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The snare catheter can then be exchanged gastritis ulcer disease discount allopurinol line, over a wire, for the device delivery cath eter. The sheath tip is positioned well down the descending aorta and carefully flushed to remove any air. In many cases, there may be substantial residual shunt for the first few minutes after initial implantation. Technique of Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure: Amplatzer Duct Occluder An aortic angiogram is performed with the holes of the pig tail just distal to the takeoff of the left subclavian artery. The Amplatzer Duct Occluder is selected based on these measurements, with the pulmonary end of the device selected to be approximately 2 mm larger than the minimum angiographic dimension. Successful device implantation occurred in 229 out of 23 1 = patients, with complete angiographic closure at the end of the procedure of 88%, and 1 00% of patients at 6-month follow up. If a defect is large enough or if there are multiple defects present (most often in hereditary hem orrhagic telangiectasia or Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome), patients may be quite cyanotic. This differential will result in rerouting of blood flow away from the lungs to return via the lower-resistance pathway back to the atrium. In the patient dependent on venous flow to the lungs, these venous connections result in diminished pulmonary flow and cyanosis. The vein provides a lower-resistance runoff for the blood in the involved arte rial branch. Unlike other left-to-right shunt lesions, systemic arteriovenous fistulas create a volume load for both ventricles. These fistulas may be congenital, but may be acquired through trauma or complications from surgery or catheterization. Techniques of Device Embolization Coronary Fistulas Coronary fistulas are hemodynamically similar to other sys temic fistulas. In addition to the usual symptoms of exercise intolerance and shortness of breath secondary to the magnitude of the left-to-right shunt, these patients may present with a coronary steal, in which the low resistance runoff to the fistula will reverse diastolic flow in the normal coronary artery branches. All types of extracardiac vascular anomalies can be treated with catheter-based embolization techniques. These tech niques are largely the same, regardless of the vessel des ignated for closure or the device chosen for the task. Coils are often the simplest and least expensive technique in part because of the variety of delivery catheters that can be used. Special considerations must be taken for large fistulae, which are discussed below. Regional as well as selective inj ection in the vessel is essential, as some defects have multiple feeding sources. We prefer to use a multipurpose catheter with distal side holes for the selective inj ections. Once the vessel has been acceptably imaged, a site for placement of the embolic device should be selected.

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In other patients gastritis vs gerd symptoms order 300 mg allopurinol with mastercard, indefinite-duration anticoagulation should be strongly considered. The inten sity of long-term anticoagulation is controversial but will depend on the risk of both recurrent thromboembolic and bleeding events. An intravenous bolus of unfractionated hepa rin (80 U/kg) followed by 18 U/kg per hour is the standard approach to initiate anticoagulation. Overall,72 there is a trend toward reduction of mortality in favor of thrombolysis (relative risk 0. However, thrombolysis was associated with a twofold increase in the hazard of maj or hemorrhage (relative risk 1. Absolute and relative contraindications to thromb olysis are included in Tables 4 2. Catheter intervention is a promising alternative to throm bolysis or surgical embolectomy. The operation involves a median sternotomy, car diopulmonary bypass, and deep hypothermia with circulatory arrest periods. Mortality in patients with cardiogenic shock who undergo emergency surgical embolectomy approximates 30%. In the United States, a survey of 1 83 institutions found a high rate (24%) of vena caval filter insertion in patients with newly diagnosed acute deep vein thrombosis n Unfortunately, patients with filters are more than twice as likely as non-filter patients to require rehos pitalization for deep vein thrombosis owing to formation of thrombus proximal to or on the proximal tip of the filter. Occasionally, the inferior vena cava may be completely obstructed by filter thrombosis. Fracture of the filter struts with distal emboliza tion of fragments has also been reported. Temporary filters have been used in patients deemed to be at high risk for either thrombotic or bleeding events. Whenever possible, anticoagulation should be administered to prevent filter thrombosis. Jii A 20-year-old woman experienced a synco pal episode while exerting herself at work, and was trans ported to her local emergency department. At that time, she described an 1 8-month history of progressive lower extrem ity edema and dyspnea on exertion, which began shortly fol lowing surgery for repair of an ankle fracture, after which she was relatively immobile for 3 months. Initially, she ascribed the dyspnea to a combination of deconditioning and tobacco use. Twelve months later she experienced a syncopal episode while exerting herself at work, but did not seek medical at tention until 2 weeks later when she felt lightheaded and severely tachypneic. Given her severe symptoms and persistent thrombo emboli in surgically accessible locations, the patient was referred for thromboendarterectomy. Following cardiopul monary bypass and cardioplegic arrest, intimal dissection planes were created first in the right middle and lower lobe branches and multiple chronic thrombi were removed.


