iliac spines provides the reference for one arm of goniometer. Technique General Considerations Preoperative Planning Preoperative counseling of patient is an integral part of hip arthrodesis, as it is a motion sacrificing procedure. The conversion to total hip arthroplasty may be required in the future so the technique chosen must simultaneously preserve the anatomy of proximal femur particularly the abductor musculature, while providing stable internal fixation to minimize chances of nonunion. The anterior iliofemoral incision is used in intraarticular and combined intra extraarticular arthrodesis. The lateral incision is used in extraarticular arthrodesis with or without subtrochanteric osteotomy. The posterior curved gluteal incision is used for extra articular ischiofemoral arthrodesis. Rotate the graft and lay it on the superior surface of neck of femur and wedge its distal end into the trough in the ilium. Henderson Hip Arthrodesis18 (1950) Expose the hip joint through anterior iliofemoral approach.

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The proximal most screw should diverge away from the plate proximally to lessen the stress riser effect of the anterior plate treatment zinc poisoning purchase depakote 250 mg amex. A locking reconstruction plate may be used in selected cases, particularly when large screw purchase is limited because of marginal bone quality. In this instance, the plate acts as a neutralization device, providing protection to the large, multiplanar screws. Alternatively, the anterior plate could be applied with a compression device before or in lieu of the large, multiplanar screws, in which case the plate would function as a true tension band device. This form of fixation allows reduction and rigid fixation of significant talocalcaneal dislocations. The patient is placed on the operating table in the supine or lateral decubitus position. If placing supine, the use of a sterile, radiolucent extremity holder is recommended because posterior access to the foot during the procedure is difficult. Incision placement is similar to the crossed screws technique, with the cut beginning on the central lateral aspect of the fibular approximately 7 cm proximal to the joint line. The incision is then extended distally in a "J" fashion to the fourth metatarsal cuboid joint. Dissection is then carried deep to the level of the fibula and subtalar joint, with care taken to identify and preserve the sural nerve and perforating arteries. A transverse fibular osteotomy is then performed approximately 7 cm proximal from the tip of the fibula and the fibula is removed, exposing the ankle joint. Further dissection across the anterior aspect of the tibia is performed, protecting the anterior neurovascular structures. A sagittal saw is used to resect the anterior and posterior aspects of the tibial plafond, creating a flat joint surface. The reaming joint surfaces, including the medial malleolus, are curetted and osteotomed down to bleeding cancellous bone. Attention is then directed to the subtalar joint where joint resection down to bleeding bone is performed using the techniques described earlier. The posterior facet of the subtalar joint is the primary focus of joint preparation and is essential to successful fusion of the subtalar joint. At this stage, the patient is placed into alignment and viewed under intraoperative fluoroscopy for adequate joint congruity. In case of severe rear foot displacement, significant portions of the talus may be absent and/or removed to properly align the calcaneus below the tibia. In these cases, the previously removed fibula may be cut and fashioned into a bicortical interpositional graft.

Mojok, 45 years: Inability to move a limb can be due to paralysis or pseudoparalysis; birth fractures need to be differentiated from obstetric brachial plexus palsy. There are typically significant areas of bowing in the proximal femur in the subtrochanteric region, often mimicking a true coxa vara. Issues with this approach include, requirement of dissection of a supplementary subfascial plane passing behind the femur and posterior border of the gluteus medius/minimus for wide exposure of a posterior column, difficulty in advancement and secure fixation of the abductors when lengthening of more than 1 cm is achieved, prolonged abductor weakness, risk of superior gluteal neurovascular bundle injury and a higher incidence of heterotopic bone formation.

Hector, 21 years: Replantations should be performed by an experienced team, in a center geared for long surgeries. It is recommended that medical board for evaluation of disability should be available minimum at the district level. The fracture usually consists of compression of the dome of the talus with varying degrees of comminution and collapse.

Copper, 65 years: The super cial m uscles of the ear and neck are particularly well displayed from this perspective. Obesity, diabetes, and preoperative hyperglycemia as predictors of periprosthetic joint infection: a single-center analysis of 7181 primary hip and knee replacements for osteoarthritis. Therapeutic Temperature Distribution Ultrasound is most effective heating agent with higher temperature in musculature and comparatively little elevation of temperature in superficial tissues.

Gnar, 43 years: The leg is positioned in the correct "arthrodesis position" for the hip: 20u of flexion, 5­10u of external rotation and 0u of abduction. Supratrochlear vein Angular vein Superior ophthalm ic vein Lacrim al vein B Deep veins of the head: orbit and middle cranial fossa Left lateral view. The am eloblasts will becom e inactive when the enam el layer is completed and are eventually sloughed when the tooth erupts.