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Using a technique of underdilation of self-expanding stents gastritis diet íîâàÿ purchase allopurinol australia, a target lesion revas cularization rate of < 5% can be expected. Hypotension and bradycardia with predilation of the carotid stenosis is a marker for hemodynamic instability with stent placement owing to stimulation of the carotid body Hypotension occurring hours following carotid stenting may signify access site bleeding. This generally responds to vol ume expansion, although atropine and alpha agonists such as neosynephrine and midodrine are employed when volume expansion alone is not sufficient. Verte bral Artery Intervention Approximately 20% to 25% of ischemic strokes involve the posterior circulation and the vertebrobasilar system n- When assessing a patient with significant stenosis of a vertebral artery, the interventionalist should always determine the patency of the contralateral vertebral artery, the dominance of the diseased vertebral artery, and the amount of blood supplied to the ver tebrobasilar system by the carotid arteries. Depending upon the location of the stenosis, treatment options for vertebral artery stenosis may include balloon angio plasty with or without stent placements3 and surgery involving transplantation of the vertebral arteries onto the carotid artery or bypass grafting from the subclavian to the vertebral artery. Lesions located more distally may be treated with balloon angioplasty with provi sional balloon-expandable or self-expanding stents, depend ing upon the angiographic results and the tortuosity of the vessel. Self-expanding stents with embolic protection devices are preferred for the carotid bifurcation because of the risk of crushing associated with balloon expandable stents. There seems to be no evidence favoring one type of stent over another-closed-cell versus open-cell or stainless steel versus nitinol. The emergence of proximal protection devices has raised the bar for embolic protection. Comparative studies dem onstrate less evidence of cerebral embolism with proximal protection systems as compared to distal filters, but proximal protection systems increase the complexity of the case, while filters are very user friendly 72 symptomatic patients83 (1 1 2 arteries, 7 l % male). Our data demonstrate that vertebral stent place ment in symptomatic patients in experienced hands can be accomplished with a very high success rate (1 00%), with few periprocedural complications, and is associated with durable symptom resolution. We concluded that stenting of atheroscle rotic vertebral artery disease is a safe and effective treatment and should be considered first-line therapy for this disease. He was referred for aortic arch and four-vessel selective cerebral angiography, and possible intervention. He was discharged on aspirin (8 1 mglday) and clopidogrel (75 mgl day for 30 days). His history was remarkable for hyperlipidemia, systemic atherosclerosis, prior myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery, carotid stenting, and lower extremity percutaneous intervention. His physical examination revealed a right carotid bruit and a right supraclavicular bruit. Selective injection of contrast into the right vertebral artery through a 6 F guiding catheter dem onstrating ostial stenosis. Poststenting, there is excellent filling of the vertebral artery and no residual ostial stenosis. Illustrative Points the vertebral arteries arise from the right and left subclavian arter ies very near to the internal mammary arteries. They converge to form the basilar artery, which supplies the brainstem (pons, medulla, and midbrain), cerebellum, and posterior cerebral arter ies (supplying the visual cortex). The posterior communicating arteries may also supply collaterals to the middle and anterior cerebral arteries in patients with critical carotid artery stenosis.

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Although some have advocated the introduction of a "naked" balloon through the groin gastritis symptoms lower abdominal pain cheap allopurinol 300 mg line, we prefer the use of a short venous sheath large enough to accommodate the appropriately sized balloon. Once the balloon catheter is centered on the pulmonary valve, the position can be adjusted quickly using a series of very low-pressure partial inflations to look for the valve "waist. The pop of the valve corresponds to the tearing of the stenotic valve commissures. We like to record the fluoroscopic images of this inflation, so that the result can be immediately reviewed, especially if there is any question of the effectiveness of the dilation. In patients with dysplastic or thickened pulmonary valves, there will be no pop as the balloon is inflated to full pressure, but only a gradual resolution of the waist with increasing balloon pressure and a return of the waist as balloon pressures fall. If a suboptimal result is obtained, repositioning and immediate reinflation may help. A monorail-type angio graphic catheter can be advanced over the wire to assess the residual gradient, without removing the guidewire. In this way, residual pressure gradients can be measured and accurately localized to either the valvar or infundibular level (see Section " Complications "). Results have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness13-16 of this technique and have established it as the treatment of choice for children and adults with isolated pulmonary valve stenosis. It defines both the degree of obstruction as well as the valve morphology, allows extremely accurate measurement of the pulmonary valve annulus, and can rule out any associated defects. Balloon dilation catheters are now available on catheter shafts as small as 3F, allowing pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty even in premature infants under 2 kg. After administration of appropriate anesthesia, femoral venous access is obtained and a balloon-tipped angiography or end-hole catheter is used to perform the right heart catheteriza tion. In most cases, femoral arterial access is not required, as compli cations from arterial access probably far outweigh the compli cations of the valvuloplasty especially in small children under 5 kg. In larger patients, with an annulus size > 20 mm, modifications in technique are required (see Section "Adult Patients"). This route is readily accessible and avoids injury/ obstruction of the femoral vein. In older patients, internal jug ular and subclavian approaches are also acceptable for the pro cedure. Once the valve is crossed, Chaj)ter 35 Intervention for Pediatric and Adult Cong enital Heart Disease the catheter is removed quickly, leaving only the guidewire (to minimize obstruction to flow). In these babies, patency of the ductus arteriosus is required to provide pulmonary blood flow. In these patients, several tech niques have been used to perforate the atretic valve, including stiff guidewires, transseptal needles, or radiofrequency abla tion-the most common choice today. At that point, the bal loon is softened by retraction of the metal support rod, and the distal portion of the balloon is inflated slightly to help float the catheter through the valve.

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It can achieve high-resolution imaging down to a similar scale as light microscopy and provide information on the bony micro-architecture (when used without contrast) and excellent soft tissue differentiation (when used with contrast) gastritis symptoms at night allopurinol 300 mg with mastercard. Limitations include limited availability and the ability to image whole fetuses conforming below a certain size (because of the image detector dimensions). Question 3 Describe the role of placental examination in the investigation of an intrauterine fetal death. Organ weights and ratios for postmortem identification of fetal growth restriction: utility and confounding factors. Stillbirth and intrauterine fetal death: role of routine histopathological placental findings to determine cause of death. Answer 3 After an intrauterine death or a complicated delivery, the placenta should always be sent for histopathological examination. Features identified within the placenta (either at gross examination or at microscopic examination of placental samples taken by the pathologist) may help to explain the cause of a baby born in unexpectedly poor condition and may be medicolegally relevant to the defense of medical care provided to the mother during the peripartum period. One recent large study of 1064 intrauterine fetal deaths found that around one third of cases in which the placenta was submitted for examination had the cause of death assigned to abnormalities of the placenta, cord or membranes. The significance of placental lesions is still the subject of much debate, and when the cause of death is unknown, placental lesions of unknown significance may be present. Placental pathologies therefore represent the single largest cause of intrauterine fetal death, and placental histologic examination provides the highest yield of all aspects of investigations after death, including the physical autopsy and histopathology of the body viscera. Answer 1 Randomisation is the process by which consenting participants in a trial are randomly allocated into either the treatment (drug) or placebo arm of a two arm trial to assess the treatment efficacy. A well-implemented randomisation ensures that the participants in the two groups are well balanced (at baseline) as regards their characteristics, the study will be least biased, and when done well, will produce the highest level of causal evidence of treatment efficacy. Question 4 If fetal neurocognitive treatment for Down syndrome can be shown to lead to a marked improvement in cognitive functioning for people with that condition, there may still be a concern that this would not really benefit them. Answer 4 It is possible that a partial improvement in cognitive functioning will make persons with Down syndrome only more aware of not being able to fully participate in society or to realise the professional and reproductive options open to others. Answer 3 Meta-analysis is a statistical methodology to combine results (or data) from several seemingly similar (or homogenous) studies to derive a single measure of association. An implicit goal, one that often gets overlooked in a meta-analysis, is its ability to uncover interstudy heterogeneity. This measure of heterogeneity will be helpful to design other future studies by avoiding the potential sources of heterogeneity that gets uncovered in a meta-analysis. Chapter 16 Question 1 What are the basic statistical parameters used to evaluate a screening test Answer 1 the basic statistical parameters are sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. Chapter 15 Question 1 From what point in gestation does the future child have interests that should be taken into account in decision making about fetal treatment Answer 2 An effective screening test must have excellent specificity and sensitivity, must be acceptable to the population, must screen for a prevalent and clinically important disease, must offer potential for diagnostic testing and intervention in the natural course of the disease and must be cost effective. Question 1 Does the administration of pain relief during fetal surgery only serve the interests of the fetus as fetus or also those of the future child