Torn, 42 years: Other, less common options are transfer of the index and long flexor digitorum superficialis around the ulna to the dorsum of the wrist, transfer of the flexor and extensor carpi radialis to the ulnar side, and proximal advancement of the hypothenar muscles to the ulna. Genetic Factors the incidence of clubfoot increases with the number of affected relatives, suggesting that the etiology is at least partly influenced by genetic factors. Simple thrombectomy has a higher chance of intervention; hence a formal procedure including a vascular bypass should be done when indicated.

Bengerd, 36 years: There is no involvement of the neural elements and thus there is usually no associated bowel, bladder or lower extremity paralysis. Hardinge believed that whatever method is used, failure is very likely in children below 3 years of age. The patients of flail shoulders experience a significant improvement in glenohumeral function after arthrodesis, because they can actively position their extremity.

Jarock, 51 years: Projections of primary and revision hip and knee arthroplasty in the United States from 2005 to 2030. Do not start femoral broaching without clearing trochanteric bone and neocortices. This lowers the relative position of malleoli and causes them to impinge on the upper edge of the heel counter of the shoe, resulting in pain and possibly ulceration.

Kippler, 55 years: As with other internal fixation techniques, no external fixation (casting) is required unless the patient is expected to be noncompliant. Patellar fat pad should be excised as required to give adequate visualization of the lateral tibial plateau. The depth of the medial wall can be assessed by drill followed by depth gauge measurement.

Dudley, 25 years: The trabeculae in the adjoining osteoporotic metaphysis are atrophic containing occasionally large group of cartilage cells. The position of the leg with respect to pelvis and location of impact determine the fracture pattern. To apply true stretch to the triceps surae muscle the subtalar joint must be locked by adduction­ inversion in cases of valgus­abduction feet.

Rasul, 46 years: Uncinate process Transverse process Spinal nerve in sulcus C7 spinal nerve b Vertebral body (C7) Note the course of the vertebral artery through the transverse foram ina and the course of the spinal nerve at the level of the intervertebral foram ina. Accurate 3D orientation of the femoral component is essential for the longevity of the implant. The plastering of the unaffected hand in hemiplegics encourages the use of the affected hand.

Esiel, 44 years: Management the functions in the different muscles must be evaluated in detail and noted individually (not in groups as is often practiced). The frontal sinus, m axillary sinus, and anterior ethm oid cells open into this "funnel. Thereafter, the patients use the pulley to regain elevation and a TheraBand for active external rotation.

Asam, 62 years: The child demonstrates only flexion of the fingers and thumb and intrinsic functions. Hindquarter Amputation Bones are cut anteriorly at pubic symphysis and posteriorly two or three inches lateral to the sacroiliac joint. Aspirations of the hip joint should be performed if septic arthritis is suspected.

Boss, 34 years: A skin biopsy showing characteristic histology with layers of acantholytic detached skin cells ("dilapidated brick wall") readily confirms the diagnosis. Release of the subscapularis tendon (Sever66) is, generally, avoided for fear of weakening the anterior supports excessively (resulting in anterior subluxation). Standard Transhumeral Harness More than two times excursion is needed for transhumeral as compared to transradial (5 cm for transradial) · Dacron straps-figure of 8 · Axilla loop · Anterior support strap-helps to suspend the prosthesis, and prevent rotation of prosthetic socket · Lateral support strap-attached just anterior to the acromion.

Mortis, 60 years: Severe postoperative infections have been found to be significantly more frequent in patients with complicated diabetes. Treatment must involve prolonged immobilization but continuing instability and kyphosis may require posterior spinal fusion, though Ogden states that surgical treatment is rarely necessary in young children with ligamentous instability. This is accomplished by meticulous casting of the affected leg and pelvis while maintaining the proper rotation and hanging angle.

Kulak, 37 years: Therapeutic ambulation in which patient uses ambulation for exercise only, and walks for a short distance. It should be combined with appropriate tendon transfer to provide active extension provided suitable donor is available. The middle concha is a useful landm ark in surgical procedures on the anterior ethm oid bone and the m axillary sinus, the bony ostium of which is located lateral to the m iddle concha, and opens into the m iddle m eatus.

Tyler, 31 years: Occasionally, the dura may be torn, and rarely, the vertebral fractures or dislocations may be observed. In the absence of functioning cuff muscles, active arm elevation is severely compromised. Primary syphilis is the first disease stage and is marked by the development of a mucosal or skin lesion called a chancre.

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