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There are two general types of the indicator dilution method: the continuous-infusion method and the single inj ection method gastritis of the antrum allopurinol 300 mg purchase with mastercard. The single-inj ection method is the most widely used and is discussed here in detail. The fundamental requirements for this method include the following: A bolus of nontoxic indicator substance is inj ected; the substance mixes completely with blood, and its concen tration can be measured accurately. The indicator substance is neither added to nor sub tracted from blood during its passage between the inj ec tion and the sampling site. Most of the indicator substance must pass the site of sampling before recirculation begins. The indicator substance must go through a portion of the central circulation where all the blood of the body becomes mixed. The theoretical considerations for the single-inj ection method may be summarized as follows: An inj ection of a specified amount of an indicator, I, into a proximal ves sel or chamber. Because all of the inj ected indicator, I, must pass the downstream measurement site, clinical situation until the works of Branthwaite and Brad ley21 and Ganz et al. The cardiac output calculated by the thermodilution equation is multiplied by an empirical correction factor (0. These investi gators used a specialized dual-thermistor right heart catheter, constructed with a second thermistor positioned to measure temperature at the point where the inj ectate exits the catheter in the right atrium. This takes into account any warming of the inj ectate that may take place as it travels from the inj ectate syringe to the point of exit from the catheter in the right atrium. This technique provided substantially less measurement vari ability, and the result was in better agreement with simulta neously measured Fick cardiac output (the latter determined using a 5-minute Douglas bag collection of expired air and paired blood samples from pulmonary and femoral arteries). The thermodilution method for measuring cardiac out put has several advantages over the indocyanine green dye method, including the following: where is the volume flow (in milliliters per minute) between the site of inj ection and the site of measurement. Thus (which is the cardiac output in the methods to be described) may be calculated as Q I = Q j000 C(t)dt (1 1. Accordingly, it will not be discussed here and the interested reader is referred to previous editions of this textbook. We will only discuss ther modilution (in which " cold" is the indicator), which is now the dominant technique. There is virtually no recirculation, making computer analysis of the primary curve simple.

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In severe gastritis pediatric symptoms cheap allopurinol 300 mg amex, acute mitral regurgitation, a v wave may actually be seen as a second or late systolic hump in the pulmonary artery pressure waveform. This measures the fraction of blood going out by way of the aorta to the body and by itself yields no information about regurgitant flow. However, the response of forward cardiac output to dynamic exercise may provide useful information, because patients with severe mitral regurgita tion are generally incapable of increasing forward output commensurate with the needs of the body, as estimated by the increased oxygen consumption (see Chapter 20). Left ventriculography is the definitive method for evalu ating mitral regurgitation. By this procedure, it is pos sible to measure left ventricular volumes and regurgitant fraction, as discussed previously. Coronary angiography usually is carried out as well, to assess the need for revas cularization at the time of valve repair/replacement sur gery, should that prove necessary. She was healthy and active until 6 months before admission, when she noticed both dyspnea and lower chest discomfort on mild exertion but no other symptoms of heart failure. The jugular veins were not distended; the carotid pulsations were normal; and the lungs were clear. Coro nary angiography revealed normal epicardial vasculature, no irregularities or narrowings, and normal runoff. Although the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and volume were above normal, the left ventricle contracted uniformly and vig orously, as jud g ed by cineangiography. The slight elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance was mainly related to the low pulmonary blood flow (forward cardiac output) of 3. Systemic v1scular resistance was substantially increased, perhaps representing excessive vasoconstriction in response to the decreased forward cardiac output. An echocardiogram demonstrated left ventricular sys tolic function at the lower limits of normal with an estimated ej ection fractiof of 50%. There was mild concentric left ventricu I lar hypertrophy the left atrium was moderately enlarged. Doppler examihation across the mitral valve showed later ally and posteriorly directed mitral regurgitant j ets reaching I all the way to he posterior left atrial wall. At the time of presenta tion, she could not walk half a block without stopping sev eral times to cach her breath and was incapable of ascending stairs. Coronary arteriography showed no significant coronary disease in the left main, right coronary, or circumflex arteries. A 60% stenosis proximal to the first diagonal was noted in the left anterior descending, and 50% to 60% stenosis was noted in the left anterior descending distal to the first diagonal.

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After the hemodynamic assessment has been completed gastritis diet ùä÷ trusted 300 mg allopurinol, angiography should be performed to define the coronary anatomy. Clini cal criteria such as the presence or absence of angina are poor predictors of the presence or absence of clinically rele vant coronary artery disease. Noninvasive assessment of ischemic heart disease is advocated by some but can be misleading with both false positives and false negatives. The noninvasive clinical assessment may suggest a specific diagnosis such as sarcoidosis or Chagas disease, but in most instances the cause will remain undefined. Most cases of idiopathic cardiomyopathy likely represent the sequelae of prior myocarditis4 or genetic mutations. In addition to coronary angiography and biopsy, ventriculogra phy allows assessment of mitral regurgitation and dyskinesis, both of which can be targeted surgically. U However, defining the hemo dynamic profile in an individual patient can be used to opti mally titrate vasodilators and diuretics. However, the routine use of an invasive hemodynamic approach for decompensated heart failure does not appear to decrease mortality or rehospitalizationY Responses to exercise, vasodilators, and inotropes are also optimally assessed with invasive hemodynamic measure ments, although it should be noted that hemodynamics may improve significantly in the absence of drug therapy over time presumably owing to favorable changes in neurohormonal tone. In 2l patients who had their hemodynamics serially assessed over a 24-hour period, the cardiac index (Cl) rose by an average of 0. Postprandial improve ments were also seen, confirming the importance of studying patients in the fasting state. Evaluation at that time had revealed com pensated hemodynamics, normal coronary angiography, and an ej ection fraction of 1 0% with an end-diastolic dimension of 7. An endomyocardial biopsy had demonstrated myocyte hypertro phy and interstitial fibrosis. One year before the current presentation, repeat right heart catheterization dem onstrated compensated hemodynamics at baseline but sig nificant increases in wedge and pulmonary pressures with exercise. Biventricular pacing with an implantable cardiac de fibrillator improved his symptoms and increased his oxygen consumption to 19 mUkg per minute. Over the few weeks prior to the current presentation, however, he developed increasing dyspnea and orthopnea despite an augmented diuretic regimen. Repeat cardiopulmo nary exercise testing demonstrated a fall in his oxygen con sumption to 15 mUkg per minute, and he was readmitted for transplant evaluation. Repeat right heart catheterization demonstrated borderline systemic arterial hypotension, pul monary hypertension, and elevated biventricular filling pres sures, which were responsive to acute vasodilator therapy M,illll with nitroprusside but were reproduced with oral vasodila tors and diuretics (see Table 43. In advanced heart failure, the systemic vascular resistance rises significantly in response to the reduced cardiac output and neurohormonal response, and may be quite elevated despite a reduced systolic blood pressure of 80 to 100 mmHg. In patients with dilated cardio myopathy and myocarditis, every 5-mmHg rise in the mean pulmonary artery pressure increased mortality, with a relative hazard ratio of 1. Lack of the normal inspiratory fall (or an actual increase) in the right atrial pressure.

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Other complications include distal embolization sample gastritis diet cheap allopurinol 300 mg buy online, which was encountered in alarming frequency in early studies of recan alized total iliac occlusion. Complications requir ing surgical repair are also relatively infrequent, in the range of 2%. Balloon angioplasty has been reserved for situations in which severe ischemia is pres ent (Rutherford category 4, 5, or 6) and surgery is absolutely contraindicated, or when critical lesions involve the mid or distal portions of the descending branch of the profunda that are less accessible to the surgeon. Due to concerns regard ing stent fracture and compression, elastic recoil, or compro mise of the profunda femoral artery, most experts continue to avoid endovascular therapy for this artery. However, recent series from Europe and other centers have shown good results in highly selected patients. In general, younger patients and those with heavy calcification should be considered for surgery. Furthermore, due to the presence of significant col laterals from profunda femoris to the popliteal and lower leg, most patients do not become symptomatic until the artery has totally occluded. Unfortunately, once the occlusion occurs, it is typically long and over 20 em making endovas cular intervention more challenging. Occasionally patients modify their activity level to prevent claudication; therefore, they frequently present with critical limb or rarely acute limb ischemia. These include lesion length, presence of stenosis versus occlusion, landing zones, distal runoff, patient compliance and comor bidities. Less than one-fourth of these patients will progress to the point of developing more disabling symptoms or a threatened limb, which mandate therapy. Considerable controversy remains as to the relative role of percutaneous therapy versus surgery. Patients with intermittent claudica tion (versus tissue loss), a more severe lesion at baseline, and lower posttreatment residual stenosis tend to have a better outcome at 1 year, whereas those with diabetes, threatened limb loss, or diffuse atherosclerotic vascular disease with zero to one vessel runoff have a worse outcome. The excellent acute results that can be obtained from percutaneous techniques in the current era, and the fact that subsequent surgical bypass is still possible if needed, has led some to support a strategy of initial endovascular therapy, including for the treatment of critical limb ischemia. N onetheless, no study thus far has demonstrated definitive benefit of this device. Lytic therapy can be successful in some patients with chronic total occlusion, because the occlusion in lower extremity arteries is often characterized by a lengthy, gelatin like thrombus superimposed on a high-grade atherosclerotic lesion. I termed therapeutic angiogenesis, are being tested and prelimi nary results have been encouraging. In general, all stenoses are crossed through the lumen; however, to tal occlusions typically require a subintimal pass.

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Role of variability in microvascular resistance on fractional flow reserve and coro nary blood flow velocity reserve in intermediate coronary lesions gastritis with hemorrhage symptoms proven allopurinol 300 mg. Clinical management of patients with coronary syndromes and negative fractional flow reserve findings. Evidence of a dominant backward-propagating "suction" wave responsible for diastolic cor onary filling in humans, attenuated in left ventricular hypertrophy. Usefulness of fractional flow reserve to predict clinical outcome after balloon angioplasty. Long-term safety of ther apy stratification in patients with intermediate coronary lesions based on intracoronary pressure measurements. Usefulness of frac tional flow reserve for risk stratification of patients with multivessel coronary artery disease and an intermediate stenosis. Meta-analysis of frac tional flow reserve versus quantitative coronary angiography and noninvasive imaging for evaluation of myocardial ischemia. Physiological assessment of coronary artery disease in the cardiac catheterization laboratory: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Com mittee on Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiac Catheterization. The prognostic value of combined intracoronary pressure and blood flow velocity measurements after deferral of percutaneous coronary intervention. Fractional flow reserve versus angiography for guiding percutaneous coronary intervention. Single-wire pressure and flow velocity measurement to quantify coronary stenosis hemo dynamics and effects of percutaneous interventions. Value of fractional flow reserve in making decisions about bypass surgery for equivocal left main coronary artery disease. Usefulness of coronary fractional flow reserve measurements in guiding clinical decisions in intermediate or equivocal left main coronary stenoses. Long-term clinical out come after fractional flow reserve-guided treatment in patients with angiographically equivocal left main coronary artery stenosis. Reduction in myocardial perfusion territory and its effect on the physiological severity of a coronary stenosis. Physiological evaluation of the provisional side-branch intervention strategy for bifurcation lesions using fractional flow reserve. Lack of relation between imaging and physiology in ostial coronary artery narrowings. Clinical outcome of defer ring angioplasty in patients with normal translesional pressure-flow velocity measurements. Safety of deferring angioplasty in patients with normal coronary flow velocity reserve. Occlusion of internal mammary grafts: a review of the potential causative factors. Abnormal epicardial coro nary resistance in patients with diffuse atherosclerosis but "normal" coronary angiography.

Urkrass, 27 years: Cerclage for cervical shortening at fetoscopic laser photocoagulation in twin-twin transfusion syndrome.

Hamid, 35 years: The increased outflow of potassium ions carries tremendous numbers of positive charges to the outside of the membrane, leaving considerably more negativity inside the fiber than would otherwise occur.

Vigo, 62 years: Treponemes are small gram-negative bacteria that can only be visualisable by darkfield or phase-contrast microscopy.

Fabio, 47 years: Multipotent stem cells have the ability to develop into more than one cell type of the body.

Jerek, 56 years: Some operators try not to use contrast since if no contrast is used the views are preserved.

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Amul, 59 years: Big endothelin- 1 and endo thelin- 1 plasma levels are correlated with the severity of primary pulmonary hypertension.

Lars, 43 years: After mechanical thrombectomy, multiple high-grade stenoses remain in the graft and native vessel (arrows).

Kippler, 29 years: The patient was referred for evalua tion for possible re-do aortic valve replacement.

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Avogadro, 63 years: In this case, the conventional 100 em guide catheter and 1 3 S em length balloon and stent catheters were long enough to reach her renal artery.

Kirk, 48 years: Recently, how ever, great progress has been made in adapting these surgical approaches to the percutaneous arena,84-87 and percutaneous Valve Construction the Edwards Sapien valve is made with bovine pericardia!

Abbas, 37 years: As a result of direct pumping of blood from the left ventricle, there is a significant decrease in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and volume; the ventricle is unloaded.

